STEEP News and Events

  • March 28: Communicating Science in a Crisis - Thursday, March 28th, 3:30PM-4:30PM. GSO, Coastal Institute Auditorium and via livestream. Speaker: Chris Reddy, Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). One of the world's foremost oil spill scientists, GSO alum Chris Reddy, Ph.D. ‘98, is coming to the URI Bay Campus to discuss communicating science in a crisis. His recent book, Science Communication… ...Read more
  • March 13: Canaries of the sea? Baleen whales as sentinels of marine pollution - Presentation by Matthew Savoca, PhD, Research Associate, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Lecture Details: Sentinel species can provide insight into ecosystem function, act as leading indicators of risk to human health, and serve as harbingers of future environmental change. Baleen whales have been well studied as climate and ecosystem sentinels... ...Read more
  • Philippe Grandjean Sept 8: Emergence of PFAS as an Environmental Toxicant - Friday, September 8, 11am to Noon: This lecture will address the delay of crucial information about perfluorinated alkylate substances (PFAS) toxicity and the implications for human health. Recent research has identified adverse effects at lower and lower exposures. While most companies have stopped producing two forms of PFASs— perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane… ...Read more

Past STEEP News and Events