Marine Biology Faculty

Our marine biology faculty are members of several departments in three colleges within the University (CELS, Pharmacy, GSO). They bring a broad range of scholarly interests and research activities to the Marine Biology Program through their mentorship of undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs who participate in lab, field, and shipboard research conducted locally, regionally, and globally. Their work is supported by major grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), US AID, US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), US Agency for International Development (USAID), Rhode Island Sea Grant, National Park Service, and other governmental agencies and private foundations.

College of the Environment and Life Sciences

Dr. Terry Bradley (FAVS) – Fish physiology and finfish aquaculture
Dr. Kathleen Castro (FAVS) –  Fisheries science; sustainability
Dr. Andrew Davies (BIO) – Marine ecology, biogeography, habitat mapping, technology
Dr. Graham Forrester (NRS) – Fish ecology and conservation; marine reserves
Dr. Marta Gomez-Chiarri (FAVS) – Aquatic pathology; Infectious diseases of shellfish and finish
Dr. Austin Humphries (FAVS) – Ecosystem-based fisheries management; social-ecological systems
Dr. Bethany Jenkins (CMB; VP for Research and Economic Development) – Phytoplankton genomics, physiology and ecology
Dr. Christopher Lane (BIO) – Marine genomics, evolution of eukaryotes, especially algae and seaweeds
Dr. Laura Meyerson (NRS) – coastal plant ecology and invasive species
Dr. Serena Moseman-Valtierra (BIO) – Salt marsh ecology and biogeochemistry
Dr. Carlos Prada (BIO) – Coral reef ecology
Dr. Jon Puritz (BIO) – Anthropogenic impacts on the evolution of marine populations
Dr. Hollie Putnam (BIO) – Physiology of corals and other invertebrates
Dr. Michael Rice (FAVS) – Physiology of economically important bivalves
Dr. Coleen Suckling (FAVS) – Climate change effects on invertebrates and fish, ecophysiology, microplastics.
Dr. Jacqueline Webb (BIO, Professor Emerita) – Sensory biology and development of fishes
Dr. Brad Wetherbee (BIO) – Ecology and behavior of elasmobranch fishes
Dr. Ying Zhang (CMB) – Computational molecular ecology of microbes

College of Pharmacy

Dr. David Rowley – Bioactive compounds in marine microorganisms

Graduate School of Oceanography

Dr. Roxanne Beinart – Ecology of hydrothermal vents
Dr. Jeremy Collie – Fish population dynamics; quantitative ecology
Dr. Steven D’Hondt  – Chemical evolution of the ocean and atmosphere; global change
Dr. Kelton McMahon – Marine communities and food web dynamics
Dr. Colleen Mouw – Phytoplankton ecology/Coastal oceanography
Dr. Susanne Menden-Deuer – Plankton behavior and ecology
Dr. Candace Oviatt –  Ecology of coastal ecosystems
Dr. Jamie Palter – Marine biogeochemistry
Dr. Tatiana Rynearson – Ecological and evolutionary processes shaping genetic diversity of plankton
Dr. David Smith – Marine microbial ecology
Dr. Robert Campbell* –  Zooplankton ecology; bowhead whale feeding

BIO – Department of Biological Sciences (CELS)
CMB – Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CELS)
FAVS – Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences (CELS)
NRS – Department of Natural Resources Science (CELS)
* GSO Marine Research Scientists

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