Mark Wimbush

  • Emeritus Professor of Oceanography
  • Physical Oceanography
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Physical Oceanography 

Western boundary currents, tides, waves and turbulence. 

Mark Wimbush studies ocean variability on scales from seconds to years. Current research is on the Kuroshio in the East China Sea. 


Ph.D., Physical Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD 1969

M.A., Physics, Oxford University (U.K.), 1964

M.A., Mathematics, University of Hawaii, 1963

B.A., Physics, Oxford University (U.K.), 1957

Selected Publications

Lee, H.J., J-H. Park, M. Wimbush, K.T. Jung, C.J. Jang, Y-K. Cho, Y-K. Seo and J.H. Nam, 2011. “Tidal effects on intermediate waters: a case study in the East/Japan Sea.” J. Phys. Oceanogr., 41, 234-240.

Rodrigues, R.R., M. Wimbush, D.R. Watts, L.M. Rothstein, M. Ollitrault, 2010. “South Atlantic mass transports obtained from subsurface float and satellite data.” J. Mar. Res., 68, 819-850.

Book, J.W., H. Perkins and M. Wimbush, 2009. “North Adriatic tides: observations, variational data assimilation modeling, and linear tide dynamics.” Geofizika, 26, 113-141.

Andres, M., J.-H. Park, M.Wimbush, X-H. Zhu, H. Nakamura, K.Kim and, K-I. Chang, 2009. “Manifestation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the Kuroshio.” Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2009GL039216.

Book, J. W., P. J. Martin, I. Janeković, M. Kuzmić and M. Wimbush, 2009. “Vertical structure of bottom Ekman tidal flows: Observations, theory, and modeling from the northern Adriatic.” J. Geophys. Res., 114, C01S06, doi:10.1029/2008JC004736.

Xu, Y., D.R. Watts and M. Wimbush, 2009. “Coupled patterns between fields of dynamic height and bottom pressure in the Japan/East Sea.” Ocean Science J., 44, 35-42.

Andres, M., J-H. Park, M. Wimbush, X-H. Zhu, K-I. Chang and H. Ichikawa, 2008. “A study of the Ryukyu Current – Kuroshio system based on the integrated use of satellite altimetry and in situ data.” J. Oceanogr., 64, 937-950.

Andres, M., M. Wimbush, J-H. Park, K-I. Chang, B-H. Lim, D.R. Watts, H. Ichikawa and W. J. Teague, 2008. “Observations of Kuroshio flow variations in the East China Sea. ” J. Geophys. Res., 113, C05013, doi:10.1029/2007JC004200.