This innovative tool is making deep-sea shark research more accessible by allowing scientists to collect footage without the need for complex infrastructure.
Continue reading "GTKGSO: Baited Remote Underwater Video System"Tag: Christine De Silva
Ahead of her third ‘Shark Week’ filming, URI grad student looks to capture the deep sea on camera
February 20, 2023 – The Boston Globe
Continue reading "Ahead of her third ‘Shark Week’ filming, URI grad student looks to capture the deep sea on camera"URI Blue MBA student combines fascination with sharks, passion for ocean exploration
February 15, 2023 – URI Today
Continue reading "URI Blue MBA student combines fascination with sharks, passion for ocean exploration"URI Blue MBA student combines fascination with sharks, passion for ocean exploration
University of Rhode Island Blue MBA student Christine de Silva will appear in her third Shark Week episode in 2023.
Continue reading "URI Blue MBA student combines fascination with sharks, passion for ocean exploration"