As part of our ongoing commitment to serving and engaging in the community, we provide a range of services to benefit area businesses and residents.
- Filter the list by type of services/facilities or by who they service Business, Healthcare Professionals, Public, Research, Researchers, Students, Teaching, Training
3D Facility for Biomedical Sciences Research, Researchers, Students, Teaching - Providing a one-of-a-kind program where students can animate, view, and print three-dimensional models to help them visualize and understand complex concepts and processes.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (Laplante) Healthcare Professionals, Research, Researchers - A collaborative research program within the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy, the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program focuses on the prevention, treatment, virulence inhibition, and outcomes associated with drug resistant bacteria.
Continuing Professional Development Healthcare Professionals, Training - Providing accredited educational programs to pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.
Drug Information Services Healthcare Professionals - Providing healthcare practitioners with timely, evidence-based drug information to promote the safe, rational use of medications.
Heber W. Youngken Jr. Medicinal Garden Public, Research, Researchers, Students, Teaching - An educational display of medicinal plants herbs and spices and also as a conservatory source of standard specimens.
Maple Collaborative Business, Research, Researchers - Providing information to the maple benefits to promote the maple industry.
Patient Simulation Laboratory Healthcare Professionals, Students, Teaching, Training - A realistic and objective training facility for learners to practice and perfect patient care without risk to real patients.
Pharmaceutical Development Institute (PDI) Business, Research, Training - The PDI provides contract development and testing services for solid oral dosage forms specializing in early development. In addition, the PDI offers training workshops for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. The workshops offer classroom instruction and hands-on training that can be custom-tailored to the company’s unique needs.
Pharmacy Outreach Program Consumer Education, Public, Senior Adults - Providing the Rhode Island community with the latest, most complete information regarding medications.
Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory - The Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory (RISCL) offers a range of scientific services for all appropriate agencies investigating evidence related to federal, state or local crimes.
RI-INBRE Centralized Research Core Facility Research, Researchers, Students - A staffed core instrumentation facility supporting research and training for RI-INBRE participants and the wider Rhode Island biomedical research community.