Bio@Noon – Dr. Colleen Bove – Physiological and transcriptomic responses of Caribbean corals under global change

Continued ocean acidification and warming is a major concern for marine organisms, especially for reef-building corals that rely on their symbiotic relationship with algae, which is highly susceptible to perturbation.

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Bio@Noon – Dr. Kersey Sturdivant – The untold story of recovery following the Deepwater Horizon incident: A worm’s eye view

Human understanding of the deep-sea benthic environment has always been limited by our ability to sample it, and as a result, deep-sea benthic ecology has a long history of mischaracterization (Edward Forbes’ azoic theory).

Continue reading "Bio@Noon – Dr. Kersey Sturdivant – The untold story of recovery following the Deepwater Horizon incident: A worm’s eye view"