
Professional Degree Options

For All Seeking a Professional Degree

“I would credit my study of philosophy with allowing me to gain a sufficient appreciation for ethics and logic that allowed me to achieve getting into medical school.”
Matthew Boisvert, '16

Law School

Medical School

Because of its emphasis on ethics, critical thinking and dealing with ambiguity, philosophy prepares one at a high level of competence for clinical medicine. By pairing philosophy with a pre-medical course of study (which involves completing specific courses rather than a specific major), you can qualify for medical school and perform well on the Medical School Admission test.

Business and Management School

Studying philosophy serves as an excellent foundation for a business career because philosophy majors acquire skills that allow them to remain flexible and innovative, and to keep learning for life. Most applicants to selective programs work for a year or two before applying for the MBA, so be sure to check out our advice on careers as well.