

July 20, 2017
Southern Rhode Island Newspapers
A Visit Aboard the Cap’n Bert at URI GSO

Summer 2011
Quadangles Magazine
Trawling for Deeper Understanding, 50+ Years of Fisheries Data Provide Global Insights

June 23, 2011
South County Independent
Schooled in Oceans

June 16, 2011
Jamestown Press
URI Professor leads students on fish trawl in Narragansett Bay

October 26, 2009
The Providence Journal
Watching the changes in Narragansett Bay for half a century

June 30, 2008
National Geographic News
Squid, lobster numbers rise as fish fall due to warming

June 27, 2008
University of Rhode Island
Climate change causing significant shift in the species composition of coastal fish communities; fishing also a factor

November 13, 2007
Boston Globe
Rising temperatures throw nature a curve

September 27, 2007
WRNI radio
Global warming changing fish populations



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Jeffries, H.P., and M. Terceiro. 1985. Cycle of changing abundances in the fishes of the Narragansett Bay area. Marine Ecology Progress Series 25: 239-244.

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