Four URI scientists among 100 researchers on NASA-led expedition to North Pacific

GSO professors Susanne Menden-Deuer, Melissa Omand, and Tatiana Rynearson are among 100 researchers from 30 institutions who embarked on a month-long expedition to study microscopic organisms that live deep in the ocean and play a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from Earth’s atmosphere.

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A New Ship Coming to GSO’s Backyard

GSO, along with partners WHOI and UNH, won the competition for a new research ship. The (B)log explains why this is important for Rhode Island, why a coastal oceanographer is excited about this, and why the Rhode Island public should be very excited about the future of ocean research in our state.

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Senator Jack Reed and Admiral Timothy Gallaudet visit GSO

On Friday May 18th, Senator Reed brought Admiral Tim Gallaudet, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Acting Secretary, for a visit to GSO to discuss our future prospects with the NBC Master Plan, Ocean Exploration and our growing partnerships with NOAA. Admiral Dick West, GSO Advisory Council member, joined the meeting that […]

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Roots, Holdfasts, and Anchors

Welcome to the Bay Campus (B)log. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a blog is “a regular feature appearing as part of an online publication that typically relates to a particular topic and consists of articles and personal commentary by one or more authors”. But why (B)log? Also according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a log is […]

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Scientist, Graduate Students to Explore Limits of Life Deep Beneath Seafloor off Japan

How deep is Earth’s habitable region? Scientists from the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography will try to answer that question during an international research expedition off the coast of Japan. Arthur Spivack, a professor of oceanography, and graduate students Justine Sauvage, of Belgium, and Kira Homola of Washington State, are among the […]

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URI, GSO Leadership Meet with Alumni in San Francisco

URI President David M. Dooley and GSO Dean Bruce H. Corliss hosted over 50 ​URI alumni and friends at an evening reception aboard the E/V Nautilus while docked at the Embarcadero pier in San Francisco. The event highlighted the important partnership between URI and the Nautilus, which is advancing oceanographic research, exploration and education across […]

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Exploring Ancient Submerged Native American Cultural Sites

The University of Rhode Island research vessel Endeavor will depart Sunday, June 5 for a four-day expedition to study submerged Native American cultural sites in Rhode Island Sound. John W. King, a professor of marine geology at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography, will lead the trip, which is part of a five-year $2 million project […]

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