Student Resources

GSO’s student, faculty, and staff community is friendly and responsive. If you find yourself with a question or in need of something, students, faculty, and staff will be willing to help.

Available Fellowships

NOTE: Students are funded as Graduate Research Assistants on grants to individual faculty members. A limited number of Graduate Teaching Assistantships are available.

 GSO Faculty

URI Community resources

URI Campuses & Locations

Travel by Bus 

Note: All students, faculty, and staff are eligible to purchase a 50% discounted monthly pass, 50% discounted day pass or a 50% discounted hour pass, available at the Campus Store, in the lower level of the Memorial Union on the Kingston campus. More info.

GSO Business Office

Graduate Admission Information

International Student Information & Resources

Setting up your accounts/profile

Student Support Services

Division of Student Affairs

Dining Halls & Locations

Student Groups/Student Organizations

Graduate School Professional Development