- University Affiliate
- Physical Oceanography
- Phone: 617.820.2446
- Email: dcodiga@uri.edu
- Website
Physical Oceanography
- Physical oceanography
- Estuarine and coastal systems
- Tidal analysis
- Hypoxia
- Marine Autonomous Surface Craft
- Ferry-based sampling
Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Using the “UTide” Matlab Functions: http://www.po.gso.uri.edu/~codiga/utide/utide.htm
Surveying Coastal Ocean Autonomous Profiler: http://www.po.gso.uri.edu/~codiga/scoap/SCOAP.htm
Ferry-based Observing System Targeting Estuarine Research: http://www.po.gso.uri.edu/~codiga/foster/main.htm
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HF0XxBsAAAAJ
- Ph.D. Oceanography, 1996: University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- M.S. Oceanography, 1991: University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- B.S. Applied Physics, Highest Honors, 1987: University of California, Davis.