PIPERS: Polynyas, ice production, and seasonal evolution in the Ross Sea

(4 April 2017 – 14 June 2017) The PIPERS expedition will depart from Lyttleton, NZ on April 10, 2017 for a 65 day field campaign to polynyas in the Ross Sea and Terra Nova Bay. The PIPERS science team includes Brice Loose and Samuel Gartzman who will researching the ice that is produced during katabatic […]

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(23 January 2017 – 5 March 2017) Chief Scientist Rebecca Robinson, URI oceanography associate professor, along with members of her lab and a team of collaborators, head to the Southern Ocean for a research cruise aboard the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer. Their research seeks to understand how the oceans and ocean biology interact with climate by looking at biologically important […]

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Sea to Space Particle Investigation

(24 January 2017 – 20 February 2017) Dr. Melissa Omand, URI oceanography assistant professor, and her graduate student Noah Walcutt are members of the science team aboard the R/V Falkor in the Pacific Ocean. The “Sea to Space Particle Investigation” cruise aims to improve the accuracy of particle size distribution products gathered from satellite and remote-sensing data […]

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