Research Opportunities & Internships

Students are encouraged to become involved in undergraduate research image1-1
during the academic year or during the summer with URI faculty, with scientists at other nearby research laboratories (e.g., NOAA, NMFS, RI-DEM, etc.), or at other institutions or marine labs around the country.

On-Campus Research Opportunities 

Students should discuss their interests with their advisor, read about faculty research interests, and then contact individual faculty members with whom they might be interested in working to find out about the availability of suitable positions in their laboratories. Undergraduate research positions may be paid (via research grants, Work-Study, or URI student employment funds), students may work on a voluntary basis, or students may earn academic credit (e.g., BIO 491, 492; OCG 493, 494, etc.).

In addition, the following three programs provide URI undergraduates with paid research opportunities during the summer:

URI Coastal and Environmental Fellows Program (summer, paid, and 1-credit seminar in the following fall) – the CELS undergraduate research program, which involves >40 students who work in research labs on the Kingston and Bay Campuses each summer. Apply early in the Spring semester.

Rhode Island NSF EPSCoR Summer Fellowships (SURF; summer, paid). For qualified students enrolled in Rhode Island colleges or universities who are interested in participating in a 10-week research project in the life sciences. Applications due in April.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Oceanography (SURFO; summer). This program is the National Science Foundation-funded REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program hosted by the Graduate School of Oceanography. Apply early in the Spring semester.

NEW Listing of All Experiential Learning Opportunities at URI compiled by CELS (2019)

Research Internships at Other Institutions, Marine Labs etc.

Other Off-Campus Internships (may not necessarily be research, per se):

Other Resources for Finding Internships:

Think Big We Do

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