
Stay connected to GSO

As an alum, you will find that your connection to GSO continues well beyond graduation. Here, you’ll find your window into GSO—stay engaged with the latest news and events on the Bay Campus, connect with Alumni Relations and see what’s happening with fellow alums around the world.

Alum Spotlight

Alum Resources

Connect with GSO on Linkedin

GSO Alumni Association Contact Information

GSO Alumni Association
c/o Veronica Berounsky
URI Graduate School of Oceanography
South Ferry Road
Narragansett, RI 02882-1197

GSO Alum Funds

GSO Alum Fund Student Awards are given out twice a year to GSO students for research supplies, educational experiences, and conference travel. Funds are available through the generosity of GSO alums and others who contribute to the RhodyNow fund for GSO.

See the list of recent awardees

Support GSO

Our oceans hold the key to understanding the world‘s most critical problems.

You Can Help