News Archive

  • Practicing nurses with an Associate's degree of nursing diploma can now conveniently earn their bachelor's degree at the University of Rhode Island while continuing to work in the field through the College of Nursing's online RN to BS program. URI College of Nursing reinstitutes online RN to BS program - Registered nurses with an associate’s degree or nursing diploma can complete bachelor’s degree online Registered nurses with an associate’s degree or diploma in nursing now have the opportunity to earn their bachelor’s degree while continuing to work in the field without having to dedicate the time needed to head to campus, as the University of […]
  • The URI College of Nursing's wellness initiative includes free yoga, meditation, and Pilates classes offered by the Anna Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center. ‘Caring for yourself while caring for others’ - College of Nursing student wellness initiative includes peer mentoring, yoga, therapeutic coloring, among other self-care programs Between studying for exams, meeting term paper deadlines, applying for internships, worrying about final grades, and working to pay tuition, all while trying to navigate the social landscape of young adulthood, college life can be a stressful time for […]
  • URI nursing students are fit-tested for N-95 masks before their clinical rotations. A head covering helps concentrate a bitter-tasting, non-toxic substance that is sprayed under the covering. If the students can not smell or taste the spray, the mask is a perfect fit. Nursing students apply classroom knowledge in real clinical settings - 450 URI nursing students are working in a variety of healthcare settings during clinical rotations Hospitals, nursing homes, community health clinics and more are getting a boost in personnel while helping prepare the next generation of healthcare workers, as 450 University of Rhode Island College of Nursing students head into the community on clinical rotations […]
  • Ph.D. student Juyoung Kim is researching health policy and low-value health care as the latest URI College of Nursing Barcott-Kim Fellow. Newest nursing Fellow brings international perspective on health care policy to URI - Barcott-Kim Fellow, Ph.D. student Juyoung Kim focuses research on low-value care, global health policy An experienced nurse and researcher of health care policy and finance is the newest Fellow in a University of Rhode Island College of Nursing program that aims to develop the next generation of nursing faculty members. Juyoung Kim, a Ph.D. candidate […]
  • White Coat Ceremony welcomes new nursing students to profession - Class of 2027 urged to ‘be the voice for patients’ as they begin their careers Dean Danny Willis and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2027 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium. URI President Marc Parlange, Provost Barbara Wolfe, Associate […]
  • URI nursing students practice a code on a lifelike mannequin in the colleges simulation lab in White Hall on the Kingston Campus. URI College of Nursing’s simulation education program earns international accreditation - Simulation program puts nursing students in realistic patient scenarios, preparing them to manage actual situations in a safe environment The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing’s simulation education program offers students hands-on experience in a safe environment without risk to patient safety. It enhances critical thinking, teamwork, and communication skills, helping prepare future nurses […]
  • Nursing graduates receive custom college pin in post-commencement ceremony - Sixty-five graduates received their custom URI College of Nursing pin during the college’s semi-annual Pinning Ceremony after the University’s December Commencement exercises Saturday. Each graduate traditionally receives the college’s unique pin, which was established by the first graduating class on 1950. It represents professional nursing education, which includes the three aspects of development: the spirit […]
  • URI nursing students Emma Lee and Rebecca Lyman join nutrition student Samantha Dibiasio and pharmacy student Rachel Kelly at a wellness fair at South Kingstown High School. URI students bring interdisciplinary health education to SKHS during wellness fair - University of Rhode Island students from the Colleges of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences imparted some health wisdom on younger students during an interactive health and wellness fair at South Kingstown High School Dec. 6. About 70 URI students helped educate high school students during an interprofessional presentation involving the departments of nutrition, physical therapy […]
  • U.S. Sen. Jack Reed joined URI Provost Barbara Wolfe and College of Nursing Dean Danny Willis in honoring former nursing professors Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Hesook Suzie Kim, and celebrating a nursing fellowship in their name, which was originated by Rye Barcott (right), son of Schwartz-Barcott. URI honors ‘icons of nursing education,’ celebrates fellowship in their name - Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing Fellowship aims to address shortage in nursing educators U.S. Sen. Jack Reed joined University of Rhode Island Provost Barbara Wolfe and URI College of Nursing Dean Danny Willis Nov. 25 to honor two distinguished former professors in connection with a fellowship in their name that aims to develop […]
  • URI College of Nursing Annual Report 2024 - The many significant accomplishments of thew faculty, students, staff and alumni of the URI College of Nursing are chronicled.
  • Yale University Professor Shelli Feder delivers the URI College of Nursing Fall Distinguished Lecture at the RI Nursing Education Center in Providence Nov. 13. Expert advocates for timely palliative care for patients experiencing heart failure during address to URI College of Nursing - Yale University Professor Shelli Feder, delivering the College’s Fall Distinguished Lecture, calls for increased access for those with serious cardiovascular disease While palliative care is common for patients diagnosed with life-threatening conditions like cancer or Alzheimer’s Disease, it is less commonly prescribed to patients suffering from heart failure, a missed opportunity to provide enhanced care […]
  • Yale University School of Nursing faculty member Shelli Feder Palliative care expert to deliver URI College of Nursing’s Fall Distinguished Lecture - Yale nursing Professor Shelli Feder will discuss palliative care in cardiovascular disease Nov. 13 Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing for the latest installment of the college’s Fall Distinguished Lecture series. Dr. Shelli Feder, faculty at the Yale University School of Nursing, will deliver the address: “Advancing Palliative Care in Cardiovascular Disease: […]
  • URI College of Nursing Simulation Education Coordinator Jessica Skatsis teaches nursing student Shakira Caffey how to use the equipment in the college's new virtual reality simulation lab. URI nursing students practice hands-on care in virtual reality - College of Nursing recently introduced its new VR lab in Kingston Nursing students at the University of Rhode Island now have the opportunity to assess and interact with patients in their hospital rooms, make decisions about the care they need, and perform the required treatment, all from the safety of a lab in White Hall, […]
  • University of Rhode Island College of Nursing undergraduate students work in one of the advanced simulation labs at the Nursing Education Center in Providence. URI College of Nursing undergrad programs ranked among top 8 percent in nation - The college slots in at number 54 in U.S. News & World Report latest rankings The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing undergraduate program is again ranked among the nation’s best, soaring into the top 8 percent of nursing colleges in the country, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. The […]
  • Students in the Pathways to Nursing Program at the University of Rhode Island gather for a welcome reception Sept. 17 in White Hall, home of the URI College of Nursing. Pathways to Nursing Program at URI increases student opportunity, diversity in nursing workforce - The program has graduated professional nurses from historically underrepresented populations since 2010, helping improve health equity The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomed its largest group of students in the Pathways to Nursing program for the fall 2024 semester. The program is increasing opportunities for students and furthering the significant impact it has […]
  • URI nursing professor honored nationally for ‘outstanding contributions’ to nursing profession - Professor, Routhier Chair, and former Interim Dean Betty Rambur wins prestigious award from national nursing association Honoring her “outstanding contributions to nursing education, research, and practice,” the American Association of Colleges of Nursing has named University of Rhode Island College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur winner of the 2024 Lois Capps Policy Luminary Award. The […]
  • Photos: Class of 2027 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony - Dean Danny Willis and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2027 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium. URI President Marc Parlange, Associate Dean Melissa Sutherland, and Clinical Associate Professor Joan Dugas offered greetings before guest speaker Anitra Galmore, vice president […]
  • URI College of Nursing Dean Danny Willis and Jean Watson, founder of Center for Human Caring and the Watson Caring Science Institute, lead nursing faculty and staff members through a welcome back retreat Aug. 29. Nursing faculty, staff focus on ‘patients’ whole well-being’ during annual College retreat - Center for Human Caring founder Jean Watson leads discussion on ‘Transpersonal Theory of Human Caring’ College of Nursing faculty and staff members discussed how best to prepare students to be “nurse leaders transforming well-being and the environment,” embracing the College’s new tagline, by fully caring for their patients’ needs instead of merely marking off a […]
  • Assistant Professor Jordon Bosse Study examines feasibility of ‘Mindful Self-Compassion’ to alleviate stress among transgender, nonbinary young adults - URI nursing Assistant Professor Jordon Bosse earns federal grant to adapt curriculum Transgender and nonbinary young adults—individuals who have a gender that is different than their assigned sex at birth—have more than triple the risk of depression and anxiety than those whose gender is congruent with their sex at birth. Despite the known associations between […]
  • URI College of Nursing Professor Erica Liebermann served on a three-year-long Lancet commission, which produced a report calling for a “transformative feminist approach” to cancer care. URI nursing Professor Erica Liebermann joins prestigious national fellowship program for nurse scientists - Betty Irene Moore fellowship program recognizes innovative nurse scientists, supports Liebermann’s research on cervical cancer University of Rhode Island College of Nursing Assistant Professor Erica Liebermann is one of 16 nurse scientists accepted to the fifth cohort of the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators. The fellowship program recognizes early- to mid-career […]
  • Caroline Jennings Commencement 2024: Early health scare, family tradition lead student to nursing profession - Caroline Jennings has been a leader at URI, and was named the College of Nursing Academic Excellence Award recipient Caroline Jennings was just a sophomore in high school when she was diagnosed with a serious abdominal condition that required surgery. Frightened by a major operation and unsure of the ultimate outcome, Jennings found comfort and […]
  • Former Rhode Island Free Clinic Director Marie Ghazal address URI's Pathways to Nursing students during their end-of-year reception April 22. Pathways scholars honored at end-of-year ceremony - Students enrolled in the URI Pathways to Nursing program shared their challenges and achievements over the past semester, and looked forward to continuing their journey toward a nursing degree during the program’s annual end-of-year reception April 22. Program administrator Diane DiTomasso welcomed the group, congratulating them on their successes and urging them to continue displaying […]
  • The URI College of Nursing graduate programs continue to rise in national rankings. The Doctor of Nursing Practice jumped up to number 66, while the Master's program remains in the top 50 in the country. URI College of Nursing graduate programs ranked among nation’s best - Doctor of Nursing Practice ranks 66 nationally; Master’s program remains in top 50 The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate programs are again ranked among the top of nursing colleges in the country, making an impressive year-over-year rise, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. The College’s Doctor of Nursing […]
  • Dr. Susan Loeb, nursing professor at Pennsylvania State University’s Ross & Carol Nese College of Nursing, will deliver this year’s URI College of Nursing Spring Distinguished Lecture on May 1. Professor, prison health expert to deliver URI College of Nursing’s Spring Distinguished Lecture - Pennsylvania State University Professor Susan Loeb will discuss health care of older prison inmates on May 1 Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing for the latest installment of the College’s Spring Distinguished Lecture series. Dr. Susan Loeb, nursing professor at Pennsylvania State University’s Ross & Carol Nese College of Nursing, will deliver […]
  • Nursing students respond to disaster simulation depicting mass casualty event - URI nursing students spring into action when ‘victims’ flood simulated ER University of Rhode Island Nursing students got a chance to handle a mass casualty event during a simulated exercise at the Nursing Education Center in Providence on Jan. 20, giving them a feel for the sudden chaos that can erupt in a health care […]
  • URI Nursing student Marisha Anand plays with Ava, 4, as she blows bubbles during the respite care program on a recent Saturday afternoon. ‘Invaluable’ URI program gives respite to parents of children with special needs - Nursing, physical therapy, human development students care for children each Saturday, allowing parents time to care for themselves Jennifer Gangi rarely gets any time to herself. Beyond the typical difficulties of being a single mother to two young children, the West Kingston resident faces the additional daily challenges of caring for a child with significant […]
  • URI Nursing, Pharmacy and Physical Therapy students worked together on a variety of patient-focused healthcare simulations during an interprofessional education collaboration at the Alpert Medical School at Brown University Jan. 31. URI Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy students treat simulated patients at Brown University - Annual Interprofessional Education event gives students in health professions experience in integrated patient care URI students from the College of Nursing joined those from pharmacy, physical therapy and social work in multidisciplinary teams, working together on a variety of patient-focused healthcare simulations during an interprofessional education collaboration at the Alpert Medical School at Brown University […]
  • Photos: Class of 2026 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony - Dean Danny Willis and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2026 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Friday morning in Edwards Auditorium. After greetings from Dean Willis, Associate Dean Susan DeSanto-Madeya, Assistant Professor Jung Eun Lee and Boston Children’s Hospital Clinical Psychologist and nurse Elaine […]
  • URI students bring interdisciplinary health education to South Kingstown High School - Students from the Colleges of Nursing, Health Sciences and Pharmacy teach and interact with younger students at high school’s health fair
  • URI College of Nursing Ph.D. applications due Jan. 15 - Nursing professionals looking to advance their career and further their education will find great opportunities to do so in the URI College of Nursing Ph.D. program. Applications for the Ph.D. program are being accepted now through Jan. 15 for a fall 2024 start. The URI College of Nursing Ph.D. program prepares outstanding and compassionate nurse […]
  • Kristine Robin URI College of Nursing names inaugural Barcott-Kim Fellow - Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing Fellowship aims to boost ranks of nursing faculty, addressing national shortage A new University of Rhode Island College of Nursing fellowship that aims to develop the next generation of nursing faculty members has secured its first graduate student, who will begin in the college’s Ph.D. program […]
  • Dahianna Lopez URI nursing professor Dahianna Lopez appointed to National Cooperative Highway Research Program Panel - Dahianna Lopez, assistant professor of nursing at the University of Rhode Island, has been named to a national panel to address issues surrounding the nation’s highways, ranging from initial design to upkeep.
  • Learn how a Nursing grad degree advances your career - URI College of Nursing to host info session on MS, Post-MS, DNP programs Nov. 29 Nurses looking to advance their career and further their education will find great opportunities to do so in the URI College of Nursing graduate programs. Anyone potentially interested in pursuing a master’s degree, post-master’s certificate or doctor of nursing practice […]
  • Danny Willis URI names Danny Willis dean of the College of Nursing - A nationally respected education leader and practitioner, Willis joins URI after serving as dean of nursing at Saint Louis University The University of Rhode Island has named Danny Willis, DNS, R.N., FAAN, a nationally respected education leader and practitioner, as the next dean of the College of Nursing. Willis currently serves as dean of the […]
  • The John H. Visneuski Master/Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarship will support graduate nursing students at URI who might not otherwise have been able to pursue an advanced degree. Alum establishes scholarship for URI nursing grad students - John H. Visneuski Master/Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarship created out of ‘great respect for nursing profession’ Qualified nursing students who might otherwise not have been able to do so will be able to further their education in University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate programs, thanks to a new endowment established by an alumnus […]
  • College of Nursing to host info session on esteemed Ph.D. program - Health professionals looking to advance their career and further their education will find great opportunities to do so in the URI College of Nursing Ph.D. program. Anyone potentially interested in pursuing a Ph.D. from the College is welcome to learn more about what the program has to offer during an upcoming virtual information session on […]
  • URI College of Nursing undergrad programs again ranked among top 100 in country - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing undergraduate program is again ranked among the top 100 of nursing colleges in the country, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. The College’s B.S. in Nursing program is tied at number 67 in the country for the second year in a row, according […]
  • URI College of Nursing Professor Erica Liebermann served on a three-year-long Lancet commission, which produced a report calling for a “transformative feminist approach” to cancer care. Gender inequalities worsen women’s access to cancer care; experts call for transformative feminist approach - URI Nursing Professor Erica Liebermann serves on international Lancet commission Cancer is a leading cause of mortality in women and ranks among the top three causes of premature death in women under age 70 in almost every country. Yet women continue to face disparities in care that impede their ability to seek and obtain timely […]
  • Photos: Class of 2026 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony - Interim Dean Betty Rambur and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2026 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium. The dean and faculty were joined by child and adolescent psychiatric nurse Elaine Meyer, a senior attending psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, […]
  • Jordon Bosse New faculty member: Assistant Professor Jordon Bosse - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomes Assistant Professor Jordon Bosse to the college for the start of the fall 2023 semester. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: Ph.D., Nursing, University of Massachusetts; MSN, Nursing Education, St. Joseph’s College of Maine; BSN, University of Southern Maine, BA, Individualized Studies, Goddard […]
  • Kara Pavone New faculty member: Assistant Professor Kara Pavone - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomes Assistant Professor Kara Pavone to the college for the start of the fall 2022 semester. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: Ph.D., Nursing Science, University of Pennsylvania; MS, Nursing Science, University of Pennsylvania; BSN, Nursing Science, University of Pennsylvania; BS, Behavioral Neuroscience, Northeastern […]
  • Professor, interim associate dean named Fellow in palliative care nursing - Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean Susan DeSanto-Madeya was named a Fellow in Palliative Care Nursing (FPCN) through the National Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association (HPNA) in March 2023. DeSanto-Madeya, the URI College of Nursing’s Weyker Chair, focuses on palliative and end-of life nursing care. She is currently an investigator on an NIH-funded study examining […]
  • URI College of Nursing Dean reappointed to federal Medicare Payment Advisory Commission - Betty Rambur will help analyze access to care, cost and quality of care, and other key issues affecting Medicare University of Rhode Island College of Nursing Dean Betty Rambur has been reappointed as a commissioner on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, which holds a powerful role in advising Congress on Medicare policy. Rambur, the College’s […]
  • Gallery: URI College of Nursing Commencement 2023 - Dean Betty Rambur, joined by URI President Marc Parlange and Provost Barbara Wolfe, and the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing, conferred degrees upon the graduating class of 2023 on May 20. Dean Rambur and the entire URI College of Nursing extend their heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2023. Check out a […]
  • Lily Jacobson Commencement 2023: Early inspiration led nursing student Lily Jacobson to career caring for others - When Lily Jacobson was a young girl growing up in Lincoln, her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness that required multiple surgeries and frequent hospital visits that sometimes lasted as long as two weeks. It was difficult for the young child and her older sister to watch their mom suffer, but at the same […]
  • URI nursing students inducted into ‘network of world’s top nurses’ - URI hosts Sigma honor society induction, welcoming nursing students from around the state The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing hosted the first in-person local Sigma national honor society induction ceremony at Edwards Auditorium Saturday morning, with Associate Dean Susan Desanto-Madeya overseeing the induction of 105 students from around the state. Thirty-eight URI nursing […]
  • Carolina Herrera DNP student’s study provides road map to treat childhood obesity - The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased more than eight times in the last 50 years, affecting about 10 percent of infants and toddlers, and 17 percent of children and teens. Those facing obesity as children often do as adults, afflicting about 30 percent of the population, presenting hosts of health problems including diabetes, heart […]
  • Pathways scholars honored at end-of-year ceremony - Students enrolled in the URI Pathways to Nursing program shared their challenges and achievements over the past semester, and looked forward to continuing their journey toward a nursing degree during the annual Pathways Living Leadership reception in the Alumni Center. URI Provost Barbara Wolfe, who was the College of Nursing dean when the Pathways program […]
  • URI College of Nursing Assistant Professor Thaís São-João Nursing study to examine commercial fishermen’s health - Professor Thaís São-João aims to improve quality of life for fishermen, possibly increasing fish landing and impacting the blue economy Commercial fishermen are the most at-risk blue economy workers, constantly exposed to hazardous working conditions, strenuous labor, long hours in variable weather conditions, and poor sleep and nutritional patterns. Poor health has important implications for […]
  • Professor, geriatric health expert to deliver URI College of Nursing’s Spring Distinguished Lecture - Dr. Marie Boltz scheduled to speak about dementia care March 29, 5 p.m. Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing for the latest installment of the College’s Spring Distinguished Lecture series. Dr. Marie Boltz, nurse practitioner and nursing professor at Pennsylvania State University, will deliver the address: “Advancing Person-Centered Dementia Care: Where are […]
  • Nursing, pharmacy students bring services, supplies to Jamaica for residents with disabilities - Students get hands-on experience, provide training for caregivers, learn about the culture of developing world A group of University of Rhode Island students from the colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy spent part of their winter break in Jamaica. But they weren’t there to sunbathe on the beach or frolic in the waves. Instead, they spent […]
  • Nursing students experience health care a world away - More than 30 Academic Health Collaborative students see firsthand the challenges of health care in a developing area in Indonesia
  • Photos: Newest URI nursing students receive their white coats - Semi-annual White Coat Ceremony signifies students’ transition into full-scale nursing education Interim Dean Betty Rambur and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2025 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Friday morning in Edwards Auditorium. Rambur, along with Professor Diane Martins and Assistant Professor Jung Eun […]
  • Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Hesook Suzie Kim URI College of Nursing fellowship attracts $1.7 million to help prepare nurse educators - Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing Fellowship aims to boost ranks of nursing faculty A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing fellowship has topped more than $1.7 million, after $600,000 in recent contributions triggered a $500,000 match from an anonymous donor. The Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing […]
  • URI College of Nursing Assistant Professor Jennifer Mammen URI College of Nursing faculty to evaluate patient perspectives of smartphone and smartwatch technology to monitor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease - Parkinson’s disease is a devastating and progressive neurologic disease that affects upwards of 1 million people in the United States. Current treatments are unable to stop disease progression, partly due to an inability to monitor Parkinson’s symptoms precisely enough to tell if early treatments are working.  A study conducted by researchers at the University of […]
  • More than 100 degrees conferred at College of Nursing December graduation - More than 100 students crossed the stage in Edwards Auditorium Saturday to receive their degrees at the annual College of Nursing December Commencement Saturday, Dec. 17. Associate Dean Susan Desanto-Madeya and members of the College faculty distributed 103 bachelor of science degrees, 44 of which were earned by working registered nurses who returned to URI […]
  • Professor Betty Rambur named interim dean of the URI College of Nursing - Nursing Professor Betty Rambur, the Routhier Endowed Chair for Practice, has been named interim dean of the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing. Betty will assume this new role on Jan. 1 as Barbara Wolfe, current dean of the college, begins her tenure as URI’s next provost and executive vice president. Throughout her distinguished […]
  • URI College of Nursing Dean and new URI Provost Barbara Wolfe Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe named new URI provost - Wolfe, who has served as College of Nursing dean for six years, was selected after an international search and will start on Jan. 1
  • URI College of Nursing Annual Report 2022 - The many significant accomplishments of the faculty, staff, students and alumni of the URI College of Nursing are chronicled in the 2022 Annual Report.
  • URI College of Nursing PhD students Devon Carroll and Somatra Connolly presented their research at the American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif, this week. Nursing study: College students binge drink more often when parents provide alcohol - Two Nursing PhD students win national award for study analysis on risky behavior Studies suggest that parents continue to exert significant influence over their children’s behavior even into the college years, and that extends into the choices they make regarding substance use and other risky behaviors. When parents encourage, or at least don’t discourage, underage […]
  • Assistant Professor Kate Healy New faculty member: Professor Assistant Professor Kate Healy - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomes Assistant Professor Kate Healy to the college for the start of the fall 2022 semester. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: DNP, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions; MSN, University of Pennsylvania; BSN, University of Pennsylvania. Recent experience: Associate Director of Nursing, […]
  • Nursing Faculty Members Published Nationally, Internationally - URI College of Nursing professors continue to make significant impacts on health and health research, exemplified by the books, textbook chapters, scientific journal articles and more they have produced. Faculty members have been published dozens of times over the past year in a variety of publications. Check out a list of faculty publications over the […]
  • URI College of Nursing undergraduate program ranked among top 10 percent in nation - The B.S. in Nursing program makes impressive rise in ranks, slotting in at 67 The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing undergraduate program is now ranked among the top 10 percent of nursing colleges in the country, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. The College’s B.S. in Nursing program is […]
  • Photos: Class of 2025 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony - Dean Barbara Wolfe and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2025 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium. Students crossed the stage to receive their white lab coats, then recited a pledge to uphold the ethics and principles of the nursing […]
  • Katie Fitzmaurice (left) and Rebecca Allder meet with Fred Flynn, who started the Susan D. Flynn Palliative Care Undergraduate Fellowship in memory of his late wife. Inaugural Flynn Fellows graduate palliative care program - URI nursing students Rebecca Allder and Katherine Fitzmaurice completed the eight-week internship program at HopeHealth in Providence Two University of Rhode Island College of Nursing students have enhanced their expertise in palliative care and contributed to palliative care knowledge through their research projects, as the inaugural participants in the Susan D. Flynn Palliative Care Undergraduate […]
  • Do racial inequities hamper caregiver resources, health outcomes? - URI College of Nursing Professor Susan Desanto-Madeya’s major federally-funded study aims to find path over barriers to equitable care About 12 million adults in the United States are living with serious illness that carries a high risk of mortality and puts great strain on family caregivers. That strain is exacerbated in cultural-minority families facing inequities […]
  • College of Nursing graduate Melissa Sosa presented her research at the Eastern Nursing Research Society's annual meeting in March. Nursing graduate overcomes societal, personal obstacles to excel at URI - Melissa Sosa, first generation American and college student, already employed in neuro ICU In 2010, Melissa Sosa was a 10-year-old girl going to grade school in Providence, playing softball and volleyball with her friends, and just generally being a kid. Then her mother, Alba Vasquez, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was a […]
  • Gallery: URI College of Nursing 2022 Commencement - Dean Barbara Wolfe, joined by URI President Marc Parlange and the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing, conferred degrees upon the graduating class of 2022 on May 21. Dean Wolfe and the entire College of Nursing extend their heartfelt congratulations to the URI College of Nursing Class of 2022. Check out a gallery […]
  • Katie Fitzmaurice (left) and Becca Allder Two nursing students named inaugural Susan Flynn Palliative Care Fellows - Katie Fitzmaurice and Becca Allder will enhance palliative care skills in new Fellowship Two University of Rhode Island College of Nursing students will become experts in palliative care as the inaugural participants in the Susan D. Flynn Palliative Care Undergraduate Fellowship. Nursing students Katie Fitzmaurice and Becca Allder will enhance their “core palliative care clinical […]
  • URI College of Nursing master’s degree program ranked in top 50 nationally - Program is 45th in the country, an impressive rise in the ranks; Doctor of Nursing Practice program among top 80 nationally The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing master’s degree program, already among the best in the country, has risen again in the national rankings, moving into the top 50 in the country, according […]
  • ANA President Ernest Grant to deliver URI College of Nursing Distinguished Lecture - Dr. Grant scheduled to deliver the College’s Spring Distinguished Lecture April 20 The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing will welcome Ernest Grant (Ph.D., RN, FAAN), president of the American Nurses Association to deliver this semester’s Spring Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, April 20. Dr. Grant plans to speak about the critical role nurses continue […]
  • Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim New Fellowship a Boost for URI Nursing Graduate Students - At a time of growing need for nurses, the U.S. is also facing a nursing faculty shortage. The URI College of Nursing is working to address that. A small group of anonymous donors has committed $600,000 to support the Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing Fellowship for graduate-level research and professional development. […]
  • Despite COVID challenges, nursing students remain committed to profession, survey shows - Study also highlights mental health challenges nursing students face While the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress exponentially and impacted the mental health of many nurses and nursing students, it hasn’t necessarily dampened the desire for nursing students to pursue the profession, according to a University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor’s recent study. Assistant […]
  • VIDEO: URI College of Nursing White Coat Ceremony, Class of 2024 - Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing faculty and staff welcomed dozens of new students to the nursing ranks during a virtual White Coat Ceremony Jan. 2. New nursing students displayed their white lab coats during a Zoom meeting before reciting a pledge to uphold the ethics and principles of the nursing […]
  • Virtual care has increased in prevalence during the pandemic. The trend is here to stay. Increased use of telehealth to continue post-pandemic, nurse researchers’ paper reveals - URI nursing Professor Betty Rambur collaborates with colleague on in-depth look at the history and future of virtual care The COVID-19 pandemic radically transformed the delivery of primary care in the United States. In the face of a highly contagious virus, the fragility of the nation’s reliance on in-person primary care was dramatically revealed, with […]
  • New faculty member: Assistant Professor Thaís São-João - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomed Assistant Professor Thaís São-João to the college in the spring of 2022. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: PhD, Nursing, University of Campinas (Brazil); Post-Doc, Health Sciences, University of Campinas (Brazil); MSN, Nursing, University of Campinas (Brazil); BSN, Nursing, University of Campinas (Brazil). […]
  • New faculty member: Professor Melissa Sutherland - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomes Professor Melissa Sutherland to the college for the start of the spring 2022 semester. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: Ph.D., University of Virginia, Charlottesville; M.S., Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, with a focus on community health education and nurse practitioner; B.S. in Nursing, […]
  • More than 100 degrees conferred at College of Nursing December graduation - More than 100 students crossed the stage in Edwards Auditorium Saturday to receive their degrees at the annual College of Nursing December Commencement. Dean Barbara Wolfe distributed 115 bachelor of science degrees, 58 of which were earned by working registered nurses who returned to URI to complete their degrees in the College’s RN to BS […]
  • RI Free Clinic CEO Marie Ghazal, a two-time URI College of Nursing alum, was recently inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. URI Nursing alum announces retirement after long career dedicated to underserved populations - Marie Ghazal, CEO of the RI Free Clinic, has also been inducted as an AAN Fellow A prominent URI College of Nursing alumna is calling it a career after years helping underserved populations receive the critical care they need, for which she was recently inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. Marie […]
  • Meet Sculco Scholar Jane Lazar Tucker - Three more URI College of Nursing students have joined Ph.D. student Emily Haynes as recipients of Cynthia & Thomas Sculco Graduate Nursing Research scholarships, which cover much of their expenses, allowing them to focus exclusively on their research and studies. Today we take a look at one of the students benefitting from the gift from […]
  • URI Nursing professor serving on governor’s team to ‘propel RI into next decade’ - Assistant Professor Dahianna Lopez is public health advisor on Gov. Dan McKee’s new taskforce URI College of Nursing Assistant Professor Dahianna Lopez will play a key role in Gov. Dan McKee’s plan “to build a more resilient, prosperous, and equitable state,” serving on the governor’s new advisory team tasked with creating a framework and guiding […]
  • Meet Sculco Scholar Devon Carroll - Three more URI College of Nursing students have joined Ph.D. student Emily Haynes as recipients of Cynthia & Thomas Sculco Graduate Nursing Research scholarships, which cover much of their expenses, allowing them to focus exclusively on their research and studies. Today we take a look at one of the students benefitting from the gift from […]
  • Research Professor Kimberly Arcoleo Nursing professor wins APHA Distinguished Service Award - Research Professor Kimberly Arcoleo honored for ‘excellence in maternal and child health leadership and advocacy’ University of Rhode Island College of Nursing Research Professor Kimberly Arcoleo has been selected to receive the American Public Health Association’s Distinguished Service Award, which honors “excellence in maternal and child health leadership and advocacy, effective practice, distinguished service, and […]
  • URI nursing study examines opioid use in motor vehicles - Assistant Professor Dahianna Lopez’s funded study aims to develop interventions to address dangerous problem Driving under the influence of illicit drugs is a major problem on the roadways, as about 12.6 million people over the age of 16 engage in the behavior each year. Especially when opioids are involved, the risk of overdose behind the […]
  • COVID-19 Panel Discussion: ‘It Takes a Village: Managing COVID as a Team’ - Register today for the latest expert panel discussion on the response to COVID-19 on Nov. 3, 6 p.m.
  • National Institute of Nursing Research director to deliver College of Nursing Fall Distinguished Lecture - The latest installment of the URI College of Nursing Distinguished Lecture Series this fall will feature Dr. Shannon Zenk, Director of the National Institute of Nursing Research. The lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 20, 5-7:30 p.m. The event, which includes continuing education contact hours for nurses, will be live-streamed in the auditorium at the […]
  • AHC hosts latest COVID-19 Panel Discussion: ‘The COVID Kids’ - The virtual panel discussion is scheduled for Oct. 20, 6 p.m.
  • Meet Sculco Scholar Somatra Connolly - Three more URI College of Nursing students have joined Ph.D. student Emily Haynes as recipients of Cynthia & Thomas Sculco Graduate Nursing Research scholarships, which cover much of their expenses, allowing them to focus exclusively on their research and studies. Today we take a look at one of the students benefitting from the gift from […]
  • Nursing professor discusses healthcare staffing shortage in TV interview - Professor Betty Rambur joins WPRI Channel 12 in discussion on how nursing shortages impact local hospitals A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, Rhode Island hospital workers are leaving in droves, data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows. URI College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur, the college’s Routhier Chair […]
  • A statue of Florence Nightingale is located in the courtyard outside White Hall on the Kingston campus. Nursing Dean to host College Open House - The public is invited to a reception and tour of White Hall Oct. 1 College of Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe invites faculty staff, students alumni, prospective students and the general public to learn more about the College during an Open House on Oct. 1, 1-3 p.m. The open house will begin in the Florence Nightingale […]
  • Dr Eileen O'Grady Nursing Lecture — “Choosing Wellness: Resiliency and Self-Leadership” - Valuable continuing education credits are available for nurses attending the lecture at no charge Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing at the Higgins Welcome Center on the Kingston campus Sept. 30 at 10 a.m. for an important discussion with a well-being expert about the toll the pandemic has taken on nurses, and […]
  • Photos: White Coat Ceremony welcomes URI nursing students to profession - Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing faculty and staff welcomed dozens of new students to the nursing ranks during a White Coat Ceremony in Edwards Auditorium Tuesday. The day before classes begin for the Fall semester, students walked across the stage to receive their white lab coats before reciting the Student […]
  • Retired nursing Professor Marcella Thompson was among recipients of an Advance-CTR grant to assess dietary exposure to mercury and PCBs among members of the Narragansett Tribe. New $19.9M grant will expand hub for translational science, biomedical research in Rhode Island - Advance-CTR supports researchers from URI, including a former nursing professor, helping bring their work from the lab to the community
  • Inflammation, Depressive Symptoms May Contribute to Cancer Patient Fatigue - Assistant Professor Jung Eun Lee’s study aims to reduce fatigue, improve outcomes Interventions that target depressive symptoms and inflammation may reduce fatigue among cancer survivors, according to a study by Assistant Professor Jung Eun Lee. Incidence and severity of cancer-related fatigue vary greatly among individuals. Although the underlying mechanisms are not well-understood, Lee has found […]
  • College of Nursing 75th Anniversary Signature Event details announced - As the URI College of Nursing continues to recognize its 75th anniversary, the anniversary committee has planned a “signature event” to celebrate the milestone. College personnel, including faculty, staff, students and alumni will gather at the Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown, on Thursday, September 30. A reception is scheduled for 5 p.m., followed […]
  • A URI nurse practitioner student examines a patient at a local community health center, where students are mentored by qualified preceptors. College of Nursing program to educate preceptors benefits students, patients - $2.7 million HRSA grant provides training for expert mentors, funding for student trainees Nurse practitioner students at URI will get more hands-on experience and expert guidance — to the benefit of the students and patients at local community health centers — thanks to a URI College of Nursing program to recruit and educate the preceptors […]
  • Telma Odoom Commencement 2021: Ghanaian nursing student achieves her life’s dream at URI after decade-long struggle - Telma Odoom regards caring for others as a nurse as her destiny. However, her journey to becoming a nurse was almost a decade-long struggle.
  • Panel Discussion: Honoring Professional Achievement in Nursing - Join Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing advisory board to honor the accomplishments of four long-time faculty members who are retiring this year. Honorees Donna Schwartz-Barcott, Ginette Ferszt, Deb Erickson-Owens, and Kathy Paquette have more than 75 years of combined experience and dedication to the college. They’ll share their experiences and […]
  • Gallery: URI College of Nursing 2021 Commencement - Dean Barbara Wolfe, joined by URI President David Dooley, Provost Donald DeHayes, and the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing, conferred degrees upon the graduating class of 2021 on May 21. It was the first in-person commencement ceremony in two years, after the COVID-19 pandemic derailed last year’s celebration. The university is tentatively […]
  • Anonymous Gift Triggers Match of College of Nursing Donations - Gifts of $1,000 or more will be doubled through September, up to $100,000 Thanks to the anonymous support of a college friend in honor of the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing’s 75th anniversary, some gifts to the College will be doubled over the next several months. Every gift of $1,000 or more to […]
  • College of Nursing 75th Anniversary Signature Event details announced - As the URI College of Nursing continues to recognize its 75th anniversary, the anniversary committee has planned a “signature event” to celebrate the milestone. College personnel, including faculty, staff, students and alumni will gather at the Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown, on Thursday, September 30. A reception is scheduled for 5 p.m., followed […]
  • Nursing Professor Betty Rambur addresses Medicaid expansion in national article - A conversation with Rambur on the federal health policy was published on WalletHub’s website Professor Betty Rambur, the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing’s Routhier Endowed Chair for Practice, recently sat down with WalletHub for a conversation on Medicaid expansion. The following conversation with Rambur, who specializes in healthcare finance and public health policy, […]
  • URI nursing students aim to be advocates for health care - Three student leaders attend annual AACN Student Policy Summit Three University of Rhode Island College of Nursing students represented the College in helping advocate for the nursing profession and health care in general as they joined students from around the country in the Student Policy Summit hosted by the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing. […]
  • URI College of Nursing graduate programs ranked among nation’s best - Master’s, doctorate programs both rise in new U.S. News & World Report rankings The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate programs, already among the best in the country, have risen again in the national rankings, according to U.S. News & World Report, which released its new rankings Tuesday, March 30. The College’s master’s […]
  • URI College of Nursing funded research fuels advances in health care - Ranked first in New England in federal research funding, the college hosts researchers making major impacts on community The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing was recently ranked 37th in the nation — and first in New England — in total federal research funding from the National Institutes of Health, after securing nearly $1.7 […]
  • CE credit for nurses available at 36th annual Seminar By the Sea virtual conference - URI College of Pharmacy to host ‘Surviving the Tsunami of COVID-19: A Healthcare Provider’s Survival Kit’ March 17-19 Health professionals from around the region will earn valuable continuing education credits while discussing some of the most pressing healthcare issues of the day during the 36th annual Seminar by the Sea Northeast Regional Conference presented by […]
  • URI Nursing Professor’s research aims to improve asthma treatment for children - Kimberly Arcoleo’s research addresses the health disparity for low-income children with asthma.
  • Nancy Redeker Yale expert Nancy Redeker to deliver URI College of Nursing’s Spring Distinguished Lecture - Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing for the latest installment of the College’s Distinguished Lecture series. Dr. Nancy Redeker, director of the Yale University School of Nursing Center for Biobehavioral Health Research, will deliver the address: “Advancing Nursing Science Through Precision Health.” The lecture, scheduled for March 10 at 5 p.m., will […]
  • VIDEO: White Coat Ceremony welcomes student nurses - Dean Barbara Wolfe and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2023 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony on Feb. 6. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the students donned their coats remotely during the virtual ceremony. Dean Wolfe, Associate Dean Mary Leveilee and Assistant Professor Jung […]
  • 75 Years of Nursing Excellence - From the Founding of the URI College of Nursing to Service During a Global Pandemic By Christopher Barrett ’08 When Paula Viau-Hann (‘69) attended the University of Rhode Island as a nursing student in the 1960s, an orange stood in for an arm for practice injections. Students in blue pinned striped dress uniforms, white shoes, […]
  • ‘Knowledge is power’: URI alum’s website offers consultation, advice to nurses - is go-to reference for licensing board complaints, legal issues A nurse who immigrated from the Philippines and was the only foreign-born nurse in a central Texas hospital faced multiple discriminatory complaints that put her license in jeopardy. Another nurse in a delivery room twice reported to administration a doctor who didn’t show up on […]
  • URI College of Nursing alum Maria Ducharme promoted to president of The Miriam Hospital. URI College of Nursing alum takes helm at Miriam Hospital - Maria Ducharme, a nurse, has been promoted to president of Miriam Hospital A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate has been promoted to president of The Miriam Hospital in Providence, the first nurse to take over the top leadership position in the hospital’s 96-year history. Maria Ducharme, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, was promoted from […]
  • Louisa White was the first dean of the URI College of Nursing. URI College of Nursing Identifies ‘Luminaries’ in Nursing Profession - College identifies 75 nursing leaders to have come through the College as part of its 75th Anniversary In celebration of its 75th anniversary, the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing is taking a look back at the most important resource the College has — the people who have roamed its hallways and continue to […]
  • URI professor to advice Congress on nursing research - Mary Sullivan appointed to Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor will help advise the U.S. Congress on the importance of nursing research and funding for such research after having been appointed to a national nursing research organization. Professor Mary Sullivan has been appointed an […]
  • Dean distributes degrees at virtual December commencement - More than 140 students crossed the virtual stage Dec. 21 to receive their degrees at the annual URI College of Nursing December Commencement. Dean Barbara Wolfe distributed 143 bachelor of science degrees, 70 of which were earned by working registered nurses who returned to URI to complete their degrees in the College’s RN to BS […]
  • Virtual COVID panel discussion: Caring for the Caregivers - Fourth in series of URI discussions examines impact of COVID-19 on healthcare professionals
  • URI Nursing, Health Sciences, Pharmacy students conduct virtual health checks with community seniors - Annual Senior Day moves online due to ongoing pandemic An older adult named Daureen told of the difficulties she has with otherwise simple tasks like cooking because of the arthritis in her hands. She detailed the medicines she takes, expressed concerns about falling, scheduled follow-up physical therapy appointments, and even got a quick mental health […]
  • URI College of Nursing study aims to increase intimate, sexual violence screening on college campuses - Kathy Hutchinson’s funded study aims to identify barriers to violence screening Intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) are significant public health issues for women, with more than 20 percent of women sexually assaulted in their lifetime and 1.3 to 5 million women experiencing IPV each year. Female college students experience some of the […]
  • College to host NYU professor, public health expert for virtual lecture on nurses’ COVID experience - Dr. Nancy Van Devanter’s presentation on Oct. 21 is the latest in the URI College of Nursing Distinguished Lecture Series The latest installment of the URI College of Nursing Distinguished Lecture Series this fall will feature Dr. Nancy L. Van Devanter, a professor with New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing and deputy director […]
  • Dr. Coppa is Latest AAN Fellow from URI College of Nursing - Associate Professor Denise Coppa has been selected to receive one of the greatest recognitions of accomplishment in the nursing profession, induction as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. Coppa is the latest College professor to achieve the honor, joining nine others. That number is up from two just five years ago. Coppa’s interests […]
  • New Associate Professor fills College’s Miriam Weyker Chair - The URI College of Nursing welcomed one of its newest educators and researchers, Dr. Susan Desanto-Madeya, who fills the College’s Miriam Weyker Chair. “I am thrilled to join the URI College of Nursing as the Miriam Weyker Chair. Dr. Desanto-Madeya said. “This position provides me with an opportunity to build an interdisciplinary palliative care program […]
  • New professor: Clinical Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hutson - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomed Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hutson to the college in the spring of 2020. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors. Education: Ph.D. in Nursing, Ohio State University; M.S.N (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner), Ohio State; B.S. in Nursing, Kent State University; B.A. in Psychology, Ohio State. Recent Experience: […]
  • College of Nursing 2020 Annual Report - The many significant accomplishments of the faculty, staff, students and alumni of the URI College of Nursing are chronicled in the 2020 Annual Report.
  • COVID experience panel discussions: Lessons from URI and beyond - The URI Academic Health Collaborative and Interprofessional Education and Practice Initiative will host three online panel discussions to address the challenges health care workers face and the lessons being learned during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
  • URI Nursing professor serves in coronavirus hot zone - Wylie Dassie cared for COVID patients in New York City during the height of the pandemic Clinical Assistant Professor Wylie Dassie left the classroom for the hot zone this spring, traveling to New York City to serve on the front lines of the pandemic, caring for COVID-positive patients, and counseling soldiers and family members who […]
  • Nursing students welcomed to profession during virtual White Coat Ceremony - Dean Barbara Wolfe and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2023 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony on Sept. 8. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the students donned their coats remotely during the virtual ceremony. Dean Wolfe began the ceremony by recited the Code of […]
  • Mental Health and Wellness Resources Available During COVID-19 - While beginning a new semester can be stressful on its own, dealing with the complications the COVID-19 pandemic presents can exacerbate the stress many are feeling. If the stress and anxiety are impacting your mental health and wellness, there are resources available on campus for the entire URI community. In addition to the URI Counseling […]
  • Online Healthcare Management Master’s program available to Nursing alumni - Alumni from the URI health colleges, including Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences, have the opportunity to learn more about the business of health care, thanks to a new online program in the URI College of Business. The college is now offering a Master of Science degree in healthcare management. Taught in asynchronous seven-week modules, both […]
  • New Nursing professor adds wealth of research experience to College - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomes Research Professor Kimberly Arcoleo to the College for the fall 2020 semester, adding a researcher, educator and public health expert who brings with her a wealth of research experience and funding. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors. Education: Ph.D. in health services research, University […]
  • URI Nursing professor appointed to Medicare Payment Advisory Commission - Dr. Betty Rambur will help analyze access to care, cost and quality of care, and other key issues affecting Medicare University of Rhode Island College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur has been appointed as a commissioner on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, which holds a powerful role in advising Congress on Medicare policy. Dr. Rambur, […]
  • VIDEO: Congratulations, URI College of Nursing Class of 2020 - While the COVID-19 pandemic is keeping us physically apart, we in the College of Nursing are all together in spirit. Students, faculty and staff members have put in monumental efforts to continue the important work of the College despite the need to quarantine to prevent the spread. Professors have continued holding classes online, and students […]
  • College of Nursing graduates cross virtual stage - More than 230 graduates crossed the virtual stage to receive their degrees during the URI College of Nursing commencement ceremony Sunday, May 17. While social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented students from physically walking across the stage to receive their degrees, the entire faculty and staff of the College is with each […]
  • 75 for 75: Nominate URI College of Nursing luminaries - College seeks to highlight excellence in nursing during its 75th anniversary year Do you know a URI College of Nursing graduate has made a particular impact on health care in the community? A faculty member who inspired you above all others to succeed? A clinical preceptor who made a lasting impact on your career development? […]
  • Mary Cloud URI nursing professor helps fill key role in COVID-19 fight - Mary Cloud works with Health Department informing patients, tracing contacts By Allie Shinskey A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor is filling a key role in the COVID-19 fight, working with the Rhode Island Department of Health to inform residents who have tested positive for the disease, advise them what to do next, […]
  • URI College of Nursing student collects thousands of N-95 masks for front-line healthcare workers - Meredith Arden traveled around Rhode Island, Massachusetts to secure donations A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing student has made an extraordinary effort to help during the COVID-19 crisis, collecting more than 5,000 medical grade masks from companies around Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and delivering them directly to front-line medical workers who need them […]
  • Face of the Fight: Samantha Falkowski ’21, Nursing - URI College of Nursing staff, faculty members and students across all departments are dedicating themselves to helping during the COVID-19 health crisis we are all facing. Here, we highlight their work in their own words. Know someone helping out who should be recognized? Email their information to My name is a Samantha Falkowski and […]
  • Face of the Fight: Bridget Montle ’20 - URI College of Nursing staff, faculty members and students across all departments are dedicating themselves to helping during the COVID-19 health crisis we are all facing. Here, we highlight their work in their own words. Know someone helping out who should be recognized? Email their information to My name is Bridget Montle and I […]
  • Nursing Professors Patricia Stout (left), Diane Martins (top, right) and Dahianna Lopez. URI Nursing professors volunteer with Health Department during coronavirus response - Call Center volunteers offer advice, support during difficult time A Rhode Island resident tested for coronavirus hadn’t yet received results of the test, but felt she needed to go to work. Another spotted an operating dog groomer while taking a walk and wanted to know if they should be open. Still another was told to […]
  • South Street Landing URI College of Nursing graduate programs ranked among nation’s best - Master’s and Doctor of Nursing Practice listed among top programs in country The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate programs have soared in national ranks, jumping into the top 11 percent among master’s programs in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report, which released its new rankings Tuesday. The College’s master’s […]
  • Nancy Redeker Yale expert Nancy Redeker to deliver URI College of Nursing’s Spring Distinguished Lecture - Join the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing for the latest installment of the College’s Distinguished Lecture series. Dr. Nancy Redeker, director of the Yale University School of Nursing Center for Biobehavioral Health Research, will deliver the address: “Advancing Nursing Science Through Precision Health.” The lecture, scheduled for March 10 at 5 p.m., will […]
  • URI nurse practitioner student Carly Masse examines a patient at the RI Free Clinic. URI nurse practitioner students learn by doing at RI Free Clinic - Students learn from clinicians in various disciplines while providing free service to patients at Providence clinic By Allie Shinskey Nurse practitioner students at the University of Rhode Island get hands-on training while providing services to patients at the Rhode Island Free Clinic in Providence, helping provide professional care to low-income and uninsured adults in Rhode […]
  • Nursing professor’s study on infant birth weight, breastfeeding wins national award from leading women’s health organization - Groundbreaking study could change recommendations on newborn feeding A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor has won the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses’ premier award for an article based on her groundbreaking study in which she challenges expected patterns of infant weight loss after birth.   The national association awarded […]
  • Barbara Patterson URI College of Nursing alum named editor of NLN Journal - Barbara Patterson will lead publication dedicated to promoting nursing research and education By Allie Shinskey University of Rhode Island College of Nursing alumnus Barbara Patterson has expanded her role in nursing research and education, having recently been named editor of the NLN Journal, Nursing Education Perspectives. Patterson, a graduate of the College’s Ph.D. in Nursing […]
  • URI Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy to offer opioid education, training to rural communities - Health professionals and students from the University of Rhode Island are gearing up to hit the road in an outreach campaign aimed to reach rural Rhode Islanders with education and training about opioid overdose and substance use disorder.
  • Simulation training helps students learn true role of a nurse - Advanced sim labs in the College of Nursing include lifelike mannequins that mimic actual patients By Allie Shinskey University of Rhode Island College of Nursing students get the opportunity to work directly with patients, assessing their condition, diagnosing a plan of action and applying the prescribed treatment themselves, all without the risk of making a […]
  • New nursing professor balances teaching with research - Kristin Corey Magan began with the College in spring 2020 The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing welcomed Assistant Professor Kristin Corey Magan to the college in the spring of 2020. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors. Education: Ph.D. in nursing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; M.S. with a concentration in adult gerontology […]
  • New Nursing professor defied odds to succeed in public health, education - “Any person from any background, with the right resources and the right support, can achieve a dream.” While she acknowledges such a sentiment may sound corny to some, it is anything but a cliché to the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing’s newest assistant professor, Dr. Dahianna Lopez. From a very early age, Lopez […]
  • Seminar By the Sea tackles emerging healthcare trends; CE credits available - Health professionals from around the region will flock to Newport, R.I. in March to earn valuable continuing education credits while discussing some of the most pressing healthcare issues of the day.
  • Class of 2022 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony - Dean Barbara Wolfe and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2022 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium. Guest speaker Kerin Da Cruz, vice president of operations at Westerly Hospital, greeted the student nurses, urging them not to be deterred by […]
  • Type 2 Diabetes Webinar: Update and Insights on Treatment Options - The URI Office of Continuing Professional Development for the Health Professions will update health professionals from around Rhode Island and the region on new practice recommendations for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes during a special webinar on Jan. 9 at noon. Continuing Education credit is available.
  • Nearly 200 degrees conferred at December graduation - College of Nursing distributes bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees More than 160 students crossed the stage in Edwards Auditorium Saturday to receive their degrees at the annual College of Nursing December Commencement. Dean Barbara Wolfe distributed 130 bachelor of science degrees, 61 of which were earned by working registered nurses who returned to URI to […]
  • Nurse Practitioner students get hands-on experience with young patients - Students compile medical, family histories, conduct physical assessments Students in the University of Rhode Island nurse practitioner programs recently took what they have learned in the classroom into the exam room, performing full physicals on volunteer children on two recent Saturday mornings at the Nursing Education Center in Providence. The students, enrolled in the Family […]
  • URI College of Nursing Annual Report 2019 - A $1 million gift to the College; a new Associate Dean; a sharp increase in sponsored project proposals; increased student research. It’s been a big year in the URI College of Nursing. Read all about it in this year’s Annual Report.
  • Nursing professor appointed to national health policy council - Dr. Betty Rambur will help advise AACN on health policy URI College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur will help guide policies of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing after recently being appointed to the association’s Health Policy Advisory Council. The ACCN created the council in January 2015 “to guide the association in its development […]
  • Come Study With: Community health expert Diane Martins - Nursing professor offers students research, experiential learning opportunities, especially with vulnerable populations The health of an individual or a community is about much more than fighting disease or infection. Societal factors such education, economic standing, disability, substance use disorders and more contribute to an individual’s overall health. The lack of resources and supports in homes, […]
  • Former dean delivers College’s Fall Distinguished Lecture - Hesook Suzie Kim discusses essential qualities of successful nurse The “Essence of Nursing” can be broken down into a five-level nursing framework that promotes a deep understanding of how nursing should be holistically practiced rather than focusing on particular nursing competencies. That framework — along with the integral components of nursing practice, including essential tools, […]
  • Former Dean to deliver Fall Distinguished Lecture - Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim to lecture on ‘Capturing the Complexity of Nursing Practice’ Oct. 16 at the NEC The latest installment of the URI College of Nursing Distinguished Lecture Series featuring former Dean and Professor Emeritus Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 16, 4:30 p.m. at the RI Nursing Education Center, 350 […]
  • Deans' Awards; Dean Barbara E. Wolfe, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, Dean, College of Nursing; Deborah Doucette O'Brien '85, M.P.A. '96, P'14, P'20; President and Chief Operating Officer, The Providence Center, Senior Vice President of Nursing, Care New England. Behavioral health advocate wins College’s Distinguished Achievement Award - Deborah O’Brien is ‘exceptional leader driving a culture of clinical excellence’ The URI College of Nursing honored the career of an alumna who has made a tremendous impact on health care with one of the College’s highest honors during the Distinguished Achievement Awards ceremony on Oct. 5. Deborah M. O’Brien, BS, RN, MPA is president […]
  • College Welcomes Assistant Professor Dr. Ashlee Viveiros - The URI College of Nursing welcomed Assistant Professor Ashley Viveiros to the college in the fall of 2019. Learn about one of the College’s newest professors: Education: B.S. in Nursing, 2011, Rhode Island College; M.S. in Nursing, 2016, RIC; D.NP, 2019, RIC Experience: Viveiros worked as a registered nurse at Rhode Island Hospital in acute […]
  • $1M grant fuels URI efforts to stem opioid crisis in rural areas - Professors, students and health professionals from the University of Rhode Island aim to stem the ongoing opioid crisis in rural communities around the state, thanks to a $1 million grant from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  • White Coat Ceremony welcomes URI nursing students to profession - Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing faculty and staff welcomed dozens of new students to the nursing ranks during a White Coat Ceremony in Edwards Auditorium Tuesday. The day before classes begin for the Fall semester, students walked across the stage to receive their white lab coats before reciting a pledge […]
  • South Street Landing Info session planned for URI Nursing graduate programs - Nurses continue to play an ever-expanding role not just in direct patient care but also in the overall delivery of healthcare, requiring practicing nurses to enhance their education and scientific experience to meet the growing demands on the profession. The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing is poised to meet that demand, offering a […]
  • Denise Coppa URI nursing project boosts student experience, enhances primary care - $2.7 million HRSA grant fuels Advanced Nursing Education Workforce program Nurse practitioner students in the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing will get more hands-on experience, and patients at two community health centers will benefit from their expertise, thanks to a $2.7 million, four-year grant aimed at enhancing the nursing workforce and strengthening health […]
  • URI research opportunities expand nursing experience, improve patient care - Neonatal expert Dr. Amy D’Agata spearheads efforts for new lab, increased research experience Nurse researchers, nurse practitioners and nursing students continue to spend more time at the bench conducting lab science, which not only contributes to the advancement of health care research, but also helps them achieve a deeper understanding of their patients’ condition, improving […]
  • Early life trauma linked to obesity, other health problems in later life - URI College of Nursing study aims to mitigate damage to metabolic hormones Experiencing significant trauma or adversity early in life is a major risk factor for poor health later, but the specific links between early life trauma and negative health outcomes as an adult are not fully understood. URI College of Nursing Assistant Professor Karen […]
  • URI College of Nursing study examines how premature birth affects health, function throughout lifespan - $3 million grant extends 30-year study, one of the longest on premature birth The stress premature infants experience can carry on throughout their adult life, causing cognitive limitations, social struggles at work or in school, and a greater risk of health ailments, including cardiac conditions, one of the longest-running U.S. studies of premature infants has […]
  • URI College of Nursing student Kristen Schaffer examines a patient during a simulated health care team exercise. SBIRT in action: URI Nursing student joins interprofessional education event - URI Nursing, Pharmacy students train with professionals on working in health care teams A middle-aged accountant walks into a primary care clinic. He says he has severe back pain and Percocet isn’t helping anymore.
  • URI Nursing professor‘s breastfeeding study earns national award - A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor’s groundbreaking study about newborn weight loss after birth has earned her a “best research” award from a leading neonatal publication. University of Rhode Island Assistant Professor Diane DiTomasso has been selected to receive the Journal of Human Lactation’s 2019 Best Research Article with A Practice Focus […]
  • Come Study With: Psychiatric-mental health nursing expert Karen Jennings - One of the newest professors in the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing, Karen Jennings has brought with her a fresh perspective to the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner graduate program and a strong drive to continue her research, presenting an opportunity to students looking to make an impact in psychiatric health care. Jennings, […]
  • Gallery: College of Nursing graduation - Nearly 300 graduates crossed the stage to receive their degrees during the URI College of Nursing commencement ceremony in the Mackal Field House Sunday, May 19. Dean Barbara Wolfe and the entire College congratulates the College of Nursing Class of 2019! Check out a full gallery of the ceremony below:
  • Emely Baez Senior Profile 2019: Nursing student aims to improve global public health - Growing up, University of Rhode Island senior nursing major Emely Baez spent her summers in the Dominican Republic with family members who lived there. While there one summer she contracted Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness that can be life-threatening. While Baez recovered from the illness, the experience stuck with her, and it drove her to […]
  • URI Nursing alumna earns ‘Great Catch’ award after saving patient - By Ross Balding While still in the orientation phase of her new job as a cardiac unit nurse at Yale-New Haven Hospital, University of Rhode Island College of Nursing alumna Rachael Horrocks realized there was something wrong with one of her patients. The doctor believed it was simply a pinched nerve, but Horrocks remained steadfast […]
  • Megan O'Connell - Nursing Gallery: Nursing students present research at annual Honors Conference - College of Nursing students joined others from the Academic Health Collaborative in presenting their research projects at the Annual Honors Conference in the Memorial Union Ballroom Wednesday.
  • Two URI College of Nurse nurse practitioner students work with actors portraying patients in the advances home health care simulation labs at the Nursing Education Center in Providence. Advanced simulation training prepares URI students for career in home-based health care - Funded by a grant from EOHHS, program gives students hands-on experience With the ever-soaring cost of health care in hospitals and clinics, there is greater emphasis on providing health care in the home to help lower costs and providing new opportunities for health care providers to work in alternative settings. Nurse practitioners from the University […]
  • Gallery: 28 nurses receive degrees during RN to BS graduation - Twenty-eight registered nurses crossed the stage to receive their bachelor’s degree during the URI College of Nursing’s RN to BS graduation ceremony last week. Dean Barbara Wolfe joined several other College faculty members and Senior Vice President of Nursing for Care New England Deborah O’Brien in congratulating the nurses who returned to school to finish […]
  • Baccalaureate trained nurses aren’t just the future; they’re the present - Dr. Sean Clarke extols virtues of higher education for nurses during Spring Distinguished Lecture Nurses are the front line of health care and are critical factors in the health outcome of any patient. Studies have shown that the quality of care patients receive is linked to the level of education nurses attain. In fact, for […]
  • URI nurse practitioner students earn scholarships from nursing alliance - Four URI College of Nursing graduate students got a little help in furthering their education last week, earning scholarships from the Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Rhode Island. Nurse practitioner students Olajumoke Adetunji, Andrea Burden, Kim Silva, Megan Chambers and Yvette Moreno each received a $1,000 scholarship during the alliance’s annual conference last Saturday. Applicants must […]
  • Spring Distinguished Lecture: The Future of Nursing Education - Studies have shown that the quality of care patients receive is linked to the level of education nurses attain. In fact, for every 10 percent increase in nurses with bachelor’s degrees, there is a 7 percent drop in patient death, according to the National Institutes of Health. The studies have led to a greater push […]
  • URI Nursing grad receives nursing association President’s Award - Janelle Amoako ’15 is staff nurse at Miriam, Master’s candidate at URI A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing graduate and master’s candidate is already making waves in nursing administration, serving as the youngest member of the Board of Directors for the American Nurses Association-RI, and recently receiving the association’s most prestigious award. Janelle […]
  • URI Nursing Professor Debra Erickson-Owens, right, with Shoi Parker and her little boy Cameron at Women & Infants Hospital. Cameron participated in the study of delayed cord clamping with full-term infants. URI photo URI nursing study shows for first time benefits of delayed umbilical cord clamping on brain development in healthy babies - KINGSTON, R.I. — Feb. 8, 2019 — A five-minute delay in the clamping of healthy infants’ umbilical cords results in increased iron stores and brain myelin in areas important for early-life functional development, a new University of Rhode Island nursing study has found.
  • URI College of Nursing appoints associate dean for graduate programs, research - Katherine Hutchinson is currently nursing professor at Boston College The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing has appointed Katherine Hutchinson to the position of associate dean of the College’s graduate programs and research. Hutchinson — Ph.D., registered nurse and Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing — comes to URI from Boston College, where […]
  • Professor Betty Rambur serves on committee to limit health spending - Gov. Gina Raimondo signed committee’s executive order to set target of 3.2 percent increases The state of Rhode Island has pledged to limit health care spending increases, and URI College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur played a significant role in setting the spending target. Gov. Gina Raimondo and the Office of Health Insurance Commissioner has […]
  • Get your Nursing Ph.D: Come study with Professor Mary Sullivan - Nurses make up the largest sector of health-care professionals in the U.S. at more than 3 million practicing RNs, however, only 1 percent of them hold a doctoral degree. For nurses who want to impact the care of patients, communities and health care as a whole, like University of Rhode Island Professor Mary Sullivan, one […]
  • GALLERY: College welcomes nursing students at White Coat Ceremony - Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing faculty welcomes dozens of new students to the nursing ranks during a White Coat Ceremony in Edwards Auditorium last week. The students walked across the stage to receive their white lab coats before reciting a pledge to uphold the ethics and principles of the nursing […]
  • Gallery: College of Nursing confers nearly 200 degrees at winter commencement - Nearly 200 students crossed the Edwards Auditorium stage Sunday morning as the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing conferred degrees during the annual winter commencement ceremony Dec. 16. Among the graduates are 70 full-time students earning their bachelor’s degrees, along with 84 practicing nurses who returned to URI to earn their degrees in the […]
  • Lauren Kristol Why I chose URI Nursing: Sophomore Lauren Kristol - Lauren Kristol arrived at URI hyper focused on getting a nursing degree, inspired by a volunteer experience at a local hospital. Her first visit to the Kingston campus confirmed where she would get that degree. “I liked how URI felt more like a neighborhood than a city or any other type of campus,” said sophomore […]
  • A nurse cares for an elderly woman. URI nurse practitioner program prepares students for career in gerontological care - With the average age in the United States increasing, understanding how aging affects health continues to increase in importance. Among its several graduate degree courses, the URI College of Nursing offers an Adult-Gerontological Nurse Practitioner program to help prepare practicing nurses and nursing students to care for an aging population. The program offers students the […]
  • Innovations in nursing: URI study helping repair asthma patients’ lungs - Students in the Nursing graduate programs at URI have the opportunity to participate in studies like the TEAMS program, which lets nurses treat patients remotely A number of patients who suffer from asthma are bringing their condition under control, increasing their lung function and decreasing the frequency of asthma attacks — all without going to […]
  • Gallery: Pathways scholars honored at annual reception - Students enrolled in the URI Pathways to Nursing program shared their challenges and achievements over the past semester, and looked forward to continuing their journey toward a nursing degree during the annual Pathways Living Leadership reception in the Alumni Center Dec. 11. College of Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe and program administrator Professor Mary Cloud welcomed […]
  • URI receives $1 million gift for nursing scholarships from former professor - University of Rhode Island alumna and former nursing professor Deborah Godfrey-Brown M.S. ’79 has pledged $1 million for scholarships in the College of Nursing.
  • Lauren Kristol GALLERY: White Coat Ceremony welcomes students to nursing profession - Dean Barbara Wolfe and members of the College of Nursing faculty welcomed 110 students into the nursing profession during the semiannual White Coat Ceremony in Edwards Auditorium Tuersday, Sept. 4. The students walked across the stage to receive their white lab coats before reciting a pledge to uphold the ethics and principles of the nursing […]
  • URI nursing professor inducted as Fellow in American Academy of Nursing - Associate Professor Deb Erickson-Owens was inducted during the academy’s annual meeting Nov. 1 Associate Professor Deb Erickson-Owens, Ph.D., C.N.M., R.N., was selected as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, an honor bestowed upon only about 2,400 nursing leaders in education, management, practice and research. She was inducted on Nov. 1 Invitation to fellowship […]
  • URI nurse practitioner students practice end-of-life care - Simulations with live actors prepare students for ‘uncomfortable conversations’ Dealing with the approaching end of a patient’s life can be among the most difficult tasks nurse practitioners and other health workers face. An end-of-life conversation can be devastating for the patient and uncomfortable for the care provider, but it is an opportunity to prepare a […]
  • Finances, policy hold healthcare back in U.S. - URI Nursing Professor Betty Rambur focuses on need to innovate in health care management in her latest book By Ross Balding There are many areas in which the United States Healthcare system could improve, but URI College of Nursing Professor Betty Rambur believes the biggest issues are in finance and policy. Her book titled Health […]
  • Students across multiple health disciplines screen senior citizen volunteers - Students from all three colleges in the Academic Health Collaborative got some hands-on training while senior citizens from the community gained some valuable health information during the Senior Health and Wellness Program at Independence Square Tuesday.
  • URI professors receive Excellence in Nursing awards - Two faculty members at the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing are being recognized with Excellence in Nursing awards for their leadership in patient care and scientific research. Rhode Island Monthly magazine presents the awards annually in collaboration with the Rhode Island State Nurses Association.
  • Gallery: Meet the College of Nursing Undergraduate Research Fellows - College of Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe welcomed the 2018-2019 Undergraduate Research Fellows to campus during an orientation in White Hall last week. Seventeen nursing students will work with their faculty research mentors throughout the school year, assisting on various research projects in such topics as neonatal care, asthma management, environmental health and behavioral research, among […]
  • South Street Landing College of Nursing introduces psychiatric mental health NP program - A mental health, substance abuse and addiction crisis has been sweeping the nation in recent years, requiring an influx of clinicians educated to treat mental illness. To that end, the URI College of Nursing has introduced a new Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner master’s program beginning in Fall 2018.
  • Home Care URI Nursing students prepare for a future of home-based health care - As the costs associated with health care continue to soar, there is a greater emphasis in the industry on keeping people out of hospitals and receiving more care in the home, opening new opportunities and new responsibilities for health care workers.
  • Home Care URI, RIC Nursing students provide care for caregivers - State officials get firsthand look at respite care program at RI Nursing Education Center Caring for a child with special needs or an elderly parent with dementia can at times be stressful and overwhelming. The devotion and commitment to a loved one drives the caregiver to provide often constant attention, leaving them no time to […]
  • Nursing Class of 2018 GALLERY: College of Nursing graduates nearly 300 students - Caring for an elderly woman as she takes her last breath. Tending to the health care needs of homeless people. Witnessing “the joy and the wonderment” of the birth of a newborn. Those are just a few of the experiences graduates of the URI College of Nursing have already experienced as they embark on their […]
  • Shannon McIsaac Nursing Commencement speaker to highlight ‘what happens next’ - By Allie Lewis The College of Nursing, in collaboration with its professors and students, have chosen to honor one of their best and brightest as this year’s commencement speaker. Avon, Mass., native Shannon McIsaac will take the podium at Commencement Weekend to address her fellow nursing graduates with a message of perseverance, hope and, above […]
  • Barbara Wolfe Yale honors URI Nursing Dean for outstanding achievements - Barbara Wolfe to be recognized by her alma mater as ‘Distinguished Alumna’ College of Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe will be recognized this week by the Yale School of Nursing for her achievements and distinction within her career. The Yale School of Nursing’s Distinguished Alumna/us Award recognizes a select few individuals each year for demonstrating “achievement […]
  • Theresa Fitzpatrick URI health care webinar: Big Data’s impact on productivity improvement - Dr. Theresa Fitzpatrick, senior vice president of management consulting firm Kaufman, Hall & Associates, will explore how advanced analytics are making traditional approaches to clinical productivity improvement obsolete during a live webinar April 24 at 1 p.m.
  • College of Nursing College of Nursing receives $1 million gift for scholarships - The University of Rhode Island has received a $1 million gift to provide scholarships for students in the College of Nursing. The gift comes from the estate of Eleanor Ferrante Barlow and her late husband, Edward, of Rumford and Westerly, R.I.
  • College of Nursing VIDEO: Why choose URI Nursing? Find out here - Six undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Two locations, including the brand new Nursing Education Center in Providence. State-of-the-art research and simulation labs. An award-winning faculty dedicated to the next generation of health care professionals. Those are just some of the reasons to choose the URI College of Nursing to prepare for your career in health […]
  • Dive RI 2018 D.I.V.E. RI continues to spark change in the URI community - Students in the URI College of Nursing are among the leaders of the program.
  • Nursing students and faculty in Liberia BLOG: URI Nursing students, faculty members represent URI in Liberia - The Nurse Practitioner students will help treat patients in a Partners In Health Clinic. Follow along with their experiences in a running blog below. The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing is continuing its global outreach over the next two weeks as four students and two faculty members are traveling to Liberia to help […]
  • Teaching in Liberia Liberian professor visits URI ahead of student trip to West Africa - Collaboration aims to educate students, improve health care in developing world When Ebola broke out in Liberia in 2014, more than 11,000 severely ill people sought treatment in one of the few medical clinics available. Health professionals were faced with the daunting task of trying to save thousands of people with a tiny staff of […]
  • Health transformation video pic URI webinar series to promote health system transformation - To increase awareness of the issue and help spur the change, URI Nursing Professor Betty Rambur is spearheading a series of webinars to enhance health care professionals’ knowledge of health system science and promote understanding of health system transformation concepts. The 50- to 90-minute programs — funded by a $119,000 grant from the state Executive […]
  • Paul Farmer Presentation at RINEC focuses on nurses’ roles in healthcare innovation - Aidan Petrie to speak at NEC in Providence Feb. 21 at noon Nurses are at the front lines of health care and are key to improving patient care through transformation of health care systems. The need for user-centered innovation is paramount and nurses are in an ideal position to identify the need for novel solutions, […]
  • Emely Baez URI nursing student taking ‘Pathway’ to career in global health - Emely Baez aims to battle healthcare disparities around the world Emely Baez was in high school in Woonsocket, R.I. when she learned about the 1990s Rwandan genocide. A teacher who had traveled to the African nation told of the unimaginable tragedy and introduced Baez and her classmates to a Rwandan woman who had escaped her […]
  • Indonesia with Barbara URI students across health disciplines get immersed in learning during trip to Indonesia - Colleges of nursing, pharmacy and health sciences collaborate on J-Term course URI students from across all three colleges in the Academic Health Collaborative got a firsthand look at health care overseas, helped educate residents on preventive health measures and experienced some of the local culture during a J-Term trip to Indonesia. Deans Gary Liguori (health […]
  • A group of nursing students from the class of 2020 recite the Nightingale Pledge during the White Coat Ceremony Jan. 22. White Coat ceremony welcomes nursing students into profession - The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing officially welcomed the class of 2020 into the field of professional nursing during a White Coat Ceremony in Edwards Auditorium on Jan. 22. The 80 nursing students crossed the stage to receive their white coats for the first time before Dean Barbara Wolfe led the class in […]
  • Mary Leveillee URI’s College of Nursing appoints new associate dean - The University of Rhode Island has appointed Mary Leveillee, who was chief nursing officer at Butler Hospital, to the position of associate dean of the College of Nursing.
  • Left to right: Marcella Thompson; Janice Spears, Tribal Elder; Dinalyn Spears, director of Tribal Community Planning and Natural Resources; and Michael Thompson Professor Creates URI’s First Endowment for Native American Nursing Students - After four years of working closely with the Narragansett Indian Tribe, URI Assistant Nursing Professor Marcella Thompson found herself inspired to give back in a way that will have a lasting impact. She and her husband, Michael Thompson, have created the Thompson Endowed Scholarship for Native Students, which, when fully funded, will award approximately $1,000 […]
  • Dr. Paul Farmer addresses the challenges of providing health care in poverty-stricken regions during a presentation at the R.I. NEC Dec. 12. Dr. Paul Farmer relays health care challenges in impoverished nations - URI College of Nursing sponsors talk at R.I. NEC; students to visit clinic in Liberia At the height of the ebola crisis in West Africa in 2014, a young girl no older than two arrived at an Ebola Treatment Unit in Liberia organized by Partners in Health. The child’s entire family had succumbed to the […]
  • Paul Farmer file Dr. Paul Farmer to speak at R.I. Nursing Education Center - URI College of Nursing hosts ‘the man who would cure the world’ Tuesday; some seats, live stream available The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing is offering a unique opportunity to hear from Dr. Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health at the Rhode Island Nursing Education Center on Dec. 12. Farmer, “the man who […]
  • NEC dedication URI, state officials dedicate R.I. Nursing Education Center - State and University of Rhode Island officials ushered in a new era of higher education and health innovation Wednesday, officially dedicating the South Street Landing development project in Providence, home to the Rhode Island Nursing Education Center.
  • NEC The Future of Nursing - URI, governor to officially dedicate Nursing Education Center Learning is about transformation, and the new Rhode Island Nursing Education Center in Providence positions URI nursing students at the forefront of transformation in the field of health care. The center, which opened in August 2017 as part of the South Street Landing redevelopment project along the […]
  • Brandi Cotton Opioid addiction study focuses on couples, older adults - A University of Rhode Island College of Nursing professor is studying couples receiving methadone maintenance treatment for opioid use disorder and how being in recovery together influences treatment beliefs and outcomes.
  • PathwaysToNursing Federal grant boosts support, resources for URI nursing students - A five-year grant from the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration will enhance a University of Rhode Island program that supports nursing students from historically underrepresented populations, such as those from economically disadvantaged and minority backgrounds.
  • URI Nursing grads honored for ‘Distinguished Achievement’ - Two College alumna were honored in fall 2017 with Distinguished Achievement Awards, which recognize those who personify URI’s tradition of excellence in achievement, leadership and service. Claire Perlman ’73 is a philanthropist and volunteer, supporting organizations locally and across the globe. She worked at hospitals in New York City before returning to Rhode Island. She is […]
  • opioids Nursing Education Center Workshop to tackle opioid crisis - Seminar in Providence geared toward nurse practitioners, nurse practitioner students Drug overdoses in Rhode Island and across the country are increasing every year, and opioid addiction has reached epidemic levels. In Rhode Island alone, more than 1,000 people have died of an opioid overdose in the last five years. Street drugs like heroin are only […]
  • College of Nursing Annual report highlights College of Nursing success - A 94 percent pass rate for NCLEX exam first-timers. A Master’s program ranked in the top 100 nationally. The opening of a state-of-the-art Nursing Education Center in Providence. These are just some of the successes achieved in the URI College of Nursing in 2017. Combine that with an incoming class of students who averaged a […]
  • Mental Health First Aid training session at URI. Mental health initiative at University of Rhode Island about keeping each other well - When an accident happens, first aid delivered competently and quickly can mean the difference between a minor health scrape and a major one. The University of Rhode Island is applying that same approach to the mental health of its students, faculty and staff.
  • Ginette Ferszt URI nursing professor named Fellow of American Academy of Nursing - Professor Ginette Ferszt of the University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing at the organization’s 2017 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference last week in Washington, D.C.
  • URI Nursing Assistan Caring for caregivers - URI Nursing students provide respite for those caring for loved ones in the home A 75-year-old grandmother cares for a legally blind teenage grandson and a 10-year-old foster child with behavioral issues. A father with developmental disabilities tries alone to raise a young son who has surpassed him in cognitive ability. A young mother raising […]
  • Fey Simulation education expert leads workshop for URI nursing faculty - Nursing simulation technology has greatly evolved since Mary Fey, associate director of the simulation educator training program at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, struggled with ways to incorporate a mannequin into her teaching at the University of Maryland several years ago.
  • Healthcare URI nursing professor examines “Obamacare” ramifications - A newly published article by a University of Rhode Island nursing professor tackles the complexities and controversies surrounding the Affordable Care Act, including efforts to replace the current law, the role of politics in policy-making and relevance to nursing, other health professions, patients and policymakers.
  • Denise Coppa Nurse practitioner home visits correlate to big drop in hospital admissions, ER visits - Hospitalization rates plummeted 61 percent, and emergency room visits fell 64 percent among a group of patients who received home visits from nurse practitioners and graduate students during a six-month period in 2016, according to a University of Rhode Island College of Nursing study.
  • Nursing in Dominican Republic In Dominican Republic, students, faculty deliver care in demanding settings - Patricia Stout, associate clinical professor, and eight students spent 10 days in the Dominican Republic in June, providing care to underserved communities in pop-up clinics, senior centers and patients’ homes.
  • AANP Award recipient Betty Rambur National nurse practitioners organization honors Rambur - Betty Rambur, professor and Routhier Endowed Chair for Practice at the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing, received the American Association of Nurse Practitioners State Advocate Award at the organization’s national conference in June.
  • College of Nursing Logo URI College of Nursing master’s program ranked in top 100 nationwide - The University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing has leapt into the top-100 rankings of graduate nursing programs nationwide, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 Best Graduate Schools survey. The nursing master’s program ranks 79th among hundreds of schools across the nation and is the only nursing school in Rhode Island ranked in the top 100.
  • Jackie Davenport URI nursing student selected for prestigious Flynn Fellowship - A senior nursing student from the University of Rhode Island has been awarded a pediatric oncology fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital through The Susan D. Flynn Oncology Nursing Fellowship Program.
  • Brittany Puccia Student awarded $1,000 scholarship from Melanoma Foundation of New England - University of Rhode Island student Brittany Puccia has been honored for her skin cancer education efforts by the Melanoma Foundation of New England, which awarded her a $1,000 scholarship.
  • Nancy Woods National leader: Advanced scholarship vital to nursing stewardship - Team players who remain independent thinkers, persistent scientists who follow the evidence, dedicated caregivers whose research makes a difference in people’s lives… those are the qualities to which doctoral students of nursing, their mentors and college administrator should aspire.
  • Barbara Wolfe Future nurses? High school students tour College, meet with dean, faculty - If a group of high school students recently visiting URI’s College of Nursing is any indication, the future of nursing is bright, motivated and diverse.
  • URI nursing student, Natalie Sidman of Cumberland works one-on-one with Alison Rosener, a registered nurse at the Miriam Hospital. Miriam Hospital, URI partner on nursing mentorship program - Step onto the third floor of The Miriam Hospital in Providence and you will notice busy health professionals engaged in the art and science of patient care. However, you likely wouldn’t notice what else is taking place: real-world education of future nurses.
  • David Davis Student finds vocation as nurse practitioner after career as naval officer - Architect, U.S. Navy officer, deep sea diver, college professor, nurse practitioner … While this might sound like a list of job titles for several individuals, David Davis, who receives his doctorate of nursing practice from the University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing in May, has successfully pursued all these careers.
  • Barbara Wolfe Dean’s Message - As I look back on my first months as dean of the College of Nursing and look ahead to 2017, one word repeatedly comes to mind: opportunity.
  • URI researchers receive pilot project funding from Advance-CTR - Pilot Projects involving two researchers at the University of Rhode Island have been awarded federal funding through Advance Clinical and Translational Research (Advance-CTR), a statewide effort to support clinical research that can be translated into approaches and policies that improve the health of Rhode Islanders.
  • Opportunities First class graduates from URI’s online RN to BS program - The 20 registered nurses receiving bachelor’s degrees in nursing from the University of Rhode Island Dec. 17 are pioneers of a sort. They are the first graduates of the College of Nursing’s online RN to BS program, the only one in the state offered by a public university.
  • Angelita Hensman Our Future of Nursing Scholars - The College congratulates nurses Angelita Hensman and Pamela McCue, who are pursuing their doctorates at the College through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars program.
  • Maureen Hillier Welcome New Faculty - Beginning with the current academic year, we are privileged to welcome several new faculty members. Each brings impressive credentials, a strong commitment to nursing education and a desire to inspire our students to make a difference in health care.
  • Diversity Day Nursing Diversity Day a Huge Success - The College hosted a Nursing Diversity Day during the University’s 20th Annual Diversity Week in September.
  • Betty Rambur URI nursing professor named to national health care quality committee - Professor Betty Rambur of the University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing has been recognized by two national organizations for her work advancing the profession and for efforts addressing the cost and quality of health care.
  • Catharina Gillsjo International Visitor - The College of Nursing recently hosted Catharina Gillsjo. Ph.D., who was visiting from Sweden.
  • Amanda Millan and Ginette Ferszt URI’s College of Nursing helps brighten holidays for women inmates - Every holiday season for many years, inmates at Rhode Island’s Department of Corrections Women’s Facilities in Cranston have received small gifts in colorful bags tied with ribbon. For many, the packages of travel-size toiletries are the only presents the women receive.
  • Brooks Education has pivotal role in health care transformation, nursing leaders told - Rick Brooks, Rhode Island’s director of Healthcare Workforce Transformation, told nursing leaders gathered at the University of Rhode Island that higher education is the linchpin in the evolution of health care professions and the entire health care system.
  • Wyman Students making healthy choices Wyman students rewarded for healthy choices - Rachel Hobbs, a senior at the University of Rhode Island, spends time at Wyman School as part of her community clinical. During lunchtimes, she and school nurse Bernadette McDowell bring a “treasure chest” full of prizes like pencils, bubbles, necklaces and coloring books for kids who get caught eating healthy foods.
  • Antoinette Gagliard, a physical therapy major from Walpole, Mass., works with Pauline Tudino of Narragansett during the Senior Health and Wellness Program held at URI in October. Both older adults, URI students learn from health screenings - An older man carefully walks a straight line marked on the carpet while students assess his gait. Down the hall, a woman rises from her wheelchair to demonstrate a new prosthesis. In a room nearby, students advise a woman on medication use.
  • Students learning through interactions with a mannequin Mock scenarios featuring actors bring realism to URI’s nursing simulation classrooms - The young woman cradling the bundled-up baby at the back of the room appears anxious and standoffish. The two dozen University of Rhode Island freshman nursing students huddled around the bed of an infant with a racing heart across the way barely notice. After several minutes, student Jillian Bernier of Woonsocket, R.I., approaches her.
  • Deb Erickson-Owens RI Monthly names Deb Erickson-Owens Nurse Midwife of the Year - Last month Rhode Island Monthly magazine chose Associate Professor Deb Erickson-Owens as Nurse Midwife of the Year as part of its Excellence in Nursing awards, presented with the Rhode Island State Nurses Association.
  • FON program attendees URI scholars attend Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing 2016 Summer Institute - Two scholars from URI (supported by the Rhode Island Foundation) and their mentors attended the Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nursing Scholars Summer Institute on Science and Innovation.
  • Caroline Burns Caroline Burns, Peace Corps Volunteer - Caroline Burns, a volunteer in the Maternal Child Health Division of Peace Corps Rwanda, lives in the small village of Gituku. She invites fellow CON grads, students, and faculty to follow her blog about about Rwanda and her experiences there.
  • Betty Rambur National leader in health reform named to prestigious chair at College of Nursing - Betty Rambur said last year that all health professionals must become part of the solution to America’s costly health care system, which ranks 11th among wealthy countries on measures of quality, access, efficiency and equity. Nurses, as the largest health profession, hold a particularly central role.
  • Reflecting on the Orlando Tragedy - The College of Nursing shares a letter to the University of Rhode Island community from Annie Russell, Director, URI Gender and Sexuality Center, with reflections on the June 2016 tragedy in Orlando.
  • Indonesia balance ceiling Exploring Health Care: Indonesia - Indonesia may be a half-a-world away, but for twelve URI nursing, pharmacy, and physical therapy students, it provided invaluable lessons and an opportunity to expand their perspectives on health care.
  • Graduation 2016 Pinning Ceremony - The College of Nursing awarded pins and diplomas to 135 new nurses that comprised the Class of 2016 on May 22. Associate Dean Patricia Burbank, DNSc, RN, FAAN presided over the ceremony.
  • Bintou Camara Meet Bintou Camara, Pathways Student - Bintou Camara '17 was recruited from the Talent Development Program to the CON Pathways Program. After attending Bay View Academy and Bishop Keough High School she graduated from Central Falls High School, where her teacher David Upegui first sparked her interest in science and steered her toward a career in the medical field.
  • 2016 CON graduates College of Nursing Advanced Degrees - On Saturday, May 21, 2016, the University of Rhode Island conferred six Doctor of Philosophy degrees, five Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees, and forty-six Master of Science degrees to the College of Nursing graduates.
  • Anne E. Neuville Anne E. Neuville, RN, RNP, DNP - Anne Neuville recently earned her Doctor Nurse Practitioner degree from the URI College of Nursing after four and one-half years— while working full time as a Nurse Practitioner.
  • Liz Corner Elizabeth Corner, DNP—Making a difference - A recent graduate of URI College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice, Elizabeth Corner, DNP chose an unusual subject for her thesis: “Breaking the Binary: Rhode Island Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Primary Care Education”. Her faculty advisor on the project was Dr. Denise Coppa, Ph,D, R.N.P. While working on a clinical assignment at Hasbro Hospital […]
  • URI launches Academic Health Collaborative - The University of Rhode Island is putting in place a sweeping reorganization of its health programs to maximize cross-disciplinary teaching, research, and outreach and to place the University in a position of strength as health care undergoes rapid change in the United States.
  • Student Affairs - Student Affairs is that department in the College of Nursing that doesn’t teach any classes but really is the glue that holds the students and faculty together. Their primary mission is to keep all of the students in the College of Nursing on track to graduate. This includes not only undergraduates but also students working […]
  • Multicultural Student Nurses Multicultural Student Nurses Association Lecture - A standing room only audience greeted Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH Director of Rhode Island Department of Health when she addressed an enthusiastic audience in the auditorium of the CBL Building on Tuesday evening, March 1st. Sponsored by the URI Multicultural Student Nurses Association, the event was designed to provide information about the Department’s goal of […]
  • Student Nurses' Association SNA Preparing for the Future - A quick summary on the Student Affairs portion of the  College of Nursing web page provides the following description:  “Student Nurses Association of URI (SNA): The Student Nurse Association (SNA) is a professional nursing club that represents students preparing for the future as professional nurses. The association engages in a shared governance approach that encourages […]
  • ATD Alpha Tau Delta – Nursing Fraternity - A quick look at ATD under the Student Affairs listing on the College of Nursing web site says: “Alpha Tau Delta is a professional nursing organization committed to providing an intra-fraternal spirit of cooperation by offering an opportunity for nurses and nursing students to promote their personal and intellectual growth through education, networking, scholarships, guidance, […]
  • Kai Younger '17: Nursing Student, Nurturer, Scholarship Recipient Meet Kai Younger - Keeping with the URI slogan “Think Big”, we give you Ms. Kai Younger. Kai is a senior but technically a junior in the College of Nursing at URI because of course requirements. It has taken her a while to get here but it has been a dream for her entire life. Kai is a little […]
  • Class of 2018 - White Coat Ceremony Class of 2018 – White Coat Ceremony -   The second White Coat Ceremony at the URI College of Nursing was held on January 25th at 9:30 in the morning. Edward Hall was filled with a variety of friends, relatives and faculty who watched 78 new students be accepted into the College of Nursing. This continued the tradition that was started in the […]
  • CON 2016 Dr. Delores M. Walters diversity personified - After five years as Associate Director of the Southern RI AHEC, Delores is giving up the reins for other endeavors. Her resignation was effective on January 1, 2016, but according to Delores, “It is not a retirement but an advancement to other projects.” She will still be available to the College of Nursing as a […]
  • Hubbard Jordan Meet Hub Jordan - Meet Hub Jordan Hubbard Jordan is a second semester sophomore in the College of Nursing from Kingston, Massachusetts. When one pictures a nurse, you really don’t come up with the image of a six-two 230 pound lacrosse player. Of course URI current slogan is “Think Big”, and Hubbard fits that description perfectly. He is one […]
  • Karin Conopask Karin Conopask – Director of Development -   Like any business, money is a key ingredient to making the University of Rhode Island work. The University is the vehicle for education and research, but money is the gasoline or perhaps electricity that makes it run. Karin Conopask is charged by the URI Foundation with helping finding the gasoline/electricity. She is the Director […]
  • Registered Nurses earn bachelor’s degrees from URI Registered Nurses earn bachelor’s degrees from URI - KINGSTON, R.I.– January 14, 2016– Forty-two registered nurses earned their bachelor of science degrees from the University of Rhode Island and its joint program with Care New England last month.
  • Uploaded ToCynthia Davis Sculco ‘65: Former Scholarship Recipient Supports Future URI Nurses Cynthia Davis Sculco ‘65: Former Scholarship Recipient Supports Future URI Nurses - Scholarships helped put Cynthia Davis Sculco ’65 through URI’s College of Nursing. She went on to earn her masters and doctorate in education from Columbia University Teachers College and embarked on a truly remarkable career.
  • Leadership in Nursing – URI ‘s Third Routhier Lecture - The third lecture in the Routhier Lecture series was entitled:  “Leadership in today’s complex health care environment: what’s required?” It could also have been entitled just “Leadership”. What is required in being a leader in the nursing field is the same as being a leader in any other segment of society. The four speakers for […]
  • Dr. Beth Mancini - A Tale of Two Sisters Dr. Beth Mancini – A Tale of Two Sisters - How does a family cope when three teenagers lose both their parents suddenly? Terrie Rando was a freshman at the University of Rhode Island; her sister Beth a senior in high school and their brother Tom a junior in high school when their mother died from complications after heart surgery. Their father died of cardiac […]
  • Dr. Anne P. Manton - Distinguished Achievement Award Winner Dr. Anne P. Manton – Distinguished Achievement Award Winner - Dr. Anne P. Manton, PhD. RN, PMHNP-BC, FAEN, FAAN was recently honored as a 2015 University of Rhode Island Distinguished Alumni. She was nominated by Interim Dean Mary Sullivan from the College of Nursing. In the mid 1980’s, Dr. Manton was working at the MGH Institute of Health Professions as an Assistant Professor when she […]
  • URI School of Nursing connects with Universitas Airlangga School of Nursing in Indonesia URI School of Nursing connects with Universitas Airlangga School of Nursing in Indonesia - Donald H. Dehayes, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs University of Rhode Island recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement between the School of Nursing and the Faculty of Nursing, University Airlangga, Indonesia. The object of this memorandum is to develop a mutually beneficial relationship between the schools. Depending on funding and mutual agreement, the […]
  • Esther Emard Profile – Esther Emard: Routhier Executive in Residence - Esther Emard: Routhier Executive in Residence Esther Emard, MSN, RN, MSLIR holds the position of Executive in Residence at The University of Rhode Island College of Nursing. The title however doesn’t really tell you much about what she does. Interim Dean Mary Sullivan had been looking for a person to fill the Routhier Chair of […]
  • College of Nursing Hosts First White Coat Ceremony College of Nursing Hosts First White Coat Ceremony - The University Of Rhode Island College Of Nursing has a new tradition with each incoming class when it welcomed the new students with a White Coat Ceremony. For more than twenty years, starting with Columbia University in 1993, White Coat ceremonies have been a rite of passage for medical students. In 2014 the Arnold P. […]
  • URI’s College of Nursing’s Third Routhier Lecture to be held at Butler Hospital November 13, 2015 - URI’s College of Nursing’s Third Routhier Lecture to be held at Butler Hospital KINGSTON, R.I. – October 21, 2015 – The University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing and the Routhier Foundation will hold the third of a four-part lecture series on Friday, November 13th at the Butler Hospital, Ray Conference Center 345 Blackstone Blvd. […]
  • URI College of Nursing Routhier Lecture II video - On September 25, 2015, URI hosted the Routhier Lecture Series event titled “Using Payment to Advance Delivery System Reform.”  For those who were unable to attend, we welcome you to watch the video of the event – link here    Our next in the Routhier Lecture Series will be on November 13,2015 at Butler Hospital. […]
  • URI College of Nursing Highlights URI College of Nursing to present second Routhier Lecture - The University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing and the Routhier Foundation will hold the second of four lectures on national health care reform as it relates to nurses Friday, Sept. 25, from 9 to 11 a.m. at The Miriam Hospital.
  • Denise Coppa, Ph.D., APRN-CNP, FAANP URI nursing professor awarded $1.6 million grant to establish partnerships with 2 health agencies - University of Rhode Island Nursing Professor Dr. Denise Coppa has been awarded a $1.6 million federal grant to establish academic and clinical partnerships with two Rhode Island community health centers.
  • Kai Younger '17: Nursing Student, Nurturer, Scholarship Recipient Kai Younger ’17: Nursing Student, Nurturer, Scholarship Recipient - This student from Pawtucket is no longer putting her dreams on hold.
  • Meet Janelle Amoako - URI Big Thinker and College of Nursing recent graduate Meet Janelle Amoako – URI Big Thinker and College of Nursing recent graduate - If you want to know how to prepare for a career in the complex world of health care, you might want to look at Janelle Amoako’s resume. The spring 2015 graduate packed her URI years with jobs, internships and volunteer experiences that furthered her nursing education. All that work has paid off in a job […]
  • URI’s Routhier Lecture Series kicks off with timely discussion on ways to improve care - A recent international study found that the American health care system is the costliest in the world and yet it ranks 11th among wealthy countries on measures of quality, access, efficiency and equity, including areas such as infant mortality.
  • URI College of Nursing Routhier Lecture Series begins March 31, 2015 - The University of Rhode Island’s College of Nursing and the Routhier Foundation will launch a four-part lecture series Tuesday, March 31 with a panel discussion on national health care reform as it relates to the nursing profession.
  • Mary Sullivan, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. Welcome from Dean Mary Sullivan - Letter from Interim Dean Sullivan, February 23, 2015  I am honored to lead the College of Nursing as the interim dean following the retirement of Dean Dayle Joseph in 2012.  As former director of graduate studies, this is a new role for me with exciting possibilities at a time of unprecedented opportunities for the profession […]
  • Dean of College of Nursing announces new Advisory Council - Dean Mary Sullivan of the URI College of Nursing recently invited some members of the Rhode Island community to form a new Advisory Council.   This is a great time for nursing and Rhode Island is actively engaged in advancing the education of the nursing workforce at all levels of practice. This will be an exciting […]
  • Congratulations to Victoria Szlashta, URI's 2014 Homecoming Queen! Meet Genesis Santos – Nursing student & URI Big Thinker! - URI sophomore Genesis Santos is an orientation leader, a URI 101 mentor, a peer educator at the Women’s Center, and an employee at Roosevelt Hall. But there’s no doubt about her most important role.
  • URI College of Nursing Highlights URI offers MBA with health care management focus - The sweeping changes in the health care industry nationwide have placed new demands on professionals working within the business and health care arenas.
  • Students in URI’s R.N.-to-B.S. program renovate clinic at Providence Rescue Mission Students in URI’s R.N.-to-B.S. program renovate clinic at Providence Rescue Mission - Nurses volunteer at Providence charity  
  • Congratulations to Victoria Szlashta, URI's 2014 Homecoming Queen! URI Nursing, Talent Development student proves hard work pays off - KINGSTON, R.I. – Oct. 24, 2014 – Third year student Genesis Santos is a prime example of why the University of Rhode Island is known for its “big thinkers”. Santos, a nursing major, psychology minor who hails from Providence, R.I., is an orientation leader, URI 101 mentor, a peer educator at the Women’s Center, and […]
  • Congratulations to Victoria Szlashta, URI's 2014 Homecoming Queen! Congratulations to Victoria Szlashta, URI’s 2014 Homecoming Queen! - The College of Nursing would like to congratulate senior nursing student Victoria Szlashta on her homecoming win this past week! Thank you to all of the nursing students, faculty, and staff that donated their pennies on Victoria’s behalf. With your help, the homecoming court raised over $1000 for Shriners Children’s Hospitals. Take a look at Victoria’s […]
  • Registered nurses boost career and learning through URI’s R.N.-to-B.S. program Registered nurses boost career and learning through URI’s R.N.-to-B.S. program
  • Ebola Virus at 108,000 Magnification URI Providence campus to host public seminar on Ebola, today, Oct. 16 - URI Providence campus to host public seminar on Ebola, today, Oct. 16 Media Contact: Dave Lavallee, 401-874-5862 October 16, 2014 WHAT: The University of Rhode Island will host a public seminar about the Ebola virus and its Rhode Island connection, including discussions of the West African epidemic and its implications for Rhode Island; prevention, diagnosis […]
  • URI College of Nursing Student Janelle Amoako completes Hausman Fellowship at MGH URI College of Nursing Student Janelle Amoako completes Hausman Fellowship at MGH - URI College of Nursing undergraduate student, Janelle Amoako (May 2015), recently completed the Hausman Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital which seeks to develop diversity in nursing workforce.  Janelle is in community this semester, Honors student, and a member of our Diversity Committee in the College of Nursing. A quote by Janelle (p 6) that was […]
  • Stephanie O'Neil College of Nursing Students complete fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital - Two URI College of Nursing students, Stephanie O’Neil and Bintou Marong, have completed a 10-week fellowship at the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital. Bintou Maroug said of this experience: The Carol Ghiloni Oncology Fellowship located at Massachusetts General Hospital, aids students who have an interest in oncology to delve first hand into this specialty and gain […]
  • Nurturing Nurse Leaders - URI receives one of the Future Nursing Scholar grants
  • URI College of Nursing Highlights - Dear Friend and Colleague, Before we begin a new academic year, the faculty and I would like to share highlights of the activity at the College of Nursing for 2013-14. We are experiencing high interest in all of our nursing programs – BS, RN-BS, MS, DNP and PhD. The students are enthusiastic about embarking on […]
  • Two URI graduate nursing students win Jonas Center scholarships
  • South Street Power Station to house new joint nursing facility in Providence South Street Power Station to house new joint nursing facility in Providence - In cooperation with the State of Rhode Island and City of Providence, Brown University, and Rhode Island College, the University of Rhode Island will negotiate long-term leases with a private developer that would transform the South Street Power Station into a shared nursing education center, upper-level student housing, and University administrative offices, with restaurants, retails space, and new parking facilities.
  • Trystan Del Trufo Early experiences, work ethic propel URI nursing alumna to job with Sloan-Kettering - The first in her family to graduate from college, Trystan Del Tufo has found inspiration and learning opportunities in what could only be described as an exhausting number of jobs, internships and community service commitments. It’s a safe bet that she will be well prepared for the demands, commitments and stresses at one of the nation’s leading cancer centers.
  • Dayle Joseph Former URI Dean Inducted into R.I. Nursing Hall of Fame - Dayle Joseph, former dean of the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing, was inducted into the Rhode Island Nursing Hall of Fame Friday, April 5, as part of the annual Nightingale Gala, which is held each year by the Rhode Island State Nurses Association.
  • Nurse in scrubs in an operating room R.I.’s First Statewide Nurse Residency Program Launched - The Rhode Island Action Coalition for the Future of Nursing, along with numerous public and private sector partners, today launched a more than $600,000 statewide clinical nurse residency and mentoring program to provide participating nurses with additional skills and experience. Unemployed and underemployed nurses and new graduates from the state’s nursing programs will be eligible to enroll in the groundbreaking program.
  • Nursing faculty member standing at press conference podium Sen. Reed, URI announce $3.8 million in grants to College of Nursing - The awarding of $3.8 million in grants to the University of Rhode Island’s College of nursing is a signal from the federal government that the college is leading the way in nursing education and innovation, U.S. Sen. Jack Reed said Thursday morning. Reed joined URI administrators and nursing students, as well as representatives from Brown University for a press conference on the Kingston Campus to announce the grant awards.