[46]. Betts, MG, Northrup, JM, Bailey Guerrero, JA, Adrean, LJ, Nelson, SK, Fisher, JL, Gerber, BD, Garcia-Heras, MS, Yang, Z, Roby, DD, and Rivers, J. Squeezed by a habitat split: Warm ocean conditions and old‐forest loss interact to reduce long‐term occupancy of a threatened seabird. Conservation Letters. Download

[45]. Northrup, JM, Anderson, C, Gerber, BD, and Wittemeyer, G. 2020. Behavioral and Demographic Responses of Mule Deer to Energy Development on Winter Range. Wildlife Monographs.

[44]. Wampole, E, Farris, Z, and Gerber, BD. 2020. A synthesis of life-history, functional traits, and consequences of anthropogenic pressures on Madagascar’s threatened carnivorans, Eupleridae. Mammal Review. 

[42]. Ross, P, Patel, E, Ferguson, B, Ravelijaona, R, Raoloniana, G, Wampole, E, Gerber, BD, and Farris, Z. 2020. Assessment of the Threatened Carnivore Community in the Recently Expanded Rainforest Protected Area Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve, Madagascar. Endangered Species Research. 

[41]. Cordes, L, Blumstein, DT, Armitage, KB, CaraDonna, PJ, Childs, DZ, Gerber, BD, Marten, JGA, Oli, MK, and Ozgul, A.. 2020. Contrasting effects of climate change on seasonal survival of a hibernating mammal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 

[40]. Farris, Z, Gerber, BD, Kelly, MJ, Karpanty, SM, Ratelolahy, F, Andrianjakarivelo A. 2021. Spatio-temporal Overlap Between a Native and an Exotic Carnivore in Madagascar: Evidence of Spatial Exclusion. Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behaviour & Conservation. Ed. ED Linh San, JJ Sato, JL Belant, and MJ Somers. Wiley-Blackwell.

[39]. Rivera, K, Gerber, BD, and Farris ZJ. 2021. Eupleres goudotii, small-toothed civet, falanouc. Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition. Ed. S. M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[38]. Farris, ZJ, Gerber, BD, Murphy, A, and Wampole, E. 2021. Camera Traping Madagascar. Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition. Ed. S. M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[37]. Gerber, BD and Hawkins CE. 2021. Cryptoprocta ferox, Fosa. Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition. Ed. S. M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[36]. Farris, ZJ, Gerber, BD Karpanty, S, Murphy, A, Wampole, E, Ratelolahy, F, and Kelly, M. 2020. Exploring and interpreting spatiotemporal interactions between native and invasive carnivores across a gradient of rainforest degradation. Biological Invasions. Download

[34]. Dwyer, JF, Gerber, BD, Petersen, P, Armstrong, WE, and Harness, R. 2020. Power pole density and avian electrocution risk throughout the western United States. Journal of Raptor Research, 54, 93-109. Download


[33]. Gerber, BD, Hooten, MB, Peck, CP, Rice, MB, Gammonley, JH, Apa, AD, and Davis, AJ. 2019. Spatial structuring by extreme site fidelity as an optimal strategy in an unpredictable and homogeneous environment. Functional Ecology.  Download


[32]. Chanchani, P, Gerber, BD, Noon, B. 2018. Elevated potential for intraspecific competition in small tiger populations occupying fragmented landscapes. Biological Conservation, 227, 275-283.  Download

[31]. Gerber, BD, Hooten, MB, Peck, CP, Rice, MB, Gammonley, JH, Apa, AD, and Davis, AJ. 2018. Accounting for location uncertainty in azimuthal telemetry data improves ecological inference. Movement Ecology. DOI: 10.1186/s40462-018-0129-1 Download

[30]. Vitkalova, AV, Feng, L, Rybin, AN, Gerber, BD, Miquelle, DG, Wang, T,  Yang, H, Shevtsova, EI, Vladimir, Aramilev, V, Ge, J. 2018. Transboundary cooperation improves endangered species monitoring and conservation actions: a case study of the global population of Amur leopards. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12574. Download

[29]. Gerber, BD and Kendall, WD 2018. Adaptive management of animal populations with significant unknowns and uncertainties: a case study. Ecological Applications, 28, 1325-1341. Download

[28]. Murphy, A, Gerber, BD, Kelly, MJ, Karpanty, S, Ratelohy, F, Farris, Z. Making the most of sparse data to estimate the density of rare and threatened species: a case study with the fosa, a little-studied Malagasy carnivore. Animal Conservation. Download

We use a spatial mark–resight model that incorporates site-level heterogeneity in movement  via a hierarchical process and prior information to estimate the density of a threatened carnivore (fosa, Cryptoprocta ferox) from multiple sparse datasets collected during extensive camera trapping surveys in northeastern Madagascar (2008–2015).

[27]. Northrup, J and Gerber, BD. 2018. A comment on Bayesian occupancy priors. PLOS ONE, 13, e0192819. Download

We report how the specification of a “vague” normally distributed (i.e., Gaussian) prior on coefficients in Bayesian occupancy models can unintentionally influence parameter estimation. Using both simulated data and empirical examples, we illustrate how this issue likely compromises inference about species-habitat relationships.

Check out the ShinyApp to explore how different priors can influence posterior distributions:

ShinyApp: https://briangerber.shinyapps.io/OccupancyPrior/


[26]. Gerber, BD, Converse, SJ, Crockett, H, Muths, E, Mosher, B, and Bailey, L. 2017. Identifying amphibian conservation strategies to reduce disease-associated declines. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12393. Download

ShinyApp: https://borealtoad.shinyapps.io/SRM-BT-MODEL-Public/

[25]. Setash, C, Zohdy, S, Gerber, BD, and Karanewsky, C. 2017. A biogeographical perspective on the variation in mouse lemur density across Madagascar. Mammal Review, 47, 212-229. Download

[24]. Setiawan, R, Gerber, BD, Rahmat, UM, Daryan, D, Firdaus, AY, Haryono, M, Khairani, KO, Kurniawan, Y, Long, B, Lyet, A, Muhiban, M, Mahmud, R, Muhtarom, A, Purastuti, E, Ramono, WS, Subrata, D, Sunarto, S. 2017. Preventing global extinction of the Javan rhino: tsunami risk and future conservation direction. Conservation Letters, 11, e12366. Download

[23]. Seymour, AS, Tarrant, MR, Gerber, BD, Sharp, A, Woollam J, and Cox, R. 2017. Effects of El Nino on the population dynamics of the Malay civet east of the Wallace line. Journal of Zoology, 303, 120-128. Download

[22]. Farris, ZJ, Gerber, BD, Valenta, K, Rafaliarison, R, Razafimahaimodison, JC, Larney, E, Hariniaina, T, Randriana, Z, Wright, PC, and Chapman, CA. 2017. Threats to a rainforest carnivore community: a multi-year assessment of occupancy and co-occurrence in Madagascar. Biological Conservation, 210, 116-124. Download

[21]. Gerber, BD and Kendall, WL. 2017. Evaluating and improving count-based population inference: A case study from 31 years of monitoring sandhill cranes. Condor: Ornithological Applications, 119, 191-206. Download | Appendix

[20]. Converse, SJ, Bailey, LL, Mosher, B, Funk, C, Gerber, BD, and Muths, E. 2017. A model to inform management actions as a response to Chytridiomycosis-Associated Decline. EcoHealth, 14, S144-S155. Download

ShinyApp: https://borealtoad.shinyapps.io/Converse_et_al_EcoHealth/


[19]. Brown, KA, Farris, ZJ, Yesuf, G, Gerber, BD, Rasambainarivo, D, Karpanty, S, Kelly, MJ, Razafimahaimodison, JC, Larney, E, Wright, P, and Johnson, SE. 2016. Modeling co-occurrence between toxic prey and naïve incipient invasion. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25, 2723-2741. Download

[18]. Gerber, BD and Kendall, WC. 2016. Considering transient population dynamics in the conservation of slow life-history species: an application to the sandhill crane. Biological Conservation, 200, 228-239. Download | Supporting Info

[17]. Dwyer, JF, Harness, RE, Gerber, BD, Landon, MA, Petersen, P, Austin, D, and Eccleston, D. 2016. Power pole density informs spatial prioritization for mitigating avian electrocution. Journal of Wildlife Management, 80, 634:642. Download


[16]. Gerber, BD, Kendall, WL, Hooten, MB, Dubovsky, JA, and Drewien, RC. 2015. Optimal population prediction of sandhill crane recruitment based on climate-mediated habitat limitations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84, 1299-1310. Download

[15]. Farris, Z, Gerber, BD, Karpanty, SM, Murphy, A, Andrianjakarivelo V, Ratelolahy, F, and Kelly, M. 2015. When the carnivores roam: temporal partitioning among Madagascar’s native and exotic carnivores. Journal of Zoology, 296, 45-57. Download

[14]. Gerber, BD and Parmenter, RR. 2015. Spatial capture-recapture model performance with known small-mammal densities. Ecological Applications, 25, 695-705. Download

[13]. Kotschwar-Logan, M, Gerber, BD, Karpanty, SM, Justin, S, and Rabenahy, F. 2015. Assessing carnivore distribution from local knowledge across a human dominated landscape in central-southeastern Madagascar. Animal Conservation, 18, 82-91. Download


[12]. Zohdy, S, Gerber, BD, Tecot, S, Blanco, MB, Wright, PC, and Jernvall, J. 2014. Teeth, sex, and testosterone: Aging in the world’s smallest primate. PLOS ONE, e109528. Download

[11].  Shannon, G, Lewis, J, and Gerber, BD. 2014. Recommended survey designs for occupancy modeling using motion-activated cameras: insights from empirical wildlife data. PeerJ, 2:e532. Download

[10]. Gerber, BD, Williams, PJ, and Bailey, LL. 2014. Primates and Cameras. International Journal of Primatology, 35, 841-858. Invited. Download | ESM 1 | ESM 2 | ESM 3

[9]. Gerber, BD, Ivan, JS, and Burnham, KP. 2014. Estimating the abundance of rare and elusive carnivores from photographic-sampling data when the population size is very small. Population Ecology, 56, 463-470. Editor’s Choice. Download | ESM


[8]. Sporer, MK, Dwyer, JF, Gerber, BD, Harness, RE, and Pandey, AK. 2013. Marking power lines reduces avian collisions near the Audubon National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37, 796-804. Download

[7]. Tecot, S, Gerber, BD, King, SJ, Verdolin, JL, and Wright, PC. 2013. Risky business: Sex differences in mortality and dispersal in a polygynous, monomorphic lemur, Milne-Edwards sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi). Behavioral Ecology, 24, 987-996. Download



[2]. Cohen, JB, Gerber, BD, Karpanty, SM, Fraser, JD, and Truitt, BR. 2011. Day and night foraging of Red knots (Calidris canutus) during spring stopover in Virginia, USA. Waterbirds, 34, 352-356. Download


[1]. Gerber, BD, Karpanty, SM, Crawford, C, Kotschwar, M, and Randrianantenaina, J. 2010. An assessment of carnivore relative abundance and density in the eastern rainforests of Madagascar using remotely-triggered camera traps. Oryx, 44, 219-222.Download

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