The first week and a half of the SURFO program involves acclimating the participants to the research environment at the Graduate School of Oceanography. This involves a series of social events, background lectures, and introductory sessions with selected research advisors. The range of activities include:
- A welcoming breakfast and tour to introduce the students to the Narragansett Bay Campus.
- A series of interactive Oceanography lectures by graduate students to provide an overview of the field.
- Meetings with research advisors to discuss background, expectations, and goals of research projects.
Research Projects
Each year, the list of potential research projects is posted in January and is updated weekly until the application deadline. Until posted, prospective students can get a flavor of the research performed at GSO by exploring the “people” and “research” listed on the Graduate School of Oceanography web site (https://web.uri.edu/gso/) or past SURFO projects (Summary of Projects 2020).
For 2024 projects include (check back for updates): (2024 project descriptions)
- Impacts of water quality and alternative surface gear on oyster production in Rhode Island (contact Prof. Hongjie Wang)
- How has climate change altered Agulhas Leakage pathways in the Cape Basin? (contact Prof. Kathy Donohue)
- Enabling multi-modal seabed mapping and sensor fusion on AUVs (contact Prof. Mingxi Zhou)
- Volcanic processes at volatile-rich oceanic seamounts (contact Prof. Katie Kelley)
- Environmental determinants of the distribution of deep-sea coral species (contact Prof. Andy Davies)
- Nitrogen fixation in the Mozambique Channel during a past warm period (contact Prof. Becky Robinson)
- Exploration of metabolite extraction from RI coral colonies for GC-MS analysis (contact Prof. Kelton McMahon
- Do PFAS compounds become trapped in sea ice? (contact Profs. Brice Loose & Rainer Lohmann)
- PFAS analysis in lower trophic levels of marine food webs (contact Prof. Rainer Lohmann)
- Environmental monitoring with an autonomous surface vessel (ASV) (contact Prof. Chris Roman)
- Unlocking the mysteries of plankton: DNA fingerprinting of zooplankton to illuminate marine food webs (contact Prof. Tatiana Rynearson)
- Plankton community dynamics (contact Prof. Susanne Menden-Deuer)
- Changes in aerial salt marsh extent in Rhode Island after a major storm events (contact Prof. Kristy Lewis)
- Genetic analysis of Pompeii worms from deep-sea hydrothermal vents (contact Prof. Roxanne Beinart)
- Evaluating coastal liming for carbon dioxide removal efficiency (contact Prof. Hongie Wang)
- Cell-flux model of phytoplankton and nutrients in upwelling zones (contact Prof. Keisuke Inomura)
At the heart of the SURFO program is the research project. Once students demonstrate they understand the scope and goals of their project, they proceed with their research. Frequent meetings with their research advisor and mentor help guide the SURFO student through the phases of the project.
The final products of the research are:
- a 15-minute professional oral presentation of results (titles of 2022 presentations)
- a report summarizing their research accomplishments in the form of either a written scientific peer reviewed manuscript or a draft proposal to the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Seminar Series
A series of weekly “Hot-Topic” lectures/seminars specifically designed for the SURFO participants is provided by various GSO researchers. One lecture from each of the main sub-disciplines of Oceanography (Biological, Chemical, Geological and Physical) is presented and which highlight the interdisciplinary nature of Oceanography. Here are some examples of past presentations:
- Role of DNA-fingerprinting in biological oceanography
by Tatiana Rynearson - Global distribution of microbes in the deep biosphere
by Steve D’Hondt - The global fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
by Rainer Lohmann - Advancements in hurricane forecasting
by Isaac Ginis - Heavy metals ROCK
by Veronique Oldham - Global climate impacts of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
by Jaime Palter - Dazzling plankton diversity
by Jan Rines - Modeling water circulation in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound
by David Ullman
In addition, seminars covering various topics by guest speakers or visiting scientists are available throughout the summer.

Instructional Workshops
Bi-weekly instructional workshops designed for the SURFO program are provided to supplement the research experience of the students. Subjects covered may include:
- Meet a successful GSO graduate in a field outside of academia.
- Ethical conduct of research.
- Visualizing data.
- How to give a professional presentation.
- How to write a scientific paper.
- Roundtable discussion about graduate school and science careers.
- Communicating science to the public.
- Justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Social/Recreational Events
Numerous planned and spontaneous social and recreational events help SURFOs to integrate within the GSO community. Examples include:
- Lunchtime BBQs.
- A kayak trip in a local salt pond.
- Ultimate frisbee, softball, soccer, beach volleyball etc.