
Heinichen, M., Innes-Gold, A., Langan, J.A., Richman, R., Collie, J., and Humphries, A. 2023. Describing the diet of a generalist feeder: the striped searobin (Prionotus evolans) from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (USA). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 

Langan, J.A., Bell, R.J., and Collie, J.S. 2022. Taking stock: Is recovery of a depleted population possible in a changing climate? Fisheries Oceanography 2022:1-13. 

Heinichen, M., McManus, M.C., Lucey, S., Aydin, K., Humphries, A., Innes-Gold, A., and Collie, J. 2022. Incorporating temperature-dependent fish bioenergetics into a Narragansett Bay food web model. Ecological Modelling 466: 109911.

Humphries, A., Gorospe, K.D., Innes-Gold, A., McNamee, J.E., McManus, M.C., Oviatt, C.A., and Collie, J.S. 2022. In pursuit of ecosystem-based management for Narragansett Bay: an overview of previous ecosystem models and roadmap for future research. Coastal Management.

Langan, J.A., Collie, J.S., and Minto, C. 2022. Detecting population regulation of winter flounder from noisy data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

McManus, M.C., Langan, J.A., Bell, R.J., Collie, J.S., Klein-MacPhee, G., Scherer, M., and Balouskus, R. 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns in early life stage winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) highlight phenology changes and habitat dependencies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 677: 161-175.

Bell, R.J., McManus, M.C., McNamee, J., Gartland, J., Galuardi, B., and McGuire, C. 2021. Perspectives from the water: Utilizing fisher’s observations to inform SNE/MA windowpane science and management. Fisheries Research 243: 106090.!

Langan, J.A., Puggioni, G., Oviatt, C.A., Henderson, M.E., and Collie, J.S. 2021. Climate alters the migration phenology of coastal marine species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 660: 1-18.

Innes-Gold, A., Pavlowich, T., Heinichen, M., McManus, M.C., McNamee, J., Collie, J., and Humphries, A. 2021. Exploring social-ecological trade-offs in fisheries using a coupled food web and human behavior model. Ecology and Society 26(2):40.

Innes-Gold, A., Heinichen, M., Gorsope, K., Truesdale, C., Collie, J., and Humphries, A. 2020. Modeling 25 years of food web changes in Narragansett Bay (USA) as a tool for ecosystem-based management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 654: 17-33.

Langan, J.A., McManus, M.C., Zemeckis, D.R., and Collie, J.S. 2020. Atlantic cod in southern New England: patterns of abundance and habitat use in a changing climate. Fisheries Bulletin 118(2): 145-156.

McManus, M.C., Ullman, D.S., Rutherford, S.S., and Kincaid, C. 2020. Northern quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria) larval transport and settlement modeled for a temperate estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 65(2): 289-303. 

Langan, J., McManus M.C., Schonfeld, A., Truesdale, C., and J. Collie. 2019. Nearshore sex-specific dynamics of the summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in Rhode Island waters. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 11: 76-85.

Truesdale, C.L., McManus, M.C., and Collie, J.S. 2019. Growth and molting characteristics of Jonah crab (Cancer borealis) in Rhode Island Sound. Fisheries Research 211: 13-20.

Truesdale, C.L., Dalton, T., and McManus, M.C. 2019. Fishers’ knowledge and perceptions of the emerging southern New England Jonah crab fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 39(5): 951-963.

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