Posted on March 28, 2018 at URI Today

KINGSTON, R.I., March 28, 2018—Students from the University of Rhode Island Honors Program will depart Tuesday, April 3 on a six-day oceanographic research expedition, and you are invited to come along.
Learn about their exciting research and directly ask the students and scientists questions during three live broadcasts and one hosted event.
The Inner Space Center at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography will broadcast live from URI’s research vessel, the RV Endeavor, to Facebook on April 5, 6 and 7, and during a community event April 5 at URI’s White Hall, 39 Butterfield Road, on the Kingston campus.
The research expedition from April 3 through 8 will focus on whale and zooplankton interactions with the environment that occur in the coastal and offshore waters of Rhode Island. Investigating these interactions is central to management and conservation decisions regarding marine species, such as the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
The expedition is part of CSI: Oceans, a URI honors class led by Karen Wishner, oceanography professor at GSO, and Christopher Orphanides, chief scientist and a GSO graduate student.
Holly Morin, a marine biologist at the Inner Space Center, will be your guide to the students and science on the ship. Eight URI honors students under the guidance of Wishner and Orphanides will use oceanographic instrumentation to display, analyze and communicate collected data.
Live, interactive broadcasts will engage you in the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography, with an emphasis on the physical dynamics of ocean waters and their influence on marine life and the marine food web.
These broadcasts will run about 25 minutes:
Endeavor Live! Facebook Live Events
Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m.
Friday, April 6 at 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 7 at 6 p.m.
Be sure to “like” the Inner Space Center Facebook page to follow this expedition and others.
Endeavor Live! Community Event
Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m.
White Hall Auditorium on the URI campus in Kingston.
This event is open to the public; no registration is required.
The Inner Space Center at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography is a one-of-a-kind national facility that supports live ocean exploration using telepresence technology.
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