Ocean Robotics Lab Construction, December 2024


The contractor has completed the installation of foundation reinforcing steel and is wrapping up the formwork to prepare for pouring of foundation walls before the New Year. The elevator pit walls and rough-in of the conduits for electrical supply are also complete. After some pending foundation waterproofing and drainage work, the site will be backfilled to final subgrade elevations. The contractor expects to start structural steel work in mid-January.


Pouring of all concrete for the building foundations is complete. Exterior, below-grade waterproofing is being installed. The interior column footings are being prepped for steel by setting anchor plates at the correct elevations, then the plate’s underside is grouted to provide solid bearing. In the next few weeks, the site contractor will complete backfilling of the foundation and inside the building will be complete. Steel beams and girders are scheduled to be onsite in mid-January when the steel erection process, which includes the columns, floor beams and floor decking, will begin.