Update May 14, 2015
Hi Fruit Growers,
If your orchard is in Providence or Washington County and your trees still have open flowers this coming Friday to Wednesday, these flowers are likely at risk for a fire blight infection. The level of risk is not nearly as high as last weekend, but the risk is still present. Young trees tend to bloom later than mature trees, so be sure and see what is in bloom.
Trees in Newport County have just started blooming. Fire blight models predict there is a slight chance for fire blight infections from Saturday through Wednesday.
Once open flowers have been sprayed with streptomycin they are protected from fire blight. Flower buds sprayed before opening are not protected from fire blight.
If we ever get rain many apple scab spores will be released. You need to keep your trees protected with fungicide. Dry conditions, like we’ve been experiencing, allow powdery mildew to be worse than usual. Fungicides that control powdery mildew include Inspire Super, Indar, Procure, Rally, Rubigan, Flint, Sovran and Topsin-M.
Sounds like a big crop so far! Petal fall is an excellent time to start thinning your apple crop. Sevin, applied as a thinner, will also control plum curculio and probably European apple sawfly.
Next RIFGA meeting is Wednesday, May 20, at Tougas Family Farm, 234 Ball St, Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-6406. Meeting starts at 5:30.