W. Alton Jones Campus — By the Numbers

Read about the 50th Anniversary of the W. Alton Jones Campus

50 – years since the property was acquired by URI

2,309 – number of acres in the campus

4 – number of visits President Dwight Eisenhower made to the property

$350,000 – price W. Alton Jones paid for the property in 1954

18,000 – number of pheasants raised there each year in the Jones years

$59,686 – amount of cash Alton Jones was carrying when he died in a 1962 plane crash (including a $10,000 bill in a money clip)

25,000 – approximate number of frogs and salamanders trapped on campus in the 1970s by Professor C. Robert Shoop

1 – number of Rhode Island governors who crash-landed in a helicopter on the campus

100 – number of children who can sleep in the cabins at the Environmental Education Center each night

1,005 – number of species of plants and animals identified on campus in 2004 during the 24-hour Bioblitz

2 – number of state registered dams on campus

11,000 – average number of people attending a conference each year at the Whispering Pines Conference Center

1 – number of mob informants who were sequestered on campus by the State Police

50 – approximate number of weddings held each year on campus

14 – number of life-sized animal carvings on display at the Environmental Education Center, made and donated by members of the Mystic Woodcarvers Club

37 – years the Women’s Wilderness Weekend has taken place at the campus