GSO student receives national science scholarship to study pollutants in food chain, water, air

Anna Robuck is one of three recipients nationally It all started with the Little Mermaid, the charming Disney movie about a mermaid who dreams of becoming human. Anna Robuck’s endless childhood viewings led to an obsession for anything—books, videos, toys—about the ocean and its preservation. Now 29, Robuck is well on her way to protecting […]

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MO student Hailey Simpson sails to remote Pacific islands to study effects of climate change on coral reefs

Hailey Simpson, a GSO master’s of oceanography (MO) student, is one of two URI students sailing to remote islands in the Pacific Ocean to study any damage to coral reefs from climate change. Simpson and Kyle Alvanas, who will graduate next year with a degree in marine affairs, are among 24 students from American colleges conducting research in […]

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GSO MO student Sean Duffey wins NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship

Sean Duffey, URI master’s of oceanography (MO) candidate, has been awarded a 2017 NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship. Duffey was one of only five students selected nationally for the fellowship, out of 44 applicants from around the country. Duffey, a Watervliet, N.Y., native, will spend two years working in the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management on a […]

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