MGSL Sample Request Form

Use this form to request samples from GSO's Marine Geological Samples Lab.

  • For students: The PI is usually your advisor.
  • Full Rock Sample NamePurposeMaterialSample Size (g)Sample DimensionsComments 
    Find samples in the IMGLS database.

    Rock Name: Name of the rock including cruise, dredge or grab number, group number and rock number (if applicable). e.g. "EN113-13D-1"

    Purpose: What you plan to measure on the sample (e.g. major elements, radiogenic isotopes, etc.) - try to be specific. e.g. "Glass major and trace elements"

    Material: What part of the rock you need - e.g., bulk pillow interior, glass, thin section tab with details of the cut needed. e.g. "Glass chips, thin section tab, rock interior"

    Sample Size: Either in grams or dimensions. e.g. "1 gram" or "1-inch x 2-inch x 0.5-inch slab"

    Comments: Include handling instructions, other details on sub-sampling, etc.
  • Full Core Sample NamePurposeMaterialSample TopSample BottomSample SizeComments 
    Find samples in the IMGLS database.

    Core Name: Name of the core including cruise and core name. e.g. "TR163-22"

    Purpose: What you plan to measure on the sample (e.g. 18O isotopes, Mg/Ca) - try and be specific. e.g. "18O, 13C, Mg/Ca, Sed. Grain Size"

    Material: What will you actually use, e.g. whole sample, or seive for a specific fraction (e.g. Planktic forams? Wood? Organics?) Be specific. e.g. "Planktic forams, Bulk Sediment"

    Sample Top - Upper depth of interval sampled, in centimeters (cm). e.g. "49"

    Sample Bottom - Lower depth of interval sampled, in centimeters (cm). e.g. "50"

    Sample Size: In cubic centimeters (cc). e.g. "10"

    Comments: Include handling instructions, whether moving samples up or down is appropriate, etc.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, xls, doc, docx, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 4.