URI oceanographers explore world’s oceans to better understand underwater volcanoes, microscopic life, Arctic winds

Scientists from GSO spent weeks at sea last summer on research expeditions designed to gain a better understanding of underwater volcanoes, microscopic life and Arctic winds.

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Four URI scientists among 100 researchers on NASA-led expedition to North Pacific

GSO professors Susanne Menden-Deuer, Melissa Omand, and Tatiana Rynearson are among 100 researchers from 30 institutions who embarked on a month-long expedition to study microscopic organisms that live deep in the ocean and play a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from Earth’s atmosphere.

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GSO oceanographer studies microscopic organisms in world’s oceans

You can’t see them with the naked eye, but they’re all over the ocean: diatoms, single-celled organisms that drift on currents. These microscopic creatures are key to the planet’s health. They sit at the base of the food chain, feeding everything from zooplankton to fish. Through photosynthesis diatoms also regulate the air people breathe, and […]

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Three Women Scientists From URI to Lead Expeditions This Year to Antarctica

Three women scientists at the University of Rhode Island will lead expeditions to Antarctica this year, thanks to winning highly competitive grants from the National Science Foundation. The expeditions aboard the research vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer reflect URI’s successful initiative to recruit more women to science faculty positions and create a welcoming environment for them. […]

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