Computer Science Advising


  1. Where can I find the General Education requirements?
  2. Where do I find course descriptions and/or prerequisites?
  3. What semesters are CS courses offered?
    Most required courses are offered every semester. Check previous semesters in an ECampus course search to find out when CSC elective courses are offered. CSC elective courses are usually offered the same semester each year.
  4. How do I find a CSC 477 or CSC 499 internship?
    Your Advisor does not handle internships. See:
  5. What Advisor do I see if I want to double major?
    See your CS Advisor and the Advisor from your other major.
  6. Is it possible to substitute courses in a CS major?
    Yes it is possible, but not guaranteed. You must first talk with your Advisor and then get signed permission from the CS Department Chair or Undergraduate Chair using this form:
  7. What is a Catalog Year, and can I change it?
    The Catalog Year is important – it determines your exact requirements for graduation. By default URI will list your Catalog Year as the year you first attended URI and hold you to those requirements for graduation. Your Catalog Year is listed on eCampus as your Requirement Term. You can change your Catalog Year to any year that you are enrolled at URI. See this page to change your Catalog Year:
  8. How do I declare a minor?
    Minors are described here: You declare a minor in the home College in which the Minor is offered. You must fill out the minor form for that College and submit it to the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office prior to submitting your Intent To Graduate Form. You can find the Declare a Minor form on the College of Arts and Sciences Forms page:
  9. What is the difference between the Computer Science BA and the BS?
    • BS has more math and science requirements
    • BS has more CS major requirements
    • BS has more CS theory and math-based courses
    • BA has more room to explore other disciplines for a minor or double-major
    • Most employers will accept both BA or BS. Some specialized companies and positions prefer BS for mathematical and technical background.
    • BS prepares students better for graduate school in CS. However, a student with a BA can go to grad school, but may have some deficiencies to make up.
  10. How do I change from/to a BA in CS to/from BS in CS?Submit a College of Arts and Science Change of Major Form found on the College of Arts and Sciences Forms page:
    If the student is still in UCAS, then they have to complete the UCAS Change of Major form and have their UCAS CS advisor submit it for them:
  11. What do I do if a CSC, DSP, or CSF class that I need is full?
    First, contact the course instructor requesting a permission number to add the course. If that is not successful, contact the CS Department by emailing Melissa at to ask to add yourself to a waiting list.
  12. What should I do if I need to add/drop a class after the open add/drop period?
    This requires instructor permission and their signature on the late add/drop form found here:
    Students who are already enrolled in other courses may add a class up until the last day of classes using a late Add form provided that they have permission of both the instructor and the dean. Courses dropped after the deadline will appears a “W” for “withdrawn” on your transcript. This does not affect your GPA.
  13. What is the policy for repeating a course in which I did poorly?
    Unless the course description specifically states that students may retake a course, students may only repeat courses in which they received a C- or lower. In this case, each course grade will appear on your transcript. For students within their first 30 attempted credits (or first semester for transfer students), a Second Grade Option is possible. This allows the new grade to replace the student’s original grade in their GPA.
  14. How do I take a course at another institution and transfer it to URI?
    Transfer credit is handled by the College of Arts and Sciences. See: The College of A&S may send you to the URI Department in which the transfer course resides, but start with the College of A&S transfer process. Transferring course credit is not guaranteed. You should get prior approval before taking the course you hope to transfer using the form on the above link. Finding the course you want to take at another institution and its equivalent at URI in the Transfer Equivalent System almost always indicates that the course will transfer.
  15. How can I check my readiness for CSC 212?
    If you are transferring in with CSC 211 or other prerequisites from another intuition and would like to check your preparedness for CSC 212 at URI, you can take the CSC 212 self-assessment.