New Funded Research in Q4 of FY2024

In the fourth quarter of FY 2024, GSO received $15.8 million in research funding. GSO researchers also submitted and/or participated in over $40.3 million in proposals during this quarter.

This table shows individual new awards made to GSO in Q4:

Jitka BecanovaUniversity of Maine$36,949Exploring PFAS Concentrations, Exposure Routes and Trophic Transfer in Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in an Impacted Area of Maine
Sarah Gaines, Karen KentU.S. Agency for International Development$3,500,000USAID RIAKE Madagascar
Kristy Lewis, Katherine ThompsonThe Nature Conservancy$8,000TNC Student Award 2024: Restoration and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems
Colleen MouwNational Science Foundation$574,981Collaborative Research: A novel approach to study monomethylmercury in natural phytoplankton assemblages
Melissa OmandSchmidt Ocean Institute$597,742Ocean Margins Initiative
Robert PockalnyOffice of Naval Research$80,000Inclusion and Belonging in Ocean Science (IBOS) Collaborative: The East Coast Division of the D-ENTERPRISE Initiative
Pamela RubinoffTown of Charlestown$77,186Municipal Resilience Program Implementation - Charlestown Breachway Restoration
Meng (Matt) WeiFM Global Research$149,920Coastal Subsidence in Asia