1998 – Current Pest Report – European Apple Sawfly

Tree stage:
3/28/98 – green tip
4/1/98 – half inch green
4/14/98 – tight cluster
4/21/98 – loose cluster
4/29/98 – early bloom
5/4/98 – nearly petal fall

European apple sawfly trap captures

Average number of adult European apple sawfly adults caught on white sticky traps in each monitored block. Averages are cummulative.
**Threshold = 9/trap of no prebloom insecticide; 5/ trap if applied prebloom insecticide**


orchard 4/20/98 4/27/98 5/4/98 5/11/98
Steere 0/trap 0/trap 42/trap
Piti .6/trap .6/trap 48/trap
Jaswell 0/trap 25/trap
Smith 0/trap 0/trap 22/trap
Phantom .3/trap 2/trap 54/trap
Hill 0/trap .25/trap
Dermksian 0/trap 0/trap 17/trap
Lamore 0/trap 52/trap
East Farm 2.3/trap 30/trap