URI researcher to map commercial fishing activity to help reduce conflict between fishing, wind industries
A University of Rhode Island natural resource economist has been awarded a $250,000 grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to create a new way of documenting where commercial fishing is conducted in southern New England waters.
Scientists discuss climate change impacts on R.I. natural environment
URI-GSO Ph.D. student Joe Langan and RIDEM Marine Fisheries Deputy Chief Dr. Conor McManus present their RIMFI research on how climate has and is likely to continue influencing Narragansett Bay’s winter flounder.
Rhode Island Sound’s Role in Fueling Harmful Algal Blooms in Narragansett Bay
Anchored boats and buoys slowly emerge from and vanish back into the fog that lays thick across the water’s surface in the early morning hours as we slowly motor out of Wickford Harbor.
RIMFI Winter Flounder Research Showcased at Rhode Island Sea Grant’s Coastal State Discussion Series
Ph.D. Student Joe Langan presents current findings from his RIMFI-hosted research on the winter flounder population bottlenecks in Narragansett Bay.
RIMFI Research Highlighted at HAB Monitoring Workshop
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) and partners held an informational meeting on September 12th to review Rhode Island’s new monitoring and contingency response plan for harmful algae blooms (HAB), which highlighted ongoing RIMFI research.
RI Marine Fisheries Institute Established
The Department of Environmental Management and the University of Rhode Island announced the establishment of the RI Marine Fisheries Institute (RIMFI) – a new partnership aimed at coordinating marine fisheries science, research, and educational activities of priority importance in Rhode Island.