Student Highlights Summer 2022

Student Highlights Summer 2022 This spring two students previously supported by RI-INBRE fellowships, Dana Allababidi and Camila Cersosimo, received 2-year fellowships from the University of Rhode Island’s (URI) Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U*STAR) program. MARC U*STAR is a research and professional development program supported by the National […]

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DRPP Awards Summer 2022

Awards Fiscal Year 2022 RI-INBRE Funding Mechanisms To support the research career development of junior investigators at our network institutions, the Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) is pleased to announce that 19 research projects were awarded to our faculty investigators around the state. The projects support a broad portfolio of research funding within the themes […]

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RI IDeA Symposium 2022

2022 RI IDeA Emerging Area of Science Symposium The 2022 symposium returned this year both in-person and virtually in the day-long hybrid event, with participation from the COBRE, RI-INBRE, and Advance CTR programs. The June 10th event was held in Providence at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and attracted investigators, research staff, […]

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SURE Semester Posters 2022

  During the Spring 2022 semester, RI-INBRE piloted the Semester Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program to provide a unique academic year research experience for University of Rhode Island students underrepresented in the biomedical sciences and related fields. Fifteen SURE fellows participated in paid research experiences during the spring semester, in addition to professional development activities. […]

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Susan Meschwitz Admin Supp

RI-INBRE-COBRE Collaborative Research Dr. Susan Meschwitz received the first RI-INBRE/COBRE Collaboration Supplemental Award in 2019 with Dr. Helen (Beth) Fuchs of Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital. In 2021, Dr. Meschwitz also received the RI-INBRE Women’s Health Supplemental Award, in collaboration with URI investigators Dr. Jodi Camberg and Dr. David Rowley.  Dr. Susan Meschwitz, Associate […]

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SURF Conference Update 2021

14th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Conference Update The University of Rhode Island (URI) was excited to host the Annual RI Summer Undergraduate Research Conference in person on July 30, 2021. More than 140 students shared poster presentations of their summer research experiences with RI-INBRE SURF and SURF+, RI-INBRE Bridge to Graduate School, RI NSF EPSCoR/C-AIM […]

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External Funding Awardees

NIH/NINDS R01 Awardee Dr. Claudia Fallini, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island, was awarded a NIH/NINDS R01 award on April 1st entitled “Defining the mechanisms and consequences of nuclear defects in ALS/FTD” for 5-years totaling $1,250,000 (2021-2026). Dr. Fallini said, “I cannot thank the RI-INBRE enough for their support at a critical time of my […]

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Copper Cysteamine Nanoparticles: Radiation Enhancement and Novel Uses

INVESTIGATOR: Michael Antosh, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: Wei Chen, University of Texas Arlington THEME: Cancer ABSTRACT: Copper-cysteamine nanoparticles are a recently discovered method for enhancing the effect of radiation therapy. When irradiated, these nanoparticles fluoresce and release reactive oxygen species that can cause extra damage to tumors. The extra damage to tumors allows for less […]

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Deciphering Kingella kingae RTX-toxin regulation

Investigator: Matthew Ramsey, University of Rhode Island Mentor: David Nelson, University of Rhode Island Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Kingella kingae is an emerging pathogen in pediatric infectious diseases that colonizes the throat (oropharynx) of 3-17% of children ~6-60 months asymptomatically and infrequently disseminates from the oropharynx to cause endocardial (heart) or osteoarticular/ osteomyelitic (joint and bone) infection. […]

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Use of Targeted Nanometer-Size Materials to Increase the Effectiveness of Radiation on Cancer

Investigator: Michael Antosh, University of Rhode Island Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: The broad objective of this project is to improve the treatment of cancer by enhancing the effect of radiation on cancer. If radiation can be made to have a greater impact on cancer, less radiation can be used, which would reduce side effects to patients. Alternatively, more […]

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