URI’s Inner Space Center Helps Discover Voyage Data Recorder from El Faro Wreck

Federal investigators announced that they found the “black box’’ that could reveal why the El Faro cargo ship sank off the Bahamas in a hurricane last fall—and that the University of Rhode Island played a key role in the discovery. URI’s internationally acclaimed Inner Space Center at the Graduate School of Oceanography provided telepresence technology—and […]

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Exploration Via Telepresence

University of Rhode Island volcanologist Steven Carey is participating in a scientific investigation of hydrothermal vents in the crater of an ancient underwater volcano off the coast of Greece. He is helping to direct remotely operated vehicles deployed from the exploration ship Nautilus to collect water and sediment samples, and he is discussing the findings with shipboard scientists.

But Carey isn’t aboard the Nautilus. He’s not even in Greece or elsewhere in Europe. He is sitting in the Inner Space Center at URI, where he can participate in the research expedition from thousands of miles away without having to spend weeks at sea.

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Inner Space Center Supports Two Expeditions

The URI GSO Inner Space Center (ISC) supported two ships streaming live high-definition video from remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) working in two very different parts of the world; the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer exploring the mid-Cayman Rise region of the Caribbean for hydrothermal vents, and simultaneously, the E/V Nautilus exploring the Black Sea for ancient shipwrecks.

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