Once you’ve gained admission to the Graduate School and selected your program, your graduate director will advise and assist you as you pursue your degree or certificate.
Traditional Programs
Program Name | Program Director Name | Phone Number | |
Accounting - MS | Cynthia Blanthorne | (401) 874-4363 | blanthorne@uri.edu |
Behavioral Science Psychology - PhD | Joseph Rossi | (401) 874-5983 | jsrossi@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology) - MS | Claudia Fallini Laura Eme | (401) 874-4968 (401) 874-2609 | cfallini@uri.edu laura.eme@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology) - PhD | Claudia Fallini Laura Eme | (401) 874-4968 (401) 874-2609 | cfallini@uri.edu laura.eme@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Ecology and Ecosystem Sciences) - MS | Scott McWilliams | (401) 874-7531 | srmcwilliams@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Ecology and Ecosystem Sciences) - PhD | Scott McWilliams | (401) 874-7531 | srmcwilliams@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Environmental and Earth Sciences) - MS | Dawn Cardace | (401) 874-9384 | cardace@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Environmental and Earth Sciences) - PhD | Dawn Cardace | (401) 874-9384 | cardace@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Evolution and Marine Biology) - MS | Jonathan Puritz | (401) 874-9020 | jpuritz@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Evolution and Marine Biology) - PhD | Jonathan Puritz | (401) 874-9020 | jpuritz@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems) - MS | Patrick Baur | (401) 874-7083 | pbaur@uri.edu |
Biological and Environmental Sciences (Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems) - PhD | Patrick Baur | (401) 874-7083 | pbaur@uri.edu |
Business Administration (Finance) - PhD | Lauren Labrecque Georges Tsafack | (401) 874-2664 (401) 874- 7415 | lauren33@uri.edu gtsafack@uri.edu |
Business Administration (Marketing) - PhD | Lauren Labrecque Mehdi Hossain | (401) 874-2664 (401) 874-2269 | lauren33@uri.edu hossainm@uri.edu |
Business Administration (Operations and Supply Chain Management) - PhD | Lauren Labrecque Koray Özpolat | (401) 874-2664 (401) 874-5750 | lauren33@uri.edu koray@uri.edu |
Business Administration Full Time - MBA | Lisa Lancellotta | (401) 874-4241 | llancellotta@uri.edu |
Business Administration Part Time - MBA | Lisa Lancellotta | (401) 874-4241 | llancellotta@uri.edu |
Chemical Engineering - MS | Daniel Roxbury | (401) 874-2678 | roxbury@uri.edu |
Chemical Engineering - PhD | Daniel Roxbury | (401) 874-2678 | roxbury@uri.edu |
Chemistry - MS | Dugan Hayes Jason Dwyer Matthew Kiesewetter | (401) 874-5516 (401) 874-4648 (401) 874-2619 | dugan@uri.edu jason_dwyer@uri.edu mkiesewetter@uri.edu |
Chemistry - PhD | Dugan Hayes Jason Dwyer Matthew Kiesewetter | (401) 874-5516 (401) 874-4648 (401) 874-2619 | dugan@uri.edu jason_dwyer@uri.edu mkiesewetter@uri.edu |
Civil and Environmental Engineering - MS | Ali Akanda | (401) 874-7050 | akanda@uri.edu |
Civil and Environmental Engineering - PhD | Ali Akanda | (401) 874-7050 | akanda@uri.edu |
Clinical Psychology - PhD | Ellen Flannery-Schroeder | (401) 874-4219 | efschroeder@uri.edu |
College Student Personnel - MS | Lazaro Camacho | (401) 874-4302 | uricspinfo@etal.uri.edu |
Communication Studies - MA | Kathleen Torrens | (401) 874-4809 | kmtorrens@uri.edu |
Computer and Statistical Sciences - PhD | Krishna Kumar Venkatasubramaniam Jing Wu | (401) 874-4497 (401) 874 -4504 | krish@uri.edu jing_wu@uri.edu |
Computer Science - MS | Krishna Kumar Venkatasubramaniam | (401) 874-4497 | krish@uri.edu |
Couples and Family Therapy - MS | Tiffani Kisler | (401) 874-2403 | tkisler@uri.edu |
Cyber Security - Professional MS | Lisa Dipippo Victor Fay-Wolfe | (401) 874-2701 (401) 874-2701 | ldipippo@uri.edu vfaywolfe@uri.edu |
Early Childhood Education - Teacher Certification | Hyunjin Kim Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-4207 (401) 874-4684 | hkimed@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
Education - MA | Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-4684 | vlombardi@uri.edu |
Education - MA - Adult Education | Vanessa Lombardi Kathy Peno | (401) 874-4684 (401) 874-4684 | vlombardi@uri.edu kgugs@uri.edu |
Education - MA with Teacher Certification | Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-4684 | vlombardi@uri.edu |
Education - PhD | M. Shane Tutwiler Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-7418 (401) 874-4684 | shane_tutwiler@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
<Educational Leadership & Policy - MA | Dan Kelly Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-7532 (401) 874-4684 | daniel.kelley@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
Electrical Engineering - MS | Resit Sendag | (401) 874-9423 | sendag@uri.edu |
Electrical Engineering - PhD | Resit Sendag | (401) 874-9423 | sendag@uri.edu |
English - MA | Martha Elena Rojas | (401) 874-7880 | martharojas@uri.edu |
English - PhD | Martha Elena Rojas | (401) 874-7880 | martharojas@uri.edu |
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - MS | Todd Guilfoos | (401) 874-4398 | guilfoos@uri.edu |
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - PhD | Todd Guilfoos | (401) 874-4398 | guilfoos@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Conservation Biology) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Peter Paton | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-2986 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu ppaton@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Earth and Hydrologic Science) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Thomas Boving | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-7053 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu tboving@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Environmental Communications) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Sunshine Menezes | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-6499 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu sunshine@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Environmental Planning and Design) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Jane Buxton | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-4549 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu jabuxton@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Environmental Policy and Management) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach YQ Wang | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-4345 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu yqwang@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Sustainable Systems) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach David Townson | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-2811 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu dave_townson@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management (Wetland Watershed and Ecosystem Science) - MESM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Soni Pradhanang | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-5980 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu spradhanang@uri.edu |
Health Sciences - Ph.D. | Christie Ward-Ritacco | (401) 874-5638 | christieward@uri.edu |
History - MA | Miriam Reumann | (401) 874-4073 | mreumann@uri.edu |
Industrial and Systems Engineering - PhD | Chengzhi Yuan | (401) 874-9067 | cyuan@uri.edu |
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience - MS | Lisa Weyandt | (401) 874-2087 | lisaweyandt@uri.edu |
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience - PhD | Lisa Weyandt | (401) 874-2087 | lisaweyandt@uri.edu |
International Relations - MA | Ashlea Rundlett | (401) 874-4052 | arundlett@uri.edu |
Kinesiology - MS | Christie Ward-Ritacco | (401) 874-5638 | christieward@uri.edu |
Labor Relations and Human Resources - MS | Jackie Christophe-Hayot | jackie.hayot@uri.edu | |
Marine Affairs - MAMA | David Bidwell | (401) 874-5708 | maf_gradprograms@etal.uri.edu |
Marine Affairs - MMA | David Bidwell | (401) 874-5708 | maf_gradprograms@etal.uri.edu |
Marine Affairs - PhD | David Bidwell | (401) 874-5708 | maf_gradprograms@etal.uri.edu |
Mathematics - MS | Lubos Thoma | (401) 874-4451 | sobul@uri.edu |
Mathematics - PhD | Lubos Thoma | (401) 874-4451 | sobul@uri.edu |
Mechanical Engineering - MS | Chengzhi Yuan | (401) 874-9067 | cyuan@uri.edu |
Mechanical Engineering - PhD | Chengzhi Yuan | (401) 874-9067 | cyuan@uri.edu |
Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling - MS | Mark Robbins | (401) 874-5082 | markrobb@uri.edu |
Music - MOM | Eliane Aberdam | (401) 874-2431 | eliane@uri.edu |
Nursing - MS | Susan DeSanto-Madeya | (401) 874-2038 | sdesanto-madeya@uri.edu |
Nursing - PhD | Susan DeSanto-Madeya | (401) 874-2038 | sdesanto-madeya@uri.edu |
Nursing Practice DNP | Susan DeSanto-Madeya | (401) 874-2038 | sdesanto-madeya@uri.edu |
Nutrition and Food Science - MS | Kathleen Melanson | (401) 874-4477 | kmelanson@uri.edu |
Ocean Engineering - MS | Stephen Licht | (401) 874-6028 | slicht@uri.edu |
Ocean Engineering - PhD | Stephen Licht | (401) 874-6028 | slicht@uri.edu |
Oceanography - MoO | Arthur Spivack | (401) 874-6200 | spivack@uri.edu |
Oceanography - MS | Rob Pockalny | (401) 874-6926 | rpockalny@uri.edu |
Oceanography - PhD | Rob Pockalny | (401) 874-6926 | rpockalny@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Health Outcomes) - MS | Ami Vyas Xuerong Wen | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-4547 | avyas@uri.edu xuerongwen@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Health Outcomes) - PhD | Ami Vyas Xuerong Wen | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-4547 | avyas@uri.edu xuerongwen@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy) - MS | Ami Vyas Roberta King | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-7061 | avyas@uri.edu rking@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy) - PhD | Ami Vyas Roberta King | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-7061 | avyas@uri.edu rking@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics) - MS | Ami Vyas Xinyuan Chen | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-5033 | avyas@uri.edu xchen14@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics) - PhD | Ami Vyas Xinyuan Chen | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-5033 | avyas@uri.edu xchen14@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology and Toxicology) - MS | Ami Vyas Nisanne Ghonem | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-4805 | avyas@uri.edu nghonem@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology and Toxicology) - PhD | Ami Vyas Nisanne Ghonem | (401) 874-7255 (401) 874-4805 | avyas@uri.edu nghonem@uri.edu |
Physical Therapy - DPT | John Mclinden | (401) 874-2006 | jmclinden@uri.edu |
Physics - MS | Leonard Kahn | (401) 874-2053 | lenkahn@uri.edu |
Physics - PhD | Leonard Kahn | (401) 874-2053 | lenkahn@uri.edu |
Public Health - MPH | Natalie Sabik Molly Greaney | 401.874.5439 508.241.4239 | sabik@uri.edu mgreaney@uri.edu |
Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) | Jessica Strübel | (401) 874-5481 | jessica-strubel@uri.edu |
Quantum Computing - MS | Leonard Kahn | (401) 874-2053 | lenkahn@uri.edu |
Special Education - MA | Adam Moore | adam_moore@uri.edu | |
Speech Language Pathology - MS | Mikyong Kim | (401) 874-4728 | mikyong@uri.edu |
Statistics - MS | Jing Wu | (401) 874-4504 | jing_wu@uri.edu |
Systems Engineering - MS | Chengzhi Yuan | (401) 874-9067 | cyuan@uri.edu |
TESOL/Bilingual Dual Language Immersion - MA | Amy Correia | (401) 874-4164 | correia@uri.edu |
Textiles, Fashion Merchandising, and Design - MS | Linda Welters | (401) 874-4525 | lwelters@uri.edu |
Online Programs
Program Name | Program Director Name | Phone Number | |
Biopharmaceutical Drug Development Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Stephanie Forschner-Dancause | (401) 874-5517 | sdancause@uri.edu |
Cannabis Studies Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Stephanie Forschner-Dancause | (401) 874-5517 | sdancause@uri.edu |
Data Science Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Natallia Katenka | (401) 874-2701 | nkatenka@uri.edu |
Data Science - MS - ONLINE | Natallia Katenka | (401) 874-2701 | nkatenka@uri.edu |
Dietetics - MS - ONLINE | Jennifer Arts-Salvatore | (401) 874-2252 | jarts@uri.edu |
Environmental Management - MS - ONLINE | Laura Skrobe | (401) 874-9360 | lskrobe@uri.edu |
Fisheries Science Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Laura Skrobe | (401) 874-9360 | lskrobe@uri.edu |
GIS and Geospatial Technologies Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Jason Parent | (401) 874-4345 (401) 874-5582 | jason_parent@uri.edu |
Health Outcomes and Data Analytics - MS - ONLINE | Meghan McCormick | (401) 874-2649 | meghanmccormick@uri.edu |
Healthcare Management - MS - ONLINE | Yuwen Chen | (401) 874-4406 | yuwen@uri.edu |
Healthcare Management Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Yuwen Chen | (401) 874-4406 | yuwen@uri.edu |
Industry 4.0 Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Manbir S. Sodhi | (401) 874-5189 | sodhi@uri.edu |
Library and Information Studies - MLIS - ONLINE | Lauren Mandel | (401) 874-4646 | lauren_mandel@uri.edu |
Master of Oceanography - ONLINE | Arthur Spivack | (401) 874-6200 | spivack@uri.edu |
Masters of Professional Studies - Online | Colleen Mouw | (401) 874-6506 | cmouw@uri.edu |
Medication Outcomes Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Steve Kogut Meghan McCormick | (401) 874-5370 (401) 874-2649 | skogut@uri.edu meghanmccormick@uri.edu |
Natural Resources and the Environment Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Michelle Peach | (401) 874-5586 | michelle_peach@uri.edu |
Nuclear Engineering Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Bahram Nassersharif | (401) 874-9335 | nassersharif@uri.edu |
Ocean Policy & Science Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Arthur Spivack | (401) 874-6200 | spivack@uri.edu |
Ocean Science Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Arthur Spivack | (401) 874-6200 | spivack@uri.edu |
Policy Analysis Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Aaron Ley | (401) 874-7893 | ajley@uri.edu |
Prevention and Family Science Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Hans Saint-Eloi Cadely | (401) 874-2575 | hsainteloicadel@uri.edu |
Professional Graduate Certificate in Public Administration and Policy - ONLINE | Aaron Ley | (401) 874-7893 | ajley@uri.edu |
Professional Science Masters- ONLINE | Colleen Mouw | (401) 874-6506 | cmouw@uri.edu |
Public Administration - ABM - ONLINE | Aaron Ley | (401) 874-7893 | ajley@uri.edu |
Public Administration - MPA - ONLINE | Aaron Ley | (401) 874-7893 | ajley@uri.edu |
Public Management Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Aaron Ley | (401) 874-7893 | ajley@uri.edu |
Quantum Computing Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Leonard Kahn | (401) 874-2053 | lenkahn@uri.edu |
School Library Media Teacher (TCP): Post-Master's Certificate - ONLINE | Mary Moen | (401) 874-4654 | mary_moen@uri.edu |
Social Media Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Joon Kim | joonkim@uri.edu | |
Supply Chain Management and Applied Analytics - ABM - ONLINE | Dara Schniederjans | (401) 874-4372 | schniederjans@uri.edu |
Supply Chain Management and Applied Analytics - Professional MS - ONLINE | Dara Schniederjans | (401) 874-4372 | schniederjans@uri.edu |
Training and Development Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Kathleen Peno Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 523-1477 (401) 874-4684 | kgugs@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
User Experience (UX) Design Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Genoa Shepley | genoa_shepley@uri.edu | |
User Interface (UI) Design Graduate Certificate - ONLINE | Clarisa Carubin | (401) 874-2731 | ccarubin@uri.edu |
User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI) Design MA | Genoa Shepley Clarisa Carubin | (401) 874-2731 | genoa_shepley@uri.edu ccarubin@uri.edu |
Certificate Programs
Program Name | Program Director Name | Phone Number | |
Aquaculture and Fisheries Graduate Certificate | Laura Skrobe | (401) 874-9360 | lskrobe@uri.edu |
Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Certificate | Joel M. Chandlee | (401) 874-2529 | joelchandlee@uri.edu |
Coastal Resilience Graduate Certificate | Austin Becker | (401) 874-4192 | abecker@uri.edu |
College Teaching Graduate Certificate | Annemarie Vaccaro Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-2270 (401) 227-5075 | avaccaro@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
Community Planning Graduate Certificate | Farhad Atash | (401) 874-2982 | fatash@uri.edu |
Cyber Security Graduate Certificate | Lisa Dipippo Victor Fay-Wolfe | (401) 874-2701 (401) 874-2701 | dipippo@uri.edu vfaywolfe@uri.edu |
Digital Literacy Graduate Certificate | Julie Coiro Renee Hobbs Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-4872 (401) 874-5918 (401) 874-4684 | jcoiro@uri.edu hobbs@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
Dyslexia Knowledge and Practice Graduate Certificate | Theresa Deeney Vanessa Lombardi | (401) 874-2682 (401) 874-4684 | tdeeney@uri.edu vlombardi@uri.edu |
Econometrics & Data Analysis Graduate Certificate | Corey Lang | (401) 874-4569 | clang@uri.edu |
Embedded Systems Graduate Certificate | Jien-Chung Lo | (401) 874-2996 | jclce@uri.edu |
Fashion Merchandising Graduate Certificate | Linda Welters | (401) 874-4525 | lwelters@uri.edu |
Gender and Women's Studies Graduate Certificate | Jessica Frazier | (401) 874-4041 | jmfrazier@uri.edu |
GIS and Remote Sensing Graduate Certificate | Y.Q. Wang Jason Parent | (401) 874-5582 (401) 874-5582 | yqwang@uri.edu jason_parent@uri.edu |
Human Resources Graduate Certificate | Jacqueline Christophe-Hayot | jackie.hayot@uri.edu | |
Hydrology Graduate Certificate | Thomas Boving | (401) 874-7053 | tboving@uri.edu |
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Graduate Certificate | Lisa Weyandt | (401) 874-2087 | lisaweyandt@uri.edu |
Labor Relations Graduate Certificate | Jackie Christophe-Hayot | jackie.hayot@uri.edu | |
Nursing: Post Master's Certificate | Susan DeSanto-Madeya | (401) 874-2038 | sdesanto-madeya@uri.edu |
Offshore Wind Graduate Certificate | Reza Hashemi | (401) 874-6217 | reza_hashemi@uri.edu |
Polymer Graduate Certificate | Daniel Roxbury | (401) 874-2678 | roxbury@uri.edu |
Science Writing and Rhetoric Graduate Certificate | Madison Jones | (401) 874-5917 | madisonjones@uri.edu |
ABM Programs
Program Name | Program Director Name | Phone Number | |
Accelerated PharmD - MS | Aisling Caffrey | (401) 874-5320 | aisling_caffrey@uri.edu |
Accounting - ABM | Cynthia Blanthorne | (401) 874-4363 | blanthorne@uri.edu |
Chemical Engineering - ABM | Daniel Roxbury | (401) 874-4689 | roxbury@uri.edu |
Communication Studies - ABM | Kathleen Torrens | (401) 874-4809 | kmtorrens@uri.edu |
Computer Science and Cyber Security - ABM | Lisa DiPippo | (401) 874-2701 | ldipippo@uri.edu |
English - ABM | Martha Elena Rojas | (401) 874-7880 | martharojas@uri.edu |
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - ABM | Todd Guilfoos | (401) 874-4398 | guilfoos@uri.edu |
Environmental Science and Management - MESM - ABM | Brett Still Michelle Peach Thomas Boving | (401) 874-2912 (401) 874-5586 (401) 874-7053 | bstill@uri.edu michelle_peach@uri.edu tboving@uri.edu |
History - ABM | Miriam Reumann | (401) 874-2595 | mreumann@uri.edu |
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience - ABM | Lisa Weyandt | (401) 874-2087 | lisaweyandt@uri.edu |
International Relations - ABM | Ashlea Rundlett | (401) 874-4052 | arundlett@uri.edu |
Kinesiology - ABM | Christie Ward-Ritacco | (401) 874-5638 | christieward@uri.edu |
Labor Relations and Human Resources - ABM | Jackie Christophe-Hayot | jackie.hayot@uri.edu | |
Nutrition and Dietetics - ABM | Kathleen Melanson | (401) 874-4477 | kmelanson@uri.edu |
Pharmaceutical Sciences - ABM | Roberta King | (401) 874-7061 | rking@uri.edu |
Special Education - ABM | Adam Moore | adam_moore@uri.edu | |
Textiles, Fashion Merchandising, and Design - ABM | Linda Welters | (401) 874-4525 | lwelters@uri.edu |