Young Forest Habitat Demonstration Sites

Want to visit a site managed to provide habitat for wildlife?

Many species of birds and mammals require or benefit from these conditions, in combination with other habitat types, for part or all of their life cycles. Below is a list of several actively managed areas that are open to the public. Clicking on the name of the site will link to a document that includes a site description, directions, and photos taken shortly after the treatment was implemented. As a result of ecological succession, open conditions last only a few years as trees and shrubs grow, next providing brushy conditions offering cover for some of the same wildlife species and also new ones. These areas of young forest will continue to grow older and may be shaped by natural or anthropogenic disturbances such as storms, pests, fire, or human stewardship.

Buck Hill Management Area
Burrillville, RI
Three nearby nearby patches of regenerating young forest totaling 21 acres created in 2008 by RIDEM.

George Washington Management Area
Pascoag, RI
22 acres of regenerating young forest habitat created in 2010 by RIDEM.

Nicholas Farm Management Area
Coventry, RI
35 acres of regenerating young forest habitat created in 2015 by RIDEM.
Tillinghast Pond Management Area
West Greenwich, RI
Two adjacent 25 acre patches of regenerating young forest created in 2010 and 2015 by the Nature Conservancy.

Francis Carter Memorial Preserve
Charlestown, RI
Three nearby patches of regenerating young forest created by the Nature Conservancy in 2008 and 2015.