Stan Cobb Endowment

The Cobb Endowment supports experiential learning in marine biology. It provides funding for independent research projects carried out by students under faculty supervision and may provide a cash prize for the best student project of the year in marine biology. It will also help in supplementing costs of longer field trips associated with formal courses, or research field trips organized by a faculty member. Within the context of experiential learning, it will also support community-building activities among Marine Biology students.

The Stan Cobb Endowment for Marine Biology provides two types of awards to support experiential education in marine biology at URI: The Cobb Endowment Independent Research Award and  The Cobb Endowment Field Study Award

Stan Cobb

2012 Independent Research Awards – Alison Holevoet – “Differences in shell shape of tropical snails among shores with varying wave exposure”, Amy Battocletti – “Ulva species reproductive strategy during bloom formation”, Christopher O’Brien – “Using microsatellites to study intraspecific genetic diversity of the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii“, Emily Bishop – “Analysis of algal cells using flow cytometry to determine ploidy”, Nicholas Jouett – “A Population Study of Hemigraspus sanguineus at Point Judith Pond, RI, and its Effects on Native Crab Species”, Russell Dauksis – “The effects of refuge abundance on escape responses of the bridled goby (Coryphopterus glaucofraenum)”,  Shelby Reinhart – “Microscopic prapagules as a method of Ulva spp. overwintering”

2011 Independent Research Awards – Megan Ferguson (Class of 2012) – “The effects of limited nutrients on the swimming behavior of Ceratium lineatum” (Mentor: Dr. Menden-Deuer, GSO); Shelby Rinehart (Class of 2013) – “Overwintering methods of Ulvaspecies in Narragansett Bay, RI”. (Mentor: Dr. Carol Thornber, BioSci); Ryann Rossi (Class of 2013) – “Effect of nutrient enrichment on microbial decomposition in a coastal mangrove ecosystem” (Mentor: Brita Jessen, grad student in Scott Nixon’s lab, GSO); Tanja Schollmeier (Class of 2012) – “The impact of herbivorous fish on macroalgal bloom biomass” (Mentor: Dr. Carol Thornber, BioSci). We thank the RI Agricultural Experiment Station and the RI Sea Grant Program for contributing additional funds for the support of undergraduate research in marine biology at URI. 

2010 Independent Research Awards – Amy Maynard (Class of 2010) “Effects of predation by fishes on the success of coral reef restoration” (Mentor: Dr. Graham Forrester) and Stephanie Schofield “Restoration of Acropora palmata coral colonies” (Mentor: Dr. Graham Forrester).

2008 Field Study Award – Rachel Wigton (Class of 2009); for work on cephalopod biology in Bermuda).

Stan Cobb Endowment was established by friends, family, students and colleagues upon Dr. Cobb’s retirement in 2004. The kickoff for the Endowment was held on October 27th, 2006 during the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Marine Biology Program. An endowment committee provides guidance concerning the use of the Endowment .

If you would like to contribute to the Stan Cobb Endowment, you may make your check payable to: URI Foundation #382 (put “Stan Cobb Endowment” in the memo line) and mail to: URI Foundation, 79 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881


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