Beech bud check for beech leaf disease nematodes

Hello arborists and landscapers,

Over the last few weeks we’ve been checking many beech buds for beech leaf disease nematodes and nematode eggs. Would you like us to check beech buds of your clients’ beech trees? We can do this in December and January, but not later in 2024.

It’s time consuming to check beech buds for nematodes so we are charging $20 per sample. A sample can be one tree or several trees mixed together. Perhaps you’d like to compare trees that have been treated for BLD vs untreated trees.

For each sample place at least 10 beech buds into a ziplock bag and label the bag. Also, please include the attached form with as much information included as you can.

Let us know if you have questions,

Heather & Keiddy