URI Astrobiology Team Publications

Refereed publications

Amend, J. P., and A. Teske, 2005. Expanding frontiers in deep subsurface microbiology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 219, 131-155.

Dhillon, A., M. Lever, K.G. Lloyd, D.B. Albert, M.L. Sogin, and A. Teske. Methanogen Diversity Based on Molecular Characterization of Methyl Coenzyme M reductase A (mcrA) Genes in Hydrothermal Sediments of the Guaymas Basin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, in press.

Lloyd, K.G., V. P. Edgcomb, S.J. Molyneaux , C.O. Wirsen, M. S. Atkins, and A. Teske, 2005. Effect of Dissolved Sulfide, pH, and Temperature on the Growth and Survival of Marine Hyperthermophilic Archaea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, in press.

Teske A., 2005. Microbial communities of deep marine subsurface sediments: Molecular and cultivation surveys. Geomicrobiology Journal, submitted.

Teske, A., 2005. The deep subsurface biosphere is alive and well. Trends in Microbiology, submitted.

Special Publications

Teske, A., 2005. Microbial community composition in deep marine subsurface sediments of ODP Leg 201: Sequencing surveys and cultivations. Leg 201 Scientific Results, submitted.

Non-refereed articles

Teske, A., and K. Edwards, 2005. The Deeps of Time in the Depths of the Ocean. Oceanus. Website:  http://oceanusmag.whoi.edu/v43n2.


Blair, C., S. D’Hondt, and A.J. Spivack, 2005.  Assessment of radiolytic hydrogen as an energy source for life in subseafloor sediments. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 250.

D’Hondt, S., 2005.  How does life interact with its environment? NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 241.

Fredricks, H.F., and K.-U. Hinrichs, 2005.  Probing subsurface life with intact membrane lipids. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 284.

Hinrichs, K.-U., J.M. Hayes, W. Bach, A.J. Spivack, L.R. Hmelo, N.G. Holm, and C.G. Johnson, 2005.  Biological formation of ethane and propane in the deep marine subsurface.  NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 296.

Kallmeyer, J., S. D’Hondt, and A.J. Spivack, 2005.  Separation of prokaryotic cells from deep sediments. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 257.

Lloyd, K.G., L. Lapham, and A. Teske, 2005. An anaerobic methane-oxidizing community dominated by ANME-1 in a non-hydrate-associated Gulf of Mexico sediment. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5, 529.

Lever, M., and A. Teske, 2005. Deep marine subsurface communities of the Peru Trench: sulfate reducers, methanogens, and unknowns. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 259.

Pockalny, R.A., and S. D’Hondt, 2005.  Adaptation of existing NSF-Funded REU Programs to include Astrobiology undergraduate research. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 238.

Riccardi, A., M.A. Arthur, L.R. Kump and S. D’Hondt, 2005.  Perturbations to the chemocline of he ocean during the endo-permian mass extinction.  NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 293.  

Soffientino, B., A.J. Spivack, D.C. Smith, and S.L. D’Hondt, 2005.  Hydrogenase activity as a proxy for hyrdogen metabolism in deeply buried sediments and as a diagnostic test for life. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 295.

Teske, A., A. Lauer, and K. Sørensen, 2005. Phylogenetic profiles of Prokaryotic Communities in Deep Marine Subsurface sediments (ODP Leg 201). ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Teske, A., A. Lauer, and K. Sørensen, 2005. Prokaryotes in Deep Marine Subsurface Sediments: Phylogenetic Diversity of a Global Extreme Habitat.  NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 268.

Twardowski, M.S., C.B. Mouw, J. Dombroski, and D.C. Smith, 2005.  Discriminating organic chemical signatures in interstitial waters of deeply buried sediments using flourescence spectroscopy. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 298.

Waldbauer, J.R., R. Buick, J.M. Hayes, and R.E. Summons, 2005.  Molecular biosignatures from the NAI archean biosphere drilling project. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 277.

Wang, G., A.J. Spivack, and S. D’Hondt, 2005.  Co-occurrence of methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, and iron reduction in deep-sea sediments. NASA Astrobiology Institute Biennial Meeting 2005, Astrobiology, 5 (2), 272.





Refereed Publications


Adams, J.B., M.E. Mann, and S. D’Hondt, 2004.  The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction:  modeling carbon flux and ecological response.  Paleoceanography, 19(PA1002):  10.1029/2002PA000849.


D’Hondt, S, B.B Jørgensen, D.J. Miller, A. Batzke, R. Blake, B.A. Cragg, H. Cypionka, G.R. Dickens, T. Ferdelman, K.-U. Hinrichs, N.G. Holm, R. Mitterer, A. Spivack, G. Wang, B. Bekins, Bert Engelen, K. Ford, G. Gettemy, S.D. Rutherford, Henrik Sass, C.G. Skilbeck, I.W. Aiello, G. Guérin, C. House, F. Inagaki, P. Meister, T. Nähr, S. Niitsuma, R.J. Parkes, A. Schippers, D.C. Smith, A. Teske, J. Wiegel, C. Naranjo Padilla, J.L. Solis Acosta, Distributions of microbial activities in deep subseafloor sediments. Science, 306, 2216-2221.


Edgcomb, V.E., S.J. Molyneaux, M.A. Saito, K.G. Lloyd, S. Böer, C.O. Wirsen, M.S. Atkins, and A. Teske, 2004.  Sulfide ameliorates metal toxicity in deep-sea hydrothermal vent archaea.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, 2551-2555.


Hayes, J.M., 2004.  Isotopic order, biogeochemical processes, and earth history [publication version of Goldschmidt Lecture, 2002].  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 1691-1700.


Orphan, V.J., W.  Ussler, III, T. Nähr, C.H. House, K.-U. Hinrichs, and C.K. Paull,  2004.  Geological, geochemical, and microbiological heterogeneity of the seafloor around methane vents in the Eel River Basin, offshore California.  Chemical Geology, 205, 265-289.


Sessions, A., S. Sylva, R. Summons, and J.M.  Hayes,  2004.  Isotopic exchange of carbon-bound hydrogen over geologic timescales.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 1545-1559.

Sørensen, K.B., A. Lauer, and A. Teske, 2004. Archaeal phylotypes in a metal-rich, low-activity deep subsurface sediment of the Peru Basin, ODP Leg 201, Site 1231. Geobiology, 2,151-161.

Sturt, H.F., R.E. Summons, K.J. Smith, M. Elvert, and K.-U. Hinrichs,  2004.  Intact polar membrane lipids in prokaryotes and sediments deciphered by ESI-HPLC-MSn � new biomarkers for biogeochemistry and microbial ecology.  Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 18, 617-628.



D’Hondt, S., A. Lauer, K. Sørensen, A. Spivack, A. Teske, and G. Wang, 2004.  Drilling for clues to extant life [Abstract].  AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.


Lauer, A. and A. Teske, 2004.  Archaeal diversity in a deep-sea sediment of the equatorial Pacific Ocean based on 16S rDNA analyses [Abstract].  ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii,  Abstract Book, p. 88.


Lauer, A. and A. Teske, 2004.  Uncultured archaea in organic-poor subsurface sediments of the equatorial Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 201, Site 1225) [Abstract].   AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.


Manor, U., S. Rutherford, G. Wang, S. D’Hondt, and A.J.  Spivack, 2004.  An improved numerical model for determining reaction rates in a subsurface biosphere [Abstract].   AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.


Soffientino, B., A.J.  Spivack,  D.C. Smith, and S. D’Hondt, 2004.  A method for estimating low levels of hydrogen metabolosm in deeply buried sediments [Abstract].   AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.


Sørensen, K.B. and A. Teske, 2004.  Archaeal diversity in a metal-rich, low-activity deep subsurface sediment of the Peru Basin (ODP Leg 201, Site 1231) [Abstract].  ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.  Abstract Book, p. 88.


Sørensen, K.B. and A. Teske, 2004.  Archaeal phylotypes in low activity deep subsurface sediments, ODP Leg 201, Site 1231 [Abstract].  AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.


Teske, A. , 2004.  Molecular puzzle:  the deep marine subsurface biosphere. [Invited Talk, 2004].  104th ASM General Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Wang, G., A.J. Spivack,  S. D’Hondt,  S. Rutherford, and U. Manor,  2004.  Metabolic activity in deep-sea sediment columns [Abstract].   AbSciCon 2004, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.  International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 1, 73.




Refereed Publications


Kormas, K.A., D.C. Smith, V.E. Edgcomb, and A. Teske, 2003.  Molecular analysis of deep subsurface microbial communities in Nankai Trough sediments (ODP Leg 190, Site 1176A).  FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 45, 115-125.

Rothman, D.H., J.M. Hayes, and R.E. Summons, R.E.,  2003.  Dynamics of the Neoproterozoic carbon cycle.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 100, 8124-8129.


Teske, A., A. Dhillon, and M.L. Sogin, 2003.  Genomic Markers of Ancient Anaerobic Microbial Pathways: Sulfate reduction, Methanogenesis, and Methane Oxidation.  Biological Bulletin, 204, 186-191.


Special Publications


D’Hondt, S., B.B. Jørgensen, D.J. Miller et al., 2003.  Controls on microbial communities in deeply buried sediments, eastern equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin Sites 1225-123l.  Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 201 [CD-ROM].  Available from Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A & M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA.  Website: http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_IR/201ir.htm

Dickens, G.R., D. Schroeder, K.-U. Hinrichs, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  The pressure core sampler (PCS) on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201: General operations and gas release.  Ocean Drilling Program Initial Report, Leg 201.  [CD-ROM], College Station, TX:  Ocean Drilling Program.  Website: http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_IR/chap_03/chap_03.htm


Hayes, J.M., 2003.  Acceptance of the 2002 V. M. Goldschmidt Award.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 6, 2303.


House, C., B. Cragg, and A. Teske, 2003.  Drilling Contamination Tests on ODP Leg 201 Using Chemical and Particulate Tracers.  Ocean Drilling Program Initial Report, Leg 201. [CD-ROM],  College Station, TX: Ocean Drilling Program.  Website: http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_IR/chap_02/chap_02.htm


Non-refereed Articles


D’Hondt, S., Ocean-Drilling Exploration of Life Beneath the Seafloor, 2003.  Advance in Earth Sciences [Chinese], 18 (5), 759-763.

D’Hondt, S., B.B. Jørgensen, D. Jay Miller, and the Leg 201 Scientific Party, 2003.  ODP Leg 201 explores microbial life in deeply buried marine sediments.  JOIDES Journal, 29 (1), 11-15.



D’Hondt, S., B.B. Jørgensen, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  Respiration in deeply buried marine sediments (Early Results from ODP Leg 201).NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting, Astrobiology, 2 (4), 502.  

Hinrichs, K.-U. , 2003.  Molecular fingerprints of methane seeping out of the seafloor [Abstract].  GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.  Website:  http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2003AM/finalprogram/abstract_65152.htm


Hinrichs, K.-U., A.J. Spivack and the ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  Organic signatures of life in the marine subsurface.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2(4), 632-633.

Hinrichs, K.-U. H.F. Sturt, L.R. Hmelo, K.J. Smith, N.G. Holm, and the ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  The distribution of volatile fatty acids in the marine subsurface.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2(4), 633-634.

Hinrichs, K.-U., H.F. Sturt, L.R. Hmelo, K.J. Smith, N.G. Holm, and the ODP Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  Molecular-isotopic signatures of biological processes in the marine subsurface.  21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Krakow.

Hinrichs, K.-U., W. Bach, L.R. Hmelo, N.G. Holm, A. Spivack, and the ODP Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  Biological formation of low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons in marine sediments.  OMARC-Conference September 2003, Paris, France.

Inagaki, F., M. Suzuki, K.H. Nealson, K. Honikoshi, S. D’Hondt and B.B. Jørgensen, 2003.  Subseafloor Microbial Diversity in the Peru Margin (ODP Leg.201), Thirteenth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt ConferenceGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 67(18), A171, Suppl,1 September 2003.

Lloyd, K., V. Edgcomb, V., S. Boer, S.J. Molyneaux, M.S. Atkins, C. Wirsen, and A. Teske, 2003.  Tolerances of hydrothermal vent  archaea to deep subsurface conditions.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2(4), 545.


Rutherford, S., S. D’Hondt, and A.J. Spivack, 2003.  Global rates of sulfate reduction in deeply buried marine sediments.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2(4), 550.

Smith, D.C., A.J. Spivack, and the ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Science Party, 2003.  Evidence for microbial control of hydrogen concentrations in deeply buried marine sediments.  5th Annual Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark 8-13 September.

Sturt, H.F., K.J. Smith, K.-U. Hinrichs, A. Teske and R.E. Summons, 2003.  Intact polar lipids as tracers of ecology and diversity in microbial ecosystems.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2 (4), 623-624.

Sturt, H.F., K.J. Smith, A. Teske, L.L. Jahnke, R.E. Summons, K.-U. Hinrichs, 2003.  Structural analysis of intact polar lipids from extremophiles.  21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Krakow.

Teske, A., K. Kormas, D.C. Smith, A.J. Spivack, S.L. D’Hondt, K. Hinrichs, N. Holm, B.A. Cragg, B.A., B.B. Jørgensen, and the ODP Leg 201 Scientific Shipboard Party, 2003.  Microbial communities and their activities in deep marine subsurface sediments.  ASLO Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Wang, G., S. Rutherford, S. D’Hondt, A.J. Spivack, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003.  Distribution of Metabolic Activity Within a Deep-Sea Sediment Column.  NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting 2003, Astrobiology, 2(4), 556.




Refereed Publications


D’Hondt, S., S. Rutherford, and A.J. Spivack, 2002.  Metabolic activity of subsurface life in deep-sea sediments. Science, 295, 2067-2070.

D’Hondt, S., D.C. Smith, and A.J. Spivack, 2002.  ODP exploration of the marine subsurface biosphere. JOIDES Journal, 28, 51-54.  Available from World Wide Web: http://joides.rsmas.miami.edu/reports/AandO.html

Hinrichs, K.-U., 2002.  Microbial fixation of methane-carbon at 2.7 Ga: was an anaerobic mechanism possible?  G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 3: Paper number 2001-GC000286, [Online]. Website: http://www.g-cubed.org

Orphan, V.J., C.H. House, K.-U. Hinrichs, K.D. McKeegan, and E.F. DeLong, 2002.  Multiple archaeal groups mediate methane oxidation in anoxic cold seep sediments.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 7663-7668.

Spivack, A.J., M. Kastner, B. Ransom, 2002.  Elemental and Isotopic Chloride Geochemistry and Fluid Flow in the Nankai Trough, Geophys. Res. Letts., 29 (13).

Teske, A., K.-U. Hinrichs, V. Edgcomb, A. de Vera Gomez,  D. Kysela, S.P. Sylva, M.L. Sogin, and H.W. Jannasch, H.W., 2002.  Microbial diversity of hydrothermal sediments in the Guaymas Basin: evidence for anaerobic methanotrophic communities.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 1994-2007.


Special Publications


Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002.  Leg 201 Preliminary Report. ODP Preliminary Report, 201 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/prelim/201_prel/201PREL.PDF.

Rutherford, S., and S. D’Hondt, 2002.  Subsurface chemical and thermal information for the sub-seafloor biosphere, [Online].  Website: http://deschutes.gso.uri.edu/subsurface/


Non-refereed Articles


D’Hondt, S., and S. Rutherford, 2002.  New website helps predict microbial activity. JOI/USSAC Newsletter, 15 (1), p. 18 and 24.

Smith, D.C., 2002.  Microbes: Life deep beneath the seafloor. Ocean Drilling Program�s Greatest Hits, Vol. 2, p. 8 Website: http://www.oceandrilling.org/greatest_hits2




D’Hondt, S., B.B. Jørgensen, R. Blake, G. Dickens, K. Hinrichs, N. Holm, R. Mitterer, A. Spivack, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002.  Microbial Activity in the Subseafloor Sediments of ODP Leg 201, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.

D’Hondt, S., B.B. Jørgensen, R. Blake, G. Dickens, K. Hinrichs, N. Holm, R. Mitterer, A. Spivack, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002.  Microbial activity in deeply buried marine sediments.  Twelfth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 66, A163.

Dhillon, A., A. Teske, and M. L. Sogin, 2002. Diversity of Dissimilatory sulphite reductase (dsr) genes in the Guaymas Basin. 2nd Astrobiology Science Conference, NASA-Ames.

Edgcomb, V.P., S. Boer, S. Molyneaux, K. Lloyd, C. Wirsen, J. Erickson, M. Saito, M. Atkins, A. Teske, 2002. Hyperthermophiles of the Hydrothermal Vent Subsurfaces: Limits of Life and extraterrestrial analogs. 2nd Astrobiology Science Conference, NASA-Ames.

Edgcomb, V., S. Boer, K. Lloyd, C. Wirsen, J. Erickson, M. Atkins, and A. Teske, 2002. Hyperthermophiles of the hydrothermal vent subsurface: limits of life. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS32B-130.

Edgcomb, V.P., S. Boer, S. Molyneaux, K. Lloyd, C. Wirsen, J. Erickson, M. Saito, M. Atkins, A. Teske, 2002. Hyperthermophiles of the hydrothermal vent subsurface: limits of life and extraterrestrial analogs (Poster Presentation). Eos, Transactions,  American Geophysical Union, 83(4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS32B-130.

Edgcomb, V.P., S. Molyneaux, K. Lloyd, S. Boer, C. Wirsen, M. Atkins, A. Teske, 2002. Hyperthermophiles of the hydrothermal vent subsurface: Sulfide amelioration of metal toxicity for deep-sea hydrothermal vent archaea.  Abstracts, International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 97.

Jørgensen, B.B., S. D’Hondt, J. Miller, B. Blake, G. Cragg, T. Dickens, K.-U. Hinrichs, N. Holm, R.J. Mitterer, R.J. Parkes, A.J. Spivack, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002. Subseafloor biosphere.  Abstracts, International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-11.

Kastner, M., and A.J. Spivack, 2002.  Geochemistry and fluid in the Nankai Trough. Ocean Drilling Program Post-Cruise Meeting, Kochi, Japan.

Kormas, K., and A. Teske, 2002. Bacterial diversity of a Deep-Sea hydrothermal vent chimney structure. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31G-110.

Kormas, K.A., A. Teske, and D.C. Smith, 2002.  Molecular analysis of the deep subsurface microbial communities in Nankai Trough (ODP Site 1176).  Abstracts, International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30.

Lam, P., J. P. Cowen, A. Teske, and R. Jones, 2002. Evidence for autotrophic ammonia oxidation in hydrothermal vent environments: the use of molecular biological approaches. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41L-09.

Neretin, L.N., A. Schippers, A. Teske, T. G. Ferdelman, B.B. Jørgensen, and ODP Leg 201 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002. Quantitative molecular techniques to study the abundance and activity of microorganisms in the marine deep subsurface.  Twelfth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 66, A551.

Smith, D.C., A.J. Spivack, and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201 Science Party, 2002.  Evidence for microbial control of hydrogen concentrations in deeply buried sediments.  Abstracts, International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 96.

Spivack, A.J., 2002.  Biogeochemistry of the Nankai Trough sediments: Evidence for low level metabolic activity and a novel pathway of anoxic methane oxidation.  Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 Post-cruise meeting, Kochi, Japan.

Spivack, A.J., D.C. Smith, and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201 Shipboard Science Party, 2002.  Hydrogen concentrations in deeply buried marine sediments: Determination of concentrations and utilization rates.  Twelfth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 66, A732.

Sturt, H.F., K.J. Smith, L Xu, S.J. Molyneaux, A. Teske, V.J. Orphan, R.E. Summons and K.-U. Hinrichs, 2002.  Dead or alive?  Probing microbial ecosystems with intact polar lipids.  Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 83(47), Fall Meeting.




Refereed Journal Articles


Orphan, V.J., C.H. House, K.-U. Hinrichs, K.D. McKeegan, and E.F. DeLong, 2001. Methane-consuming archaea revealed by directly coupled isotopic and phylogenetic analysis, Science, 293, 484-487.

Smith, D.C., 2001.  Expansion of the marine Archaea, Science, 293, 56-57.




Atkins, M. S., A. Teske, C.D. Taylor, C. O. Wirsen, and O. R. Anderson. Flagellate Diversity and ecology at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 291.

D’Hondt, S., S. Rutherford, and A.J. Spivack, 2001.  Catabolic activity of the subsurface biosphere in deep-sea sediments. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 33 (6), p. 296.

D’Hondt, S., 2001.  Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201:  Sub-seafloor Biosphere. The European Science Foundation Symposium on Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere, Bremen, Germany.

Edgcomb, V.P., D. Kysela, A. Gomez, A. Teske, M.L. Sogin. Evidence for novel eukaryotes in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent sediments: Life at the extremes. 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 209.

Spivack, A.J. and D.C. Smith, 2001.  Evidence for microbial control of hydrogen concentrations in deeply buried oceanic sediments. Geological Society of America, 2001 Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 33 (6), p. 296.

Spivack, A.J. 2001.  Ammonia distributions as an indicator of low-level metabolic activity.  The European Science Foundation Symposium on  Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere, Bremen, Germany.

Teske, A., 2001. Microbial community composition of deep subsurface sediments � molecular approaches.  The European Science Foundation Symposium on  Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere, Bremen, Germany.

Teske, A., K.-U. Hinrichs, V. Edgcomb, D. Kysela, M. L. Sogin, 2001.  Novel archaea in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent sediments: evidence for anaerobic methanotrophy. 1st NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC.

Teske, A., D. Kysela, V. P. Edgcomb, and K.-U. Hinrichs, 2001.  Novel archaea in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent sediments: evidence for anaerobic methanotrophy. 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 329.




Refereed Journal Articles


Atkins, M., A. Teske, and O. R. Anderson, 2000.  A survey of flagellate diversity at four deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific Ocean using structural and molecular approaches. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 47, 400-411.

Atkins, M., A.G. McArthur, and A. Teske, 2000.  Ancyromonadida: A new phylogenetic lineage among the protozoa closely related to the common ancestor of metazoans, fungi, and choanoflagellates (Opisthokontha). J. Mol. Evol., 51, 278-285.

Smith, D.C., A.J. Spivack, M.R. Fisk, S.A. Haveman, H. Staudigel, and ODP Leg 185 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000. Tracer-based estimates of drilling-induced microbial contamination of deep sea crust, Geomicrobiology Journal, 17, 207-219.

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Technical Report


Smith, D.C., A.J. Spivack, M.R. Fisk, S.A. Haveman, H. Staudigel and ODP Shipboard Science Party, 2000.  ODP Technical Note 28, 19 p. [Online]. http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/tnotes/tn28/INDEX.HTM-




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