Recorded Apple Pest Message – April 9,2010

Hi Fruit Growers,
Hopefully everyone’s apple trees are protected with a fungicide for today’s wet weather. If your trees are not protected with a fungicide, apply Scala or Vangard plus a protectant fungicide (Dithane, Manzate, Polyram) within 48 hours. Captan can also be used if you have not applied oil to your trees, or don’t intend to apply oil for the next 7 days.

Orchard Radar is up and rumming. Orchard Radar takes Skybit weather data and runs the data through all sorts of models. The models predict things like bloom date, apple scab infection periods, timing for insects. There is so much stuff there! Spend some time with Orchard Radar and you will be glad you did. To access Orchard Radar, go to the RI Apple IPM website and click on Greenville or Newport County, which ever location is closer to you.

Keep your fingers crossed that freezing weather stays away!!
