Apple Scab Control Practices Survey

The New England Apple Scab Control Practices Survey

You are invited to participate in a research project about your scab management practices. This follow-up survey is part of a larger research project being conducted in New England with Dan Cooley, Arthur Tuttle, and Jon Clements at the University of Massachusetts, Cheryl Smith, Bill MacHardy, George Hamilton at the University of New Hampshire, and Glen Koehler and Renae Moran at the University of Maine. The purpose of this survey is to collect information on changes that have occurred in the last two years in grower practices for scab control. Your previous responses have helped Extension specialists develop tools for apple growers to manage apple scab. We are conducting this research project in New England states, and will summarize the results in a report for growers this summer.

This is a follow-up survey to the one that was sent two years ago. It has the same 10 questions and will take approximately 7 minutes of your time.