
Hacking for Oceans, a new course offered Fall 2021 semester, will accept students who want to gain first-hand experience working in an interdisciplinary environment to address pressing ocean issues. Accepted students will interact directly with government officials, non-profits, and industry experts throughout the semester to explore the problem and develop a solution. Interested students must apply in advance. Teams should have diverse skills and disciplines, and while not everyone on the team is required to be an expert in their problem’s field, it is expected that they will become one by the conclusion of this class.

Limited enrollment by application. There are three ways to gain admittance into the class:

  1. Assemble a team of 2-4 URI Graduate students from any college or department to tackle a problem listed on the problems page.  This is the standard application format. Apply with the button below.
  2. Assemble a team of 2-4 URI Graduate students from any college or department to develop a technology that the environment needs to adopt (if accepted, we will help you find a sponsor). If choosing this option, you must apply early and get in contact with the teaching team as soon as possible. Also, if you need help forming this team, contact the teaching team. You still need to apply with the button below.
  3. You may apply individually and the teaching team will help you create a team after you are accepted into the program. Individual applicants must list the problems they are interested in to be matched with other individual applicants. You still need to apply with the button below.

Advanced undergraduates may apply as part of a team or individually, but will require a permission number to enroll.

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