NERIC Updates

North East Regional IDeA Conference (NERIC) Updates 2023 NERIC – “Catalyzing Biomedical Research for All” The 2023 Northeast Regional IDeA Conference (NERIC) theme was “Catalyzing Biomedical Research for All”.  Delaware INBRE hosted the event, held from August 16th to the 18th at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington.  Presentations were conducted by four RI-INBRE […]

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RI IDeA Symposium 2023

  2023 RI IDeA Emerging Area of Science Symposium   The Emerging Areas of Science IDeA Symposium was held on June 1st at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in collaboration with Rhode Island’s IDeA programs Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) and Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO), and Advance Clinical and Translational […]

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Grant Writing Workshop Summer 2022

Grant and Manuscript Writing Workshop – Summer 2022 Kelvin Chu, Ph.D. of The Implementation Group (TIG), presented a Grant and Manuscript Writing Workshop for our network members, held on June 29th at the University of Rhode Island’s Avedisian Hall. Grant and manuscript development focal points stimulated small breakout groups of faculty with similar concentrations and […]

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Seminar 2022 Benjamin McDonald

2022 Seminar Series Designing Reactive and Responsive Organochemical Systems Dr. Benjamin R. McDonald presented “Designing Reactive and Responsive Organochemical Systems” at the University of Rhode Island’s Chemistry Seminar on May 2nd. An Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Affiliate Faculty of Engineering at Brown University, Dr. McDonald’s research area includes Nano and Materials Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. […]

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RI IDeA Symposium 2022

2022 RI IDeA Emerging Area of Science Symposium The 2022 symposium returned this year both in-person and virtually in the day-long hybrid event, with participation from the COBRE, RI-INBRE, and Advance CTR programs. The June 10th event was held in Providence at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and attracted investigators, research staff, […]

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RI-INBRE and the Northeast DRIVEN Acceleration Hub have collaborated with RI Bio to share best practices and provide workshops, webinars, forums, and resources to the Rhode Island entrepreneurial community. These entrepreneurial series are aimed at showcasing scientific discovery and innovation at Rhode Island-based startups and the complete schedule is below. Discover Key Business Tools July […]

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NIH R15 AREA Program Webinar. Alexandra Ainsztein, PhD

In April 2020, RI-INBRE invited Dr. Alexandra Ainsztein, Program Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, to present her seminar on R15 AREA Program Grants. Her presentation to the Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) members was very well received by our PUI investigators as she provided advice and strategies for preparing a strong […]

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