Keel-Laying Celebrates Start of New Research Vessel’s Construction

A shipyard ceremony attended by national, state, and academic VIPs marks start of construction on the Research Vessel Resolution. R.I. Governor, Gina Raimondo is the ship’s ceremonial sponsor.

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URI, GSO Leadership Meet with Alumni in San Francisco

URI President David M. Dooley and GSO Dean Bruce H. Corliss hosted over 50 ​URI alumni and friends at an evening reception aboard the E/V Nautilus while docked at the Embarcadero pier in San Francisco. The event highlighted the important partnership between URI and the Nautilus, which is advancing oceanographic research, exploration and education across […]

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Ghana scholars meet with URI President David M. Dooley, oceanography professors to strengthen academic exchange between faculty, students

Scholars from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana won the hearts—and hats—of University of Rhode Island professors during a visit this week to strengthen an academic collaboration between the two institutions. The five-day visit was part of a $24 million sustainable fisheries project led by the Coastal Resources Center at URI’s Graduate School of […]

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