On November 6th, Rhode Islanders will vote on Question 2, a $70 million higher education general obligation bond that includes $45 million for upgrades to the Narragansett Bay Campus.
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Join Us! GSO Open House 2018
Come to the URI Narragansett Bay Campus on October 13th for the 2018 Graduate School of Oceanography Open House!
Continue reading "Join Us! GSO Open House 2018"Study links climate change to the invasion of lower-oxygen water in Gulf of St. Lawrence
A new study co-authored by GSO professor Jaime Palter explains how large-scale climate change already is causing oxygen levels to drop in the deeper parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Continue reading "Study links climate change to the invasion of lower-oxygen water in Gulf of St. Lawrence"Teachers at Sea
A group of eight schoolteachers travel hundreds of miles aboard the R/V Endeavor on a three-day expedition designed to establish partnerships between ocean scientists, researchers and teachers who live and teach in Rhode Island.
Continue reading "Teachers at Sea"The Future of Forecasting
Hurricane models being developed at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography will make forecasting hurricanes in New England more precise and offer real-time updates for first responders and public officials.
Continue reading "The Future of Forecasting"URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography hosts NASA-led exploration of deep sea
Scientists with a NASA-led expedition are operating from the Inner Space Center at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography as colleagues explore the deep Pacific Ocean to prepare to search for life in deep space.
Continue reading "URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography hosts NASA-led exploration of deep sea"GSO Student Receives NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship
NOAA Sea Grant and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announced that Joe Langan, a student at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography, was selected as one of seven 2018 NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship recipients.
Continue reading "GSO Student Receives NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship"Four URI scientists among 100 researchers on NASA-led expedition to North Pacific
GSO professors Susanne Menden-Deuer, Melissa Omand, and Tatiana Rynearson are among 100 researchers from 30 institutions who embarked on a month-long expedition to study microscopic organisms that live deep in the ocean and play a critical role in removing carbon dioxide from Earth’s atmosphere.
Continue reading "Four URI scientists among 100 researchers on NASA-led expedition to North Pacific"Meet the SURFOs: Cassandra Alexander and Lauren Cook
Many undergraduate students in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Oceanography (SURFO) program have the opportunity to hone in their programming skills while delving into oceanographic research.
Continue reading "Meet the SURFOs: Cassandra Alexander and Lauren Cook"My Turn: Dick West—New research ship is a vote for URI
GSO Advisory Council member—and former Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy—Dick West wrote an op-ed for the Providence Journal congratulating GSO on the Regional Class Research Vessel announcement, highlighting the importance of GSO’s work, and calling for support of the upcoming Narragansett Bay Campus bond measure. (Ship rendering: Glosten Associates)
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