Wickford Cove Condominiums

LID Type: Rain garden, Swale
Use: Residential
Installer: Shalvey Bros. Landscape, Inc.
Designer/Developer: Rain garden and landscape design by John C. Carter & Company, Inc.; Engineering by Jeffrey J. Campopiano
Install Date: 2011-2012

Address: West Cove Drive, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Town: North Kingstown
Zip Code: 02852
County: Washington

Kristin Kaczmarek, RLA
Landscape Architect, John C. Carter & Company

Project Summary:
Wickford Cove is a 16 unit condominium development utilizing both traditional and LID stormwater management strategies.  The 5.5 acre site contains three rain gardens to treat rooftop runoff, a grass drainage swale, and four drainage basins designed to trap and hold sediment and stormwater during large storm events.

Project Narrative:
Wickford Cove is a new, 16 unit condominium development with both traditional and low impact stormwater management practices on a 5.5 acre parcel. The buildings cover 12% of the area, and the total impervious cover is 26.5%.  Rain gardens between units 4 and 5, 6 and 7, and in front of unit 10 capture, treat, and infiltrate runoff from the building rooftops.  A grass drainage swale in the center of the development  captures runoff from the roadway.  A series of four drainage basins,designed for a 100-year storm, have a collective storage volume of approximately 255,000+ gallons. This compact development is served by a large advanced wastewater treatment system. Each unit has its own septic tank to capture solids; liquid effluent flows to the treatment unit by small diameter pressurized lines.