5/29/14 Tree Fruit Update, June 19 twilight meeting
Apple scab primary season probably ended with the May 22nd wetting period and lesions from this infection period should start appearing by June 4. Scout your orchard now and through June 4th. If you are scab free by June 4th, you will probably be all set for scab and can switch to a more relaxed summer fungicide program. For many growers the summer fungicide program will be applying captan every 2-3 weeks and adding Topsin M every other spray. Repeat spraying in 2 weeks if only captan is applied. Repeat spraying in 3 weeks if using captan plus Topsin M. Once we’ve received 2 inches of rain we consider pesticides washed off and needing to be reapplied. If you have been using EDBC fungicides (Dithane, Manzate, Polyram) at half rate, you probably have time to apply an EBDC one more time before reaching the 77 day preharvest interval.
Plum curculio were very active early this week. Plum curculio thrive during warm, humid weather like we had on Monday. I’m hoping most of your trees were protected with an insecticide prior to Monday, May 26th. Attached is a picture of plum curculio scars found May 29th. According to Orchard Radar, plum curculio should be finished migrating into orchards around June 15. Since insecticide applications protect for about 14 days, the final plum curculio insecticide application should be made about June 2nd. This is based on weather predictions so this can change. Check the insect section of Orchard Radar at https://web.uri.edu/ipm/
Orchard Radar also has thinning models in the Horticulture section. The next few days are probably the best time and the best weather we are going to get for thinning this year.
June 19th will be our third and final Twilight meeting for the season. The meeting will be at 5:30 at Jaswell’s Farm, 50 Swan Road, Smithfield, RI. http://jaswellsfarm.com/
Hope to see you at Jaswell’s on June 19th!