OLLI News – May 3, 2021

REMINDER: Course proposals for Fall are due Monday, May 3. Please click here to submit your course proposal. If you have any questions, please call 401-874-4197.




Monday, May 10, Wildlife Conservation in Rhode Island   9:30-11:00am
Learn about Rhode Island’s wildlife and current conservation projects with the RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife! Topics will include the history of wildlife management, how state wildlife conservation is funded, and the work being done to research, monitor, and manage our state’s diverse wildlife resources. You’ll also learn about ways you can get involved to help wildlife. Whether you hunt, hike, birdwatch, or just enjoy seeing wildlife outside your window, this class is a great opportunity to learn more about your local natural resources! Watch the video intro here or register by clicking here.

OLLI Author

Opening Day Book Signing Event: The Island Adventures of Paul Steadman, written by OLLI Instructor Lynne Heinzmann.  Saturday, June 5, 1:00 – 4:00 pm 

Event Details: The Island Adventures of Paul Steadman, written by local author Lynne Heinzmann will be featured in an official book signing and presentation.  The book chronicles life on Rose Island during the 1930’s with Paul Steadman, grandson of keeper Jessie Orton.  The day will include transportation from Fort Adams, a presentation about the book and Rose Island, a signed copy of the book, a tour of the lighthouse and island grounds, and light refreshments.  Cost: $75 donation. Pre-registration is required.  View Event Flyer Here

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: The Chariho Regional School District is seeking role models who have the time and talents and interest in helping the youth in our community. Maybe you fit the bill!  EVERY STUDENT NEEDS A CHAMPION…THAT CHAMPION COULD BE YOU!  To learn more and to APPLY to become a mentee or mentor, visit: https://www.chariho.k12.ri.us/mentoring

Gardening with the Masters Tours: June 12-13 & Sept 25-26, 2021. Tickets are $30. For more information, please visit https://web.uri.edu/mastergardener/tour/

Need an answer now? The URI Gardening and Environmental Hotline is staffed by trained URI Master Gardeners who are available in person, by phone and via email to help you identify plants and troubleshoot problems in the garden.  Snap a photo with your smartphone and send it to gardener@uri.edu, or call (401) 874-4836 to speak to someone directly. Need a free pH soil test? Pop in at the URI Mallon Outreach Center to see us during hotline hours (Monday – Thursday from 9AM – 2PM).

Learn at Home – Are You a Smart Well Owner?

Learn how to protect yourself, your family, your property and your investment. Private well owners are responsible for ensuring that the well water at their home is safe for them and their family. This workshop will review the importance of regular well water testing and how to protect your well water from pollution.

Alyson McCann is the Cooperative Extension Water Quality Program Coordinator in the Department of Natural Resources Science at URI. She has over 30 years experience working with Rhode Island private well owners on protecting this important drinking water source.

Register for this free webinar by clicking the following link: https://univofri.webex.com/univofri/onstage/g.php?MTID=e3db460c0ca41851714bc13a5ac0d452e

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

University of Rhode Island

210 Flagg Rd, Room 212

Kingston, RI 02881

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