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Published Papers
- Andres, M., J.-H. Park, M. Wimbush, X.-H. Zhu, K.-I. Chang, and H. Ichikawa. Study of the Kuroshio/Ryukyu current system based on satellite-altimeter and in situ measurements. Journal of Oceanography, 64:937–950, 2008. (doi:10.1007/s10872-008-0077-2)
- Andres, M., M. Wimbush, J.-H. Park, K.-I. Chang, B.-H. Lim, D. R. Watts, H. Ichikawa, and W. J. Teague. Observations of Kuroshio flow variations in the East China Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 113(C05013), 2008. (doi:10.1029/2007JC004200)
- Andres, M., J.-H. Park, M. Wimbush, X.-H. Zhu, H. Nakamura, K. Kim, and K.-I. Chang. Manifestation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the Kuroshio. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36(L16602), 2009. (doi:10.1029/2009GL039216)
- Andres, M., A. Silvano, F. Straneo, and D. Watts. Icebergs and sea ice detected with inverted echo sounders. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32:1042–1057, 2015. (doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00161.1)
- Baker-Yeboah, S., G. R. Flierl, G. G. Sutyrin, and Y. Zhang. Transformation of an Agulhas eddy near the continental slope. Ocean Science Discussions, 6(2):1819–1856, 2009. (doi:10.5194/os-6-143-2010)
- Baker-Yeboah, S., D. R. Watts, and D. A. Byrne. Measurements of sea surface height variability in the eastern South Atlantic from pressure-sensor equipped inverted echo sounders: baroclinic and barotropic components. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26(12):2593–2609, 2009. (doi:10.1175/2009JTECHO659.1)
- Baker-Yeboah, S., D. A. Byrne, and D. R. Watts. Observations of mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Cape Basin: Baroclinic and deep barotropic eddy variability. J. Geophys. Res., 115(C12069), 2010. (doi:10.1029/2010JC006236)
- Bishop, S. P., and F. O. Bryan. A comparison of mesoscale eddy heat fluxes from observations and a high-resolution ocean model simulation of the Kuroshio Extension. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45:2563–2570, 2013. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0150.1)
- Bishop, S. P., and D. R. Watts. Rapid eddy-induced modification of subtropical mode water during the Kuroshio Extension System Study. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44:1941–1953, 2014. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0191.1)
- Bishop, S. P., D. R. Watts, J.-H. Park, and N. G. Hogg. Evidence of bottom-trapped currents in the Kuroshio Extension region. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42(2):321–328, 2012. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-11-0144.1)
- Bishop, S. P., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue. Divergent eddy heat fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144°–148°E. Part 1: mean structure. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43:1533‐1550, 2013. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-12-0221.1)
- Bishop, S. P. Divergent eddy heat fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144°–148°E. Part II: spatiotemporal variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43:2416‐2431, 2013. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-061.1)
- Book, J. W., M. Wimbush, S. Imawaki, H. Ichikawa, H. Uchida, and H. Kinoshita. Kuroshio temporal and spatial variations south of Japan determined from inverted echo sounder measurements. J. Geophy. Res., 107(C9):3121, 2002. (doi:10.1029/2001JC000795)
- Chang, K.-I., W. J. Teague, S. J. Lyu, H. T. Perkins, D.-K. Lee, D. R. Watts, Y. B. Kim, D. A. Mitchell, C. M. Lee, and K. Kim. Circulation and currents in the southwestern East/Japan Sea: Overview and Review. Progress in Oceanography, 61:105–156, 2004. (doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2004.06.005)
- Chereskin, T. K., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. cDrake: Dynamics and transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage. Oceanography, 25(3):134–135, 2012. (doi:10.5670/oceanog.2012.86)
- Chereskin, T. K., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, Y. Firing, and A. L. Cutting. Strong bottom currents and cyclogenesis in Drake Passage. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36(L23602), 2009. (doi:10.1029/2009GL040940)
- Chidichimo, M. P., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Baroclinic transport time series of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current measured in Drake Passage. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1829‐1853, 2014. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-071.1)
- Chiswell, S. M., K. A. Donohue, and M. Wimbush. Variability in the central equatorial Pacific, 1985–1989. J. Geophys. Res., 100(C8), 15849–15863, 1995. (doi:10.1029/95JC01379)
- Cronin, M., E. Carter, and D. R. Watts. Prediction of the Gulf Stream path from upstream parameters. J. Geophys. Res., 97(C5):7257–7269, 1992. (doi:10.1029/92JC00600)
- Cronin, M., and D. R. Watts. Eddy-mean flow interaction in the Gulf Stream at 68W. Part I: Eddy energetics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26:2107–2131, 1996. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1996)026%3C2107:EFIITG%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Cronin, M. Eddy-mean flow interaction in the Gulf Stream at 68W. Part II: Eddy forcing on the time-mean flow. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26:2132–2151, 1996. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1996)026%3C2132:EMFIIT%3E2.0.CO;2)
- DiMarco, S. F., P. Chapman, W. D. Nowlin Jr., P. Hacker, K. Donohue, M. Luther, G. C. Johnson, and J. Toole. Volume transport and property distributions of the Mozambique Channel. Deep-Sea Res. II, 49:1481–1511, 2002. (doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00159-X)
- Donohue, K. A., and M. Wimbush. Model results of flow instabilities in the tropical Pacific Ocean. J.Geophys. Res., 103(C10):21401–21412, 1998. (doi:10.1029/98JC01912)
- Donohue, K. A., E. Firing, and S. Chen. Absolute geostrophic velocity within the Subantarctic Front in the Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 106(C9):19869–19882, 2001. (doi:10.1029/2000JC000293)
- Donohue, K., A., E. Firing, G. D. Rowe, A. Ishida, and H. Mitsudera. Equatorial Pacific Subsurface Countercurrents: A Model-Data Comparison in Stream Coordinates. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32: 1252–1264, 2002. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032%3C1252:EPSCAM%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Donohue, K., A. and J. M. Toole. A near-synoptic survey of the Southwest Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II, 50:1893–1931, 2003. (doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(03)00039-0)
- Donohue, K., D. R. Watts, K. Tracey, M. Wimbush, J.-H. Park, N. Bond, M. Cronin, S. Chen, B. Qui, P. Hacker, N. Hogg, S. Jayne, J. McClean, L. Rainville, H. Mitsudera, Y. Tanimoto, and S.-P. Xie. Program studies the Kuroshio Extension. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 89(17):161–162, 2008. (doi:10.1029/2008EO170002)
- Donohue, K. A., D. R. Watts, K. Tracey, A. D. Greene, and M. Kennelly. Mapping circulation in the Kuroshio Extension with an array of Current and Pressure recording Inverted Echo Sounders. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27:507–527, 2010. (doi:10.1175/2009JTECHO686.1)
- Donohue, K. A., K. L. Tracey, D. R. Watts, M. P. Chidichimo, and T. K. Chereskin. Mean Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport measured in Drake Passage. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(22):11,760–11,767, 2016. (doi:10.1002/2016GL070319)
- Donohue, K. A., D. R. Watts, P. Hamilton, R. Leben, M. Kennelly, and A. Lugo-Fernandez. Gulf of Mexico loop current path variability. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 76(2): 174–194, 2016. (doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2015.12.003)
- Donohue, K. A., D. Watts, P. Hamilton, R. Leben, and M. Kennelly. Loop current eddy formation and baroclinic instability. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 76(2):195–216, 2016. (doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2016.01.004)
- Donohue, K. A., M. A. Kennelly, and A. Cutting. Sea surface height variability in Drake Passage. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 33(4):669‐683, 2016. (doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0249.1)
- Farmer, D., Q. Li, and J.-H. Park. Internal wave observations in the South China Sea: the role of rotation and non-linearity. Atmos-Ocean, 47(4):267–280, 2009. (doi:10.3137/OC313.2009)
- Farris, A., and M. Wimbush. Wind-induced Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 52:771–784, 1996. (doi:10.1007/BF02239465)
- Firing, Y. L., T. K. Chereskin, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and C. Provost. Computation of geostrophic streamfunction, its derivatives, and error estimates from an array of CPIES in Drake Passage. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 31,656–680, 2014. (doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00142.1)
- Firing, Y. L., T. K. Chereskin, D. R. Watts, and M. R. Mazloff. Bottom pressure torque and the vorticity balance from observations in Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(6): 4282–4302, 2016. (doi:10.1002/2016JC011682)
- Foppert, A., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. The Polar Front in Drake Passage: A composite-mean stream-coordinate view. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(3): 1771–1788, 2016. (doi:10.1002/2015JC011333)
- Foppert, A., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Eddy heat flux across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current estimated from sea surface height standard deviation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017. (doi:10.1002/2017JC012837)
- Greene, A. D., G. G. Sutyrin, and D. R. Watts. Deep cyclogenesis by synoptic eddies interacting with a seamount. Journal of Marine Research, 67(3):305–322, 2009. (doi:10.1357/002224009789954775)
- Greene, A. D., D. R. Watts, G. G. Sutyrin, and H. Sasaki. Evidence of vertical coupling between the Kuroshio Extension and topographically controlled deep eddies. Journal of Marine Research, 70(5):719–747, 2012. (doi:10.1357/002224012806290723)
- He, B., M. Wei, D. R. Watts, and Y. Shen. Detecting slow slip events from seafloor pressure data using machine learning. Geophysical Research Letters, 46:e2020GL087579, 2020. (doi:10.1029/2020GL087579)
- He, Y., D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Determining geostrophic velocity shear profiles with inverted echo sounders. J. Geophys. Res., 103(C3):5607–5622, 1998. (doi:10.1029/97JC03439)
- Hendry, R. M., D. R. Watts, and C. S. Meinen. Newfoundland Basin sea-level variability from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry and inverted echo sounder – bottom pressure measurements. Can. J. Remote Sensing, 28(4):544–555, 2002. (doi:10.5589/m02-057)
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- Howden, S. D., D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and H. T. Rossby. An acoustic telemetry system implemented for real-time monitoring of the Gulf Stream with inverted echo sounders. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 11:56–571, 1994. (doi:10.1175/1520-0426(1994)011%3C0567:AATSIF%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Howe, P. J., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. Stream-coordinate structure and variability of the Kuroshio Extension. Deep-Sea Res. I, 56(7):1093–1116, 2009. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.03.007)
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- Jayne, S. R., N. G. Hogg, S. N. Waterman, L. Rainville, K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, J. L. McClean, M. E. Maltrud, B. Qiu, S. Chen, and P. Hacker. The Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyres. Deep-Sea Research I, 56(12):2088–2099, 2009. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.08.006)
- Jeon, C., J. -H. Park, M. Kennelly, E. Sousa, D. R. Watts, E. -J. Lee, T. Park and T. Peacock. Advanced Remote Data Acquisition Using a Pop-Up Data Shuttle (PDS) to Report Data From Current- and Pressure-Recording Inverted Echo Sounders (CPIES). Front. Mar. Sci., 8:679534, 2021. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.679534)
- Jeon C., D. R. Watts, H. S. Min, D. G. Kim, S. K. Kang, I.-J. Moon, and J.-H. Park. Weakening of the Kuroshio Upstream by Cyclonic Cold Eddies Enhanced by the Consecutive Passages of Typhoons Danas, Wipha, and Francisco (2013). Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 2022. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.884768)
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- Kakinoki, K., S. Imawaki1, H. Uchida, H. Nakamura, K. Ichikawa1, S.-I. Umatani, A. Nishina, H. Ichikawa, and M. Wimbush. Variations of Kuroshio geostrophic transport south of Japan estimated from long-term IES observations. J. Oceanogr., 64:373–384, 2008. (doi:10.1007/s10872-008-0030-4)
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- Mitchell, D. A., D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, W. J. Teague, K. L. Tracey, J. W. Book, K.-I. Chang, M.-S. Suk, and J.-H. Yoon. Upper circulation patterns in the Ulleung Basin. Deep-Sea Res II, 52:1617–1638, 2005. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.09.005)
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- Rossby, T., J. Palter, and K. Donohue. What can hydrography between the New England Slope, Bermuda and Africa tell us about the strength of the AMOC over the last 90 years? Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099173, 2022. (doi:10.1029/2022GL099173)
- Savidge, D. K., and J. M. Bane. Cyclogenesis in the deep ocean beneath the Gulf Stream: 1. Description.J. Geophys. Res., 104(C8):18,111–18,126, 1999. (doi:10.1029/1999JC900132 )
- Savidge, D. K., and J. M. Bane. Cyclogenesis in the deep ocean beneath the Gulf Stream: 2. Dynamics. J. Geophys. Res., 104(C8):18,127–18,140, 1999. (doi:10.1029/1999JC900131)
- Shay, T. J., J. M. Bane, D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Gulf Stream flow field and events near 68W. J. Geophys. Res., 100(C11):22,565–22,589, 1995. (doi:10.1029/95JC02685)
- Sun, C., and D. R. Watts. A circumpolar gravest empirical mode for the Southern Ocean Hydrography. J. Geophys. Res., 106(C2):2833–2855, 2001. (doi:10.1029/2000JC900112)
- Sun, C., and D. R. Watts. Heat flux carried by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current mean flow. J. Geophys. Res., 107(C9):3119, 2002. (doi:10.1029/2001JC001187)
- Sun, C., and D. R. Watts. A pulsation mode in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current south of Australia. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32:1479–1495, 2002. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032%3C1479:APMITA%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Sun, C., and D. R. Watts. A view of ACC fronts in streamfunction space. Deep-Sea Res., I, 49:1141–1164, 2002. (doi:10.1016/S0967-0637(02)00027-4)
- Teague, W. J., G. A. Jacobs, D. A. Mitchell, M. Wimbush, and D. R. Watts. Decadal current variations in the southwestern Japan/East Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 60:1023–1033, 2004. (doi:10.1007/s10872-005-0010-x)
- Teague, W. J., K. L. Tracey, D. R. Watts, J. W. Book, K.-I. Chang, P. J. Hogan, D. A. Mitchell, M.-S. Suk, M. Wimbush, and J.-H. Yoon. Observed deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin. Deep-Sea Res II, 52:1802–1826, 2005. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.10.014)
- Tracey, K. L., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. Bottom temperatures in Drake Passage. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47:101–122, 2017. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0124.1)
- Tracey, K. L., and D. R. Watts. On Gulf Stream meander characteristics near Cape Hatteras. J. Geophys. Res., 91(C6):7587–7602, 1986. (doi:10.1029/JC091iC06p07587)
- Tracey, K. L., S. D. Howden, and D. R. Watts. IES calibration and mapping procedures. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14(6):1483–1493, 1997. (doi:10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014%3C1483:ICAMP%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Tracey, K. L., D. R. Watts, C. J. Meinen, and D. S. Luther. Synoptic maps of temperature and velocity within the Subantarctic Front south of Australia. J. Geophys. Res., 111(C10016), 2006. (doi:10.1029/2005JC002905)
- Tracey, K. L., D. R. Watts, K. A. Donohue, and H. Ichikawa. Propagation of Kuroshio Extension meanders between 143°E and 149°E. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42:581–601, 2012. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-11-0138.1)
- Watts, D. R. Gulf Stream variability. In Robinson, A., editor, Eddies in Marine Science, chapter 6, page 114–144. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-69003-7_6)
- Watts, D. R., and W. E. Johns. Gulf Stream meanders: Observations on propagation and growth. J. Geophys. Res., 87(C12):9467-9476, 1982. (doi:10.1029/JC087iC12p09467)
- Watts, D. R., and H. Kontoyiannis. Deep-ocean bottom pressure measurement: drift removal and performance. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 7:296–306, 1990. (doi:10.1175/1520-0426(1990)007%3C0296:DOBPMD%3E2.0.CO;2)/li>
- Watts, D., and H. T. Rossby. Measuring dynamic heights with inverted echo sounders: Results from MODE. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 7:345–358, 1977. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1977)007%3C0345:MDHWIE%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Watts, D. R., M. A. Kennelly, K. A. Donohue, K. L. Tracey, T. K. Chereskin, R. A. Weller, and I. Victoria. Four current meter models compared in strong currents in Drake Passage. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 30:2465‐2477, 2013. (doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00032.1)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, and A. I. Friedlander. Producing accurate maps of the Gulf Stream thermal front using objective analysis. J. Geophys. Res., 94(C6):8040–8052, 1989. (doi:10.1029/JC094iC06p08040)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, J. M. Bane, and T. J. Shay. Gulf Stream path and thermocline structure near 74W and 68W. J. Geophys. Res., 100(C9):18,291–18,312, 1995. (doi:10.1029/95JC01850)
- Watts, D. R., X. Qian, and K. L. Tracey. Mapping abyssal current and pressure fields under the meandering Gulf Stream. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 18:1052–1067, 2001. (doi:10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018%3C1052:MACAPF%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Watts, D. R., C. Sun, and S. Rintoul. A two-dimesnional gravest empirical mode determined from hydrographic observations in the Subantarctic Front. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31:2186–2209, 2001. (doi:10.1175/1520-0485(2001)031%3C2186:ATDGEM%3E2.0.CO;2)
- Watts, D. R., M. Wei, K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and B. He. Seafloor geodetic pressure measurements to detect shallow slow slip events: methods to remove contributions from ocean water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), e2020JB020065, 2021. (doi:10.1029/2020JB020065)
- Watts, D. R., M. Wimbush, K. L. Tracey, W. J. Teague, J.-H. Park, D. A. Mitchell, J.-H. Yoon, M.-S. Suk, and K. I. Chang. Currents, eddies, and a “fish story” in the southwestern Japan/East Sea. Oceanography, 19:64–75, 2006. (doi:10.5670/oceanog.2006.44)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and T. K. Chereskin. Estimates of eddy heat flux crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from observations in Drake Passage. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46:2103–2122, 2016. (doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0029.1)
- Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, and J.-H. Park. Fundamental-mode basin oscillations in the Japan/East Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 2007. (doi:10.1029/2006GL028755)
- Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, and J.-H. Park. De-aliasing of large-scale high-frequency barotropic signals from satellite altimetry in the Japan/East Sea. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25:1703–1709, 2008. (doi:10.1175/2008JTECHO582.1)
- Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, and M. Wimbush. Coupled patterns between fields of dynamic height and bottom pressure in the Japan/East Sea. Ocean Science Journal, 44(1):35–44, 2009. ( doi:10.1007/s12601-009-0005-4)
- Zhu, X.-H., I.-S. Han, J.-H. Park, H. Ichikawa, K. Murakami, A. Kaneko, and A. Ostrovskii. The Northeastward current southeast of Okinawa Island observed during November 2000 to August 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(2):1071, 2003. (doi:10.1029/2002GL015867)
- Zhu, X.-H., J.-H. Park, and I. Kaneko. The northeastward current southeast of the Ryukyu Islands in late fall of 2000 estimated by an inverse technique. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(L05608), 2005. (doi:10.1029/2004GL022135)
- Zhu, X.-H., J.-H. Park, M. Wimbush, and C.-H. Yang. Comment on “Current system east of the Ryukyu Islands” by A. Nagano et al. J. Geophys. Res., 113(C03020), 2008. (doi:10.1029/2007JC004458)
- Zhu, X.-H., J.-H. Park, and D. Huang. Observation of baroclinic eddies southeast of Okinawa Island. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51:1802–1812, 2008. (doi:10.1007/s11430-008-0146-9)
Technical Reports
- Andres, M., C.-S. Hong, J.-H. Lee, B.-H. Lim, J.-H. Park, K. L. Tracey, M. Wimbush, K.-I. Chang, H. Ichikawa, D.-K. Lee, D. A. Mitchell, W. Teague, and D. Watts. East China Sea Kuroshio 2002-2004 data report. GSO Technical Report 2005-02, University of Rhode Island, 2005. (PDF)
- Book, J., K. L. Tracey, H. Ichikawa, S. Imawaki, H. Uchida, and H. Kinoshita. The Kuroshio region off southwest Japan, ASUKA 1993-95 inverted echo sounder data report. GSO Technical Report 99-1, University of Rhode Island, 1999. (PDF)
- Chaplin, G. F. and D. R. Watts. Inverted Echo Sounder (IES) Instrument Report. GSO Technical Report 84-4, University of Rhode Island, 1984. (PDF)
- Cox, J., C. Coomes, S. DiMarco, K. Donohue, G. Z. Forristall, P. Hamilton, R. R. Leben, and D. R. Watts. Study of deepwater currents in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. OCS Study BOEMRE 2010-041, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2010. 473 pp. (PDF)
- Cronin, M., K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. Mooring motion correction of SYNOP central array current meter data. GSO Technical Report 92-4, University of Rhode Island, 1992. 115 pp. (PDF)
- Cronin, M., K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. The Gulf Stream Dynamics Experiment: Inverted Echo Sounder Data Report for the May 1985 to June 1986 Deployment Period. GSO Technical Report 87-1, University of Rhode Island, 1987. 135 pp. (PDF)
- Donohue, K. Final report for General Directorate of Geography and Environment of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) Mexico, Authorization Number EG0012019. GSO University of Rhode Island, 2020. (English PDF) (Spanish PDF)
- Donohue, K., P. Hamilton, R. Leben, R. Watts, and E. Waddell. Survey of deepwater currents in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Volume I: Executive summary. OCS Study MMS 2008-030, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2008. 73pp. (PDF)
- Donohue, K., P. Hamilton, R. Leben, R. Watts, and E. Waddell. Survey of deepwater currents in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Volume II: Technical report. OCS Study MMS 2008-031, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2008. 375pp. (PDF)
- Donohue, K., P. Hamilton, K. Leaman, R. Leben, M. Prater, D. R. Watts, and E. Waddell. Exploratory study of deepwater currents in the Gulf of Mexico. Volume I: Executive summary. OCS Study MMS 2006-073, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2006. 86 pp. (PDF)
- Donohue, K., P. Hamilton, K. Leaman, R. Leben, M. Prater, D. R. Watts, and E. Waddell. Exploratory study of deepwater currents in the Gulf of Mexico. Volume II: Technical report. OCS Study MMS 2006-074, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2006. 430 pp. (PDF)
- Fearing, A. L., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. Sea surface height variability in the Kuroshio Extension. SURFO Technical Report 2006-02, University of Rhode Island, 2006. (PDF)
- Fields, E., and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: Inverted echo sounder data report for May 1988 to August 1989. GSO Technical Report 90-2, University of Rhode Island, 1990. (PDF)
- Fields, E., and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: Inverted echo sounder data report for June 1989 to September 1990. GSO Technical Report 91-2, University of Rhode Island, 1991. (PDF)
- Fields, E., K. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. Inverted echo sounder data processing report. GSO Technical Report 91-3, University of Rhode Island, 1991. (PDF)
- Friedlander, A. I., K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. The Gulf Stream Dynamics Experiment: Inverted Echo Sounder Data Report for the July 1982 to April 1983 Deployment Period. GSO Technical Report 86-5, University of Rhode Island, 1986. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., K. Donohue, C. Hall, R. R. Leben, H. Quian, J. Sheinbaum, and D. R. Watts. Observations and dynamics of the Loop Current. OCS Study BOEM 2015-006, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2014. 417pp. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., J. J. Singer, E. Waddell, and K. Donohue. Deepwater observations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico from in-situ current meters and PIES. Final report, Volume I: Executive summary. OCS Study MMS 2003-048, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2003. 14pp. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., J. J. Singer, E. Waddell, and K. Donohue. Deepwater observations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico from in-situ current meters and PIES. Final report, Volume II: Technincal report. OCS Study MMS 2003-049, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA, 2003. 95 pp. (PDF)
- Howden, S. D., E. Fields, X. Qian, K. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. IES Calibration for Main Thermocline Depth: A Method Using Integrated XBT Temperature Profiles. GSO Technical Report 93-3, University of Rhode Island, 1993. (PDF)
- Howden, S., K. Tracey, D. R. Watts, and H. T. Rossby. Inverted Echo Sounder Telemetry System Report. GSO Technical Report 91-8, University of Rhode Island, 1991. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M., K. Donohue, A. Greene, K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. Inverted echo sounder data report: Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS), April 2004 to July 2006. GSO Technical Report 2008-02, University of Rhode Island, 2008. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M. A., K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. Inverted echo sounder data processing manual. GSO Technical Report 2007-02, University of Rhode Island, 2007. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M. A., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. PIES and CPIES data processing manual. Physical Oceanography Technical Reports. Paper 38, University of Rhode Island, 2022. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M. A., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue, CPIES Data Collected Near Hydrostation S Southeast of Bermuda from June 2016 to June 2017. Physical Oceanography Technical Reports. Paper 36, University of Rhode Island, 2019. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M. A., D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and K. A. Donohue. An intercomparison of four models of current meter in high current conditions in Drake Passage. GSO Technical Report 12-04, University of Rhode Island, 2012. (PDF)
- Kim, H. S., K. L. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP Pilot Experiment: Inverted Echo Sounder Data Report for November 1986 to March 1987. GSO Technical Report 88-1, University of Rhode Island, 1988. (PDF)
- Lindstrom, S. S., and D. R. Watts. Vertical motion in the SYNOP central array. GSO Technical Report 93-2, University of Rhode Island, 1993. (PDF)
- Liu, Z., H. Na, H. Nakamura, A. Nishina, J.-H. Park, K. Tracey, and M. Wimbush. Kerama Gap 2009-2011 data report. GSO Technical Report 12-02, University of Rhode Island, 2012. (PDF)
- Meinen, C., E. Fields, R. Pickart, and D. R. Watts. Ray tracing on topographic Rossby waves. GSO Technical Report 93-1, University of Rhode Island, 1993. (PDF)
- Mitchell, D. A., Y. Xu, K. L. Tracey, D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, and W. Teague. Inverted echo sounder data report: Ulleung Basin of Japan/East Sea, June 1999 to July 2001. GSO Technical Report 2004-02, University of Rhode Island, 2004. (PDF)
- Mo, A. and R. Watts. A computer program for the design of taut subsurface moorings. GSO Technical Report 87-7, University of Rhode Island, 1987. (PDF)
- Pickart, R. S., X. Qian, and D. R. Watts. SYNOP inlet experiment: Bottom current meter data report for October 1987 to August 1990 mooring period. GSO Technical Report 91-1, University of Rhode Island, 1991. (PDF)
- Qian, X., and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: Bottom pressure maps from the central array May 1988 to August 1990. GSO Technical Report 92-3, University of Rhode Island, 1992. 187 pp.(PDF)
- Qian, X., K. Tracey, E. Fields, and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: Inverted echo sounder data report for October 1987 to May 1988. GSO Technical Report 90-3, University of Rhode Island, 1990. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, and T. Chereskin. cDrake CPIES data report November 2007 to December 2011. GSO Technical Report 2013-01, University of Rhode Island, 2013. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., and D. R. Watts. Sub-Antarctic Flux and Dynamics Experiment Inverted Echo Sounder Data Report for March 1995 to March 1997. Physical Oceanography Technical Reports. Paper 5, University of Rhode Island, 2016. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: thermocline depth maps for the central array October 1987 to August 1990. GSO Technical Report 91-5, University of Rhode Island, 1991. 193 pp. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., and D. R. Watts. The SYNOP experiment: thermocline depth maps for the inlet array October 1987 to August 1990. GSO Technical Report 91-6, University of Rhode Island, 1991. 137 pp. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., and D. R. Watts. The Gulf Stream dynamics experiment: inverted echo sounder data report for the April 1983 to June 1984 deployment period. GSO Technical Report 86-4, University of Rhode Island, 1986. 236 pp. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., D. R. Watts, K. A. Donohue and M. Wei. Cascadia Pilot Experiment data report. Physical Oceanography Technical Reports. Paper 37, University of Rhode Island, 2019. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., C. S. Meinen, and D. R. Watts. North Atlantic Current inverted echo sounder data report for August 1993- July 1995. GSO Technical Report 96-7, University of Rhode Island, 1996. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., M. Cronin, and D. R. Watts. The Gulf Stream dynamics experiment: inverted echo sounder data report for the June 1984 to May 1985 deployment period. GSO Technical Report 85-3, University of Rhode Island, 1985. 185 pp. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., A. I. Friedlander, and D. R. Watts. Objective analysis of the Gulf Stream thermal front: methods and accuracy. GSO Technical Report 87-2, University of Rhode Island, 1987. (PDF)
- Watts, D. R., and H. Kontoyiannis. Deep-ocean bottom pressure and temperature sensors report: methods and data. GSO Technical Report 86-8, University of Rhode Island, 1986. (PDF)
- Xu, Y., K. L. Tracey, D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, W. Teague, and J. Book. Current meter data report: Ulleung Basin of Japan/East Sea, June 1999 to July 2001. GSO Technical Report 2003-02, University of Rhode Island, 2003. (PDF)
- Andres, M. An observational study of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea: local, regional and basin-wide perspectives on a western boundary current. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2008. 136 pp. (PDF)
- Baker-Yeboah, S. Sea surface height variability and the structure of eddies in the South Atlantic Cape Basin. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2008. 308 pp. (PDF)
- Bishop, S. P. The Role of Eddy Fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144°-148°E. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2012. 128 pp. (PDF)
- Book, J. W. Northern Adriatic circulation and tides. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2007. 204 pp. (PDF)
- Exley, A. J. Eddy-topographic interactions. Dissertation, PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2024. 151 pp. (PDF)
- Foppert, A. Southern Ocean Eddy Heat Flux and Eddy–Mean Flow Interactions in Drake Passage. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2017. (PDF)
- Greene, A. D. Deep Variability in the Kuroshio Extension. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2010. 150 pp. (PDF)
- James, C. Kuroshio instabilities in the East China Sea: observations, modeling and comparison with the Gulf Stream. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 1996. 150pp. (PDF)
- Meinen, C. S. Transport of the North Atlantic Current. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 1998. 197 pp. (PDF)
- Mitchell, D. A. Upper Current Structure and Variability in the Southwestern Japan/East Sea. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2003. 140 pp. (PDF)
- Xu, Y. Analyses of Sea Surface Height, Bottom Pressure and Acoustic Travel Time in the Japan/East Sea. PhD dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2006. 86 pp.(PDF)
Masters Theses
- Book, J. Kuroshio variability off southwest Japan. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 1998. 91pp.
- Brand, S. V. S. Eddy Heat Flux in the Lee of Southeast Indian Ridge. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2024. 56pp. (PDF)
- Cutting, A. L. Constituents of sea surface height variability in Drake Passage. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2010. 68pp. (PDF)
- Howe, P. J. Stream-coordinate structure and variability of the Kuroshio extension. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2008. 123pp. (PDF)
- Rosburg, K. Three-Dimensional Model-Observation Intercomparison in the Loop Current Region. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2015. (PDF)
- Worst, J. S. Long-term monitoring of the NW Atlantic through altimetry and an acoustic Doppler current profiler. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2011. 73pp. (PDF)
- Zamorski, S. E. Kuroshio Extension meanders: model data-intercomparison. M.S. thesis, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, 2012. 65pp. (PDF)
Annual Reports of ONR Sponsored Research
Kerama Gap:
Japan/East Sea:
- Watts, D.R., M. Wimbush, W.J. Teague, and Z. Hallock, “Shallow and deep current variability in the Southwestern Japan/East Sea.” 1999 2000
- Watts, D.R., M. Wimbush, and W.J. Teague, “Shallow and deep current variability in the Southwestern Japan/East Sea.” 2001 2002 2003
- Watts, D.R. and M. Wimbush, “Variability in the Japan/East Sea: processes governing scales from hours to years.” 2004 2005
East China Sea:
Gulf Stream:
Conference Presentations
Fall AGU Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 2024
- Ku, A., J.-H. Park, K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, K. Kim, H. Song, T. Park, K.-H. Cho and T. Peacock. Seasonal variability of topographic Rossby waves in the southwestern slope of the Chukchi Abyssal Plaint, OS41E-0485. (Abstract)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2024
- L. M. Beal, K. A. Donohue, Y. D. Lenn, S. Swart, C. Roman, G. Novelli, I. S. Giddy, J. Edholm, S. Fredriksson, M. Edwinson, N. Qoshoto, R. Sampson, and S. Shen, Introducing QUICCHE: Quantifying Interocean fluxes in the Cape Cauldron Hotspot of Eddy kinetic energy, PL44B-2298, 2024.
- K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, M. Kennelly, and A. Johnson, Radiation of deep energy in the Gulf of Mexico, PL14C-2246, 2024.
- C. Jeon, D. R. Watts, H. S. Min, D. G. Kim, S. K. Kang, I. J. Moon, and J.-H. Park, Weakening of the Kuroshio Upstream by Cyclonic Cold Eddies Enhanced by the Consecutive Passages of Typhoons Danas, Wipha, and Francisco (2013), PL14A-2206, 2024.
- A. Johnson, K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts, The Southeast Indian Ridge: a hotspot for cross frontal exchange, HE43B-09, 2024.
- C. Kohlman, K. A. Donohue, M. F. Cronin, L. Thompson, and D. Zhang, Equatorial Pacific Abrupt Fronts observed by Saildrones, Satellite and Moorings, AI34B-2397, 2024.
- B. Legresy, Y.-T. Tranchant, A. Foppert, B. Pena-Molino, H. E. Phillips, A. F. Thompson, K. L. Polzin, D. R. Watts, K. A. Donohue, S. R. Rintoul, N. L. Bindoff, L. T. Bach, M. Nikurashin, and R. Morrow, Smaller Scales of the Southern Ocean Dynamics, PS44B-2159SWOT-ACC, 2024.
- A. Safaie, D. R. Watts, P. G. Thoppil, C. D. Rowley, and K. A. Donohue, Deep energetics in the Gulf of Mexico from a free running regional model, PL14C-2236, 2024.
- H. Song, K. A. Donohue, Y. H. Kim, and J.-H. Park, Observation of wind and sea ice effects on high-frequency internal waves in the deep southern Drake Passage, PS41A-08, 2024.
- D. R. Watts and M. Wei. Ocean Bottom Pressure and Currents for Physical Oceanographic and Geodetic Studies, PL3A-07, 2024.
- M. Wei, K. Ramos-Musalem, and D. R. Watts. Merging oceanographic and geophysical interests to study shelf and slope processes with currents and bottom pressure observations and numerical modeling, PL24A-2260, 2024.
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Online, February 2022
- K. Donohue, D. Watts, K. Tracey, M. Kennelly and A. Johnson. Generation of deep energy in the Gulf of Mexico PL12, 2022. (Abstract)
- G. Gopalakrishnan, B. Cornuelle, D. Rudnick, J. Sheinbaum, P. Hamilton, K. Donohue, R. Watts, R. He and S. Morey. Analysis and prediction of Loop Current circulation in the Gulf of Mexico. PL12, 2022. (Abstract)
- Johnson, A., K. Donohue, D. Watts, K. Tracey and M. Kennelly. Radiation of deep energy in the Gulf of Mexico. PL12, 2022. (Abstract)
- Rossby, H. T. and K. Donohue. The Gulf Stream and upper limb of the AMOC show no decrease in mass transport but a significant increase in heat transport over the last 70 years. AI01, 2022. (Abstract)
- Watts, D. R., M. Wei, K. Tracey, K. Donohue, and B. He. Seafloor geodetic pressure and current measurements to remove contributions from ocean water and reveal shallow slow slip events. OT18, 2022. (Abstract)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, February 2020
- Anderson, N. D., K. A. Donohue, M. C. Honda, M. F. Cronin and D. Zhang. Challenges of measuring abyssal temperature and salinity at the Kuroshio Extension Observatory. PS52B-05, 2020. (Abstract)
- Diard, M., S. Bishop and K. A. Donohue. Wintertime surface heat and momentum fluxes in the Gulf Stream from Saildrone observations. AI14A-2240, 2020. (Abstract)
- Donohue, K. A., E. Thomas and H. T. Rossby. Along-stream and temporal variability in the boundary currents east and west of Cape Farewell, Greenland. PC24A-1745, 2020. (Abstract)
- S. Nickford, J. B. Palter, N. R. Bates, K. A. Donohue, A. J. Fassbender, A. R. Gray, J. Long, S. Maenner, A. J. Sutton and Y. Takeshita. Direct wintertime pCO2 observations from the Saildrone Gulf Stream Mission reveal higher ocean carbon uptake in 2019 than in climatologies. AI43B-02, 2020. (Abstract)
- Toole, J. M., M. Andres and K. A. Donohue. On the structure and transport of the separated Gulf Stream. PC24A-1759, 2020. (Abstract)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey and K. A. Donohue. Local and circumglobal effects of eddy-initiated cross-frontal exchange in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. PS14A-2831, 2020. (Abstract)
Fall AGU Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 2018
- He, B., D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and M. Wei. Reducing `noise’ in ocean bottom pressure measurements in the Cascadia subduction zone. T41F-0369. 2018. (Abstract)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2018
- Donohue, K. A., G. Gopalakrishnan and B. D. Cornuelle. Generation of deep energy in the central Gulf of Mexico. 317552, 2018. (Abstract)
- Donohue, K. A., R. A. Pockalny and L. Maranda. A retrospective assessment of the summer undergraduate research fellowship in oceanography program. 317945, 2018. (Abstract)
- Morey, S. L., A. S. Bower, B. D. Cornuelle, K. A. Donohue, D. S. Dukhovskoy, G. Gopalakrishnan, P. Hamilton, J. M. Souza, and P. Perez–Brunius. Comparison of model estimates of deep circulation and variability in the Gulf of Mexico. 319009, 2018. (Abstract)
- Foppert, A., K. A.; Donohue, D. R. Watts and K. L. Tracey. Satellite-based estimates of depth-integrated eddy heat flux in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. 304917, 2018. (Abstract)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey and K. A. Donohue. Role of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current standing meanders in the downstream evolution of thermohaline properties. 305738, 2018. (Abstract)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2016
- Foppert, K. A. D., A., and D. R. Watts. The Polar Front in Drake Passage: A composite=mean stream-coordinate view. 91583, 2016. (Abstract) (PDF)
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015
- Donohue, K., K. Tracey, and D. R. Watts. A four-year time series of Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport through Drake Passage from moored observations. 2015. (PDF)
Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 17-19, 2015
- Donohue, K., M. Kennelly, D. R. Watts, K. Tracey, and A. Cutting. Sea surface height variability in Drake Passage altimeter-in situ comparison. 2015. (Abstract) (PDF)
Watts Symposium, Graduate School of Oceanography, URI, April 10, 2015
- Andres, M. Heat and ice in a Greenland Fjord: measurements with a borrowed PIES. 2015. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
- Bishop, S. Is the Southern Ocean residual cieculation eddy compensated? 2015. California Institue of Technology.
- Cronin, M. Western boundary currents and the discovery of weather in the ocean
A tribute to Prof. D. Randolph Watts. 2015. NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. (PDF) - He, Y. GOES-R — Getting ready for the next generation earth observing system. 2015. Atmospheric and Environmental Research. (PDF)
- Johns, E. Amazon River water in the northeastern Caribbean Sea and its effect on larval reef fish assemblages during April 2009. 2015. NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. (PDF)
- Johns, W. The Atlantic Inflow to the Caribbean Sea revisited. 2015. University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.
- Kim, H.-S. Challenges in the development of ocean coupled, operational hurricane forecast model at National Weather Service (NWS). 2015. NOAA Center for Weather & Climate Prediction. (PPTX)
- Kontoyiannis, H. Shallow water: Renewable energy at my home-city’s tidal stream
Deep water: A flavor of mixing at the Calypso Deep Trough (5-km depth, E.Med.). 2015. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece. (PDF) - Lindstrom, S. Advocating for use of satellite data with blog posts. 2015. UW-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center. (PPTX)
- Manning, J. Engaging fishermen and students in observing New England’s coastal water. 2015. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service. (PDF)
- Meinen, C. Meridional flows in the South Atlantic estimated by PIES. 2015. NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. (PDF)
- Park, J.-H. The internal wave – an overlooked acoustic signal in PIES. 2015. Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology. (PDF)
- Rossby, T. On the poleward transport of North Atlantic waters between Scotland and Greenland. 2015. University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceangraphy.
- Watts, D. R. Global roles of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current – in Drake Passage and future plans. 2015. University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceangraphy.
- Willeford, B. US Coast Guard International Ice Patrol – operational oceanography. 2015. US Coast Guard Retired. (PDF)
20th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Republic of Korea, May 27-29, 2014
- Watts, D. R., and K. A. Donohue. Cross-frontal fluxes in the ACC near Udintsev Fracture Zone. 2014.(Abstract) (Powerpoint .pptx)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2014
- Donohue K. A., D. R. Watts, P. Hamilton and R. R. Leben. Eddy-mean interaction during Loop Current eddy formation. 14260, 2014. (PDF)
- Foppert, A., K. A. Donohue and D. R. Watts. Mean baroclinic structure of Polar Front in stream coordinates near Shackleton Fracture Zone. 16709, 2014. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., J. Sheinbaum, K. A. Donohue, R. R. Leben, and D. R. Watts. Ekman, Franklin and Hadal: Loop current eddy separation and statistics from observations. 13573, 2014.
- Millar, J. J., T. K. Chereskin, and D. R. Watts. Four-year observations of interfacial form stress in the northern Drake Passage. 14505, 2014. (PDF)
- Rosburg, K. C., K. A. Donohue and E. P. Chassignet. Comparison of the 1/25° ssimilated Gulf of Mexico HYCOM with observations in the Loop Current eddy formation region. 14270, 2014. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., K. A. Donohue and D. R. Watts, Barotropic transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current measured in Drake Passage, 16680, 2014. (PDF)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue and T. K. Chereskin, Four-year observations of eddy heat and momentum fluxes on a section across Drake Passage, 15020, 2014.
Joint Assembly IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI,Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-26 July 2013
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and T. K. Chereskin. Observed eddy heat fluxes across the ACC in Northern Drake Passage. PO6S4(03), 2013. (PDF)
Southern Ocean Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 2013
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and T. K. Chereskin. Observed eddy heat fluxes across the ACC in Northern Drake Passage. 2013. (PDF)
Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2012
- Bishop, S. P., and D. R. Watts. Eddy PV fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144°-148°E. OS21A(1657), 2012. (PDF)
- Liu, Z., H. Nakamura, J. Park, and M. Wimbush. The influence of topographic control on deep overflow of the Kerama Gap. OS21A(1662), 2012.
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, K. A. Donohue, and T. K. Chereskin. Eddy heat fluxes across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Northern Drake Passage. OS21A(1655), 2012. (PDF)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2012
- Bishop, S. P., K. A. Donohue, and D. R. Watts. Divergent eddy heat fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension 143° – 149°E. 2012. B1399. (PDF)
- Chidichimo, M. P., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts and K. L. Tracey. Baroclinic transport across Drake Passage from the cDrake array. 2012. (PDF)
- Donohue K. A., R. Leben, P. Hamilton and D. R. Watts. Upper-lower layer coupling in loop current eddies Ekman and Franklin. 2012. B1331. (PDF)
- Firing Y. L., T. K. Chereskin, D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Vorticity balance in Drake Passage. 2012. B2058. (PDF)
- Kennelly, M. A., D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and K. A. Donohue. Current-meter performance in high current conditions in Drake Passage. 2012. B2054. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., R. R. Leben, K. A. Donohue, J. Sheinbaum, and J. Candela. Cyclone development during the detachments of Loop Current eddies Ekman and Franklin: a historical perspective. 2012. B1332.
- Na, H., J.-H. Park, H. J. Lee and D. R. Watts. Near 13-day barotropic ocean response to the atmospheric forcing in the Northwestern Pacific. 2012. B1887. (PDF)
- Nakamura, H. R., Z. Liu, A. Nishina, M. Wimbush, and J.-H. Park. Deep overflow through the Kerama Gap connecting the East China Sea and the Phillippine Sea. 2012. B2146. (PDF)
- Park, J.-H. and D. R. Watts. The role of the Koshu Seamount in generating the Kuroshio Large Meander south of Japan from data-assimilated HYCOM outputs. 2012. B2136. (PDF)
- Rosburg, K., K. A. Donohue, and E. Chassignet. Performance evaluation of HYCOM Gulf of Mexico model. 2012. B1333. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue. Deep eddies modulate frontal meander growth in the Kuroshio Extension. 2012. B1413. (PDF)
- Watts, D. R., K. A. Donohue, and K. A. Tracey. The slowly varying mean Kuroshio Extension Current transport from sea surface to sea floor. 2012. B1400. (PDF)
- Zamorski, S. E. and K. A. Donohue. Kuroshio Extension meanders: model data-intercomparison. 2012. B1417. (PDF)
- Chereskin, T. , K. Donohue, and R. Watts. cDrake: Dynamics and Transport of the ACC in Drake Passage. 2010. (PDF)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 2010
- Baker-Yeboah, S., D. R. Watts, and G. Flierl. Dipoles and the propogation of Agulhas Eddies: the effects of laterally and vertically coupled vortices. 2010. PO13C-06.
- Bishop, S. P., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue. Meridional heat fluxes in the Kurshio Extension System. 2010. PO25D-02. (PDF)
- Chereskin, T. K., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, Y. L. Firing, and A. Cutting. Deep cyclogenesis in Drake Passage. 2010. IT51E-02.
- Cutting, A. L., K. A. Donohue, T. K. Chereskin, D. R. Watts, and K. L. Tracey. Constituents of sea surface height variability in Drake Passage. 2010. IT35M-04. (PDF)
- Donohue, K. A., T. K. Chereskin, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and A. L. Cutting. Barotropic transport variability in Drake Passage from the cDrake experiment. 2010. PO35O-07. (PDF)
- Greene, A. D., D. R. Watts, G. Sutyrin, and H. Sasaki. Evidence of vertical coupling in the Kurshio Extension. 2010. PO25D-04. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., and K. A. Donohue. Observations of baroclinic instability in the Loop Current. 2010. PO45E-01.
- Li, Q., and D. Farmer. Nonlinear internal wave generation in the South China Sea. 2010. PO45M-08. (PDF)
- Park, J., S. Lee, K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, L. Raninville, I. Ginis, S. Kang, and H. Lee. Observation and simulation of typhoon-induced near-inertial waves interacting with large- and meso-scale currents in the Kuroshio Extension. 2010. PO11B-07.
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, and K. A. Donohue. Frontal meanders in the Kurshio Extension, 2010. PO25D-05.(PDF)
15th PAMS Meeting, Busan, Korea, April 23-25, 2009
- Park, J.-H., K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, and L. Rainville. Observations of deep near-inertial waves interacting with large- and meso-scale currents in the Kuroshio Extension. 2009. (PDF)
- Wimbush, M. A. Using remote sensing from below (and above) to study the dynamics of the PAMS region. 2009. (PDF)
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 2008
- Andres, M., J. Park, M. Wimbush, and K. Chang. 10-70 day variability of Kuroshio transport in the East China Sea. 2008.
- Howe, P. J., K. A. Donohue, and D. Watts. Mean stream-coordinate structure of the Kuroshio Extension first meander trough. 2008. (PDF)
- Li, Q., D. M. Farmer, and T. F. Duda. The effect of a rough sea surface on inverted echo sounder performance. 2008.
- Park, J.-H., D. R. Watts, K. A. Donohue, A. L. Fearing, A. D. Greene, and K. L. Tracey. Sea surface height variability observed by pressure-recording inverted echo sounders and satellite altimetry in the Kuroshio Extension. 2008. (PDF)
14th PAMS/JECSS Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan, May 23-26, 2007
- Andres, M., J.-H. Park, M. Wimbush, K.-I. Chang, and H. Ichikawa. Observations of Kuroshio variability in the East China Sea. 2007.
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2006
- Andres, M., J. Park, and M. Wimbush. Variation of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS54B-05.
- Baker-Yeboah, S., D. R. Watts, D. Byrne, and N. R. Pettigrew. Deep pressure signals and eddies in the South Atlantic Cape Basin measured during ASTTEX. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS25E-13. (PDF)
- Donohue, K. A., A. Greene, and D. R. Watts. Intrusions and double diffusion in the Kuroshio Extension. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS53E-03.
- Greene, A. D., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue. Velocity and potential vorticity structure of a Kurshio Extension cold-core ring. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS45G-06. (PDF)
- Hamilton, P., D. R. Watts, and K. A. Donohue. Interaction of topographic Rossby waves with the steep Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS13K-05.
- Park, J., and D. Watts. Observed response of the Atlantic Ocean to atmospheric pressure loading at periods near 5 days. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS35H-02. (PDF)
- Tracey, K. L., D. R. Watts, K. A. Donohue, and A. D. Green. Shallow and deep current variability in the Kurshio Extension. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS45G-07. (PDF)
- Watts, D. R., K. L. Tracey, and K. Donohue. Sea level variability in the Kurshio Extension: Steric and non-steric components. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS45G-08. (PDF)
- Xu, Y., D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, and J.-H. Park. Basin mode oscillations in the Japan/East Sea. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), 2006. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS36D-27. (PDF)
Second International Symposium on PEACE (Program for East Asian Cooperative Experiments), Kyushu, Japan, November 2004
IAPSO/SCOR Ocean Mixing Conference, Victoria, BC, October 2004
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, January 2004
- Mitchell, D. A., W. J. Teague, M. Wimbush, and D. R. Watts. The Dok cold eddy. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), 2004. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41B-08.
- Park, J.-H., and D. R. Watts. Internal tides in the southwestern Japan/East Sea. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), 2004. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41F-04.
- Teague, W. J., G. A. Jacobs, D. A. Mitchell, M. Wimbush, and D. R. Watts. Decadal connections of mesoscale current variability in the Ulleung Basin. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(52), 2004. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41B-05.
IUGG/IAPSO Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, June 2003
CREAMS/PICES Symposium, Seoul, Korea, August 2002
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2002
- Mitchell, D. A., W. J. Teague, D. R. Watts, M. Wimbush, and K. Tracey. Daily maps of temperature, salinity, and velocity in the southwestern Japan/East Sea. Eos Trans. AGU, 2002. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21Q-07.
- Watts, D. R., M. Wimbush, K. L. Tracey, D. A. Mitchell, W. J. Teague, J. W. Book, M.-S. Suk, and J.-H. Yoon. Shallow and deep current variability in the southwestern Japan/East Sea. Eos Trans. AGU, 2002. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21Q-05.
- Wimbush, M., K. L. Tracey, D. R. Watts, D. A. Mitchell, J. W. Book, and W. J. Teague. Tides of the southwest Japan/East Sea determined from an array of 23 bottom pressure recorders. Eos Trans. AGU, 2002. Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21Q-06.
CREAMS/PICES Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2001
AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2000