
2025 Summer Sessions Courses 

Use our Summer Sessions Course Finder to get descriptions, instructor contact information and, if available, a syllabus. Some syllabi may be past versions that provide a relative idea of course expectations, and may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date course information and to register, use e-Campus, the University’s online system. Your academic advisor can help you identify the summer courses that may best help you achieve your academic goals. If you are in need of academic advising for your summer enrollment, please make an appointment with your advisor via Starfish.

NOTE: Many online-synchronous sections will include asynchronous online content and assignments in addition to the required meeting days and times listed below. 

Learn more about URI Summer course types, including asynchronous, synchronous, and blended.

Summer Sessions Course Finder

Found 462 results

AAF 240: Race and Ethnicity

Relations among the various ethnic, religious, racial, and political minorities and majorities, with special reference to the United States.

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January 28, 2025

AAF 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology

Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.


AAF 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology

Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.


ACC 199: Financial Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors

Basic concepts used in financial accounting for business organizations.


ACC 201: (BUS) Financial Accounting

Basic concepts and systems used in financial accounting for business organizations.


ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting

Basic techniques and systems used by management accountants in budgeting, cost accounting, cost analysis, and control.


ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting

Basic techniques and systems used by management accountants in budgeting, cost accounting, cost analysis, and control.


February 10, 2025

ACC 301: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting I

Theoretical aspects of accounting principles and their application to preparation and analysis of corporate financial statements.


February 17, 2025

ACC 301: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting I

Theoretical aspects of accounting principles and their application to preparation and analysis of corporate financial statements.


January 28, 2025

ACC 302: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting II

Continuation of corporate financial reporting.


ACC 303: (BUS) Cost Accounting

Cost and managerial accounting systems and concepts including cost allocation, actual and standard cost systems, cost and profit planning, and control systems.


AFS 105G: Food from the Sea

Introduction to capture fisheries and aquaculture and their contribution to food supply, methods of production, environmental and ecological considerations, practices employed, processing, and marketing, with a regional New England focus.

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January 30, 2025

AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society

Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.

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January 28, 2025

AFS 190: Issues in Biotechnology

Introduction to modern biotechnology in medical, pharmaceutical, forensic, agricultural, marine, and environmental applications.


APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?

Examines researchers? perceived rights to ownership of Native American bodies, languages, and human remains.

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APG 396: Archaeology Field School

Cross-list as (HIS) APG 396.


ART 303: Topics in Studio: Mixed Media Photography

Intensive studio art course exploring multiple mediums and processes related to photo-based image making.


ART 362: Contemporary Art

Investigates current trends in art including installation, performance, and multimedia approaches from the second half of the twentieth century to today.


ART 380: Graveyards & Cemeteries of New England

This course introduces students to the concepts and forms of burial and commemoration in New England from the 17th century period of European colonization to the early 20th century.


AST 108: Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies

Celestial sphere, constellations. Constitution of sun, stars, nebulae, and galaxies.


AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System

Celestial sphere, Earth, formation of and motions and characteristics of objects in solar system, the Sun, exoplanets, and search for extraterrestrial life.


AVS 101: Introduction to Animal Science

Animal industry's role in world and national economy; inheritance, growth, physiology, nutrition, and diseases of domestic animals and poultry; geographic distribution and marketing of animal products.


January 30, 2025

AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society

Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.

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January 28, 2025

AVS 332: Animal Diseases

Specific diseases of avian and mammalian species; etiology, symptoms, and control.


January 30, 2025

AVS 343: Behavior of Managed Animals

Explores approaches for objectively assessing and interpreting the function and causes of animal behavior to improve animal care and management.


BAI 109: (BUS) Business Computing and Quantitative Analysis

Applications, concepts, and skills relevant to technology and quantitative processes in business.


January 28, 2025

BAI 111: (BUS) Introduction to Business Analysis and Applications

Selected mathematical tools and techniques for analysis of business and economic problems and as aids in decision making.


BAI 210: (BUS) Managerial Statistics I

General statistical methods used in the collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data.


BAI 310: (BUS) Business Data Analysis with Excel

Introduces intermediate and advanced spreadsheet concepts for business applications.


BIO 101: Principles of Biology I

Chemistry, structure, metabolism, and reproduction of cells.


BIO 101: Principles of Biology I

Chemistry, structure, metabolism, and reproduction of cells.


BIO 102: Principles of Biology II

Structure, physiology, and reproduction of plants.


BIO 103: Principles of Biology Laboratory I

Selected laboratory exercises to accompany BIO 101.


BIO 103: Principles of Biology Laboratory I

Selected laboratory exercises to accompany BIO 101.


BIO 104: Principles of Biology Laboratory II

Selected laboratory exercises to accompany BIO 102.


BIO 110: Fundamentals of Biology

Fundamental biological concepts including the chemical and cellular basis of life, genetics, evolution, and organismal form and function.


BIO 220: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including the biochemical properties of the cell, integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.


BIO 220: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including the biochemical properties of the cell, integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.


BIO 221: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory

Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.


BIO 221: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory

Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.


BIO 222: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including senses, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.


BIO 222: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including senses, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.


BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory

Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.


BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory

Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.


BIO 262: Introductory Ecology

Structure and function of ecosystems, limiting factors, population dynamics, population interactions, and community relationships.


BIO 300: Physiology of Exercise

Applied human physiology, with applications to physical activity, exercise, and sport.


BIO 301: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory

Student participation in laboratory sessions designed to understand the physiology of exercise relating to body composition, EKG, pulmonary, and metabolic functions.


BIO 331: Parasitology

An introduction to the biology of parasitic organisms, including life cycles, infection pathways, and impacts on hosts.


BIO 331: Parasitology

An introduction to the biology of parasitic organisms, including life cycles, infection pathways, and impacts on hosts.


BIO 352: General Genetics

Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.


BIO 352: General Genetics

Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.


BIO 355: Marine Invertebrates of Southern New England

Collection and identification of marine invertebrates of southern New England.


BIO 396: Biology And Society

A seminar course dealing with the impact of biological discoveries on societal questions and with the social influences that affect biological discovery.

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BPS 203: Herbal Medicines and Functional Food

Study of traditional herbal medicines, commonly used medicinal plants, and modern plant-derived drugs.

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January 29, 2025

BPS 206: Foundations of Cannabis Studies

The history, regulation, and ethics related to cannabis use are explored.


BTC 199: Biotechnology Manufacturing Internship

Professional field experience in biotechnology manufacturing.


January 28, 2025

BTC 522: Biotechnology Manufacturing for the Life Sciences

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process.


CCJ 230: Crime and Delinquency

Introduction to the study of crime and delinquency.


CCJ 230: Crime and Delinquency

Introduction to the study of crime and delinquency.


CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System

The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.


CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System

The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.


CCJ 280: (330) Introduction to Policing

Examines the development and history of policing as an institution.


CCJ 285: Introduction to the Courts and Criminal Procedure

Examines the origins and development of the current criminal court system in the US.


CCJ 290: Introduction to Corrections

Examines the origins and development of the modern correctional institution; traditional methods of punishment and rehabilitation; pains of imprisonment, community corrections and reentry and current innovations.


CCJ 290: Introduction to Corrections

Examines the origins and development of the modern correctional institution; traditional methods of punishment and rehabilitation; pains of imprisonment, community corrections and reentry and current innovations.


CCJ 450: White Collar Crime

An examination of white collar crime; its types, causes, consequences, and legal and public policies designed to control it.


CHM 101: General Chemistry Lecture I

Fundamental chemical concepts and principles.


CHM 102: Laboratory for Chemistry 101

Experimental applications of chemical concepts and reactivity emphasizing safety and technique.


CHM 103: Introductory Chemistry Lecture

One-semester general chemistry course designed for students whose curriculums require the one-semester organic chemistry course, CHM 124.


CHM 105: Laboratory for Chemistry 103

Fits course content of CHM 103.


CHM 112: General Chemistry Lecture II

Chemical kinetics, equilibrium, elementary thermodynamics and electrochemistry integrated with descriptive chemistry and practical applications.


CHM 114: Laboratory for Chemistry 112

Experiments follow the content of CHM 112.


CHM 124: Introduction To Organic Chemistry

Elementary principles of organic chemistry with emphasis on aliphatic compounds, especially those of physiological significance such as amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and waxes.


CHM 126: Laboratory for Chemistry 124

Introduction to chemistry procedures, with emphasis on properties of substances of physiological significance.


CHM 226: Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Common techniques and typical preparative methods in both aliphatic and aromatic series.


CHM 227: Organic Chemistry Lecture I

General principles and theories with emphasis on classification, nomenclature, methods of preparation, and characteristic reactions of organic compounds in aliphatic series.


CHM 228: Organic Chemistry Lecture II

Continuation of 227 with emphasis on the aromatic series.


CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome

Introduction to the comic tradition in Western literature through its origins in Greece and Rome.

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January 28, 2025

CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans

Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.

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CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans

Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.

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CLA 396: Myths of Rome

Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.

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CLA 396: Myths of Rome

Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.

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CLA 397: Greek Myth and Tragedy

Relationship between Greek myth and classical tragedy, birth and evolution of tragedy (ancient, medieval, French, English, American), employment of the same myth for different dramatic and political purposes.

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CMB 190: Issues in Biotechnology

Introduction to modern biotechnology in medical, pharmaceutical, forensic, agricultural, marine, and environmental applications.


CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology

Introduces the basic concepts and techniques of microbiology.


CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology

Introduces the basic concepts and techniques of microbiology.


CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry

Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.


February 20, 2025

CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry

Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.


January 28, 2025

CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry

Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.


CMB 352: General Genetics

Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.


CMB 352: General Genetics

Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.


CMD 272: Auditory and Speech Mechanisms

Structure and function of the organs of hearing and speech as they relate to normal and pathological communication; theories of cortical involvements, central and peripheral nervous systems relevant to rehabilitation procedure.


CMD 375: Language Development

Development phenomena in speech and language; causal factors of delayed speech and language; survey of evaluative and habilitative programs for children with deviant language development.


CMD 550: Audiology for Speech Pathologists

Introduction to audiology for the speech-language pathology graduate student.


CMD 570: Clinical Practicum In Communicative Disorders

Supervised assessment and rehabilitation procedures with persons experiencing communicative disorders in speech-language pathology and/or audiology.


COM 100: Communication Fundamentals

Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.

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February 4, 2025

COM 100: Communication Fundamentals

Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.

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January 28, 2025

COM 100: Communication Fundamentals

Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.

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COM 100: Communication Fundamentals

Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.

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COM 108G: Spaceship Earth: Communication and Sustainability

Through in-depth study of films, social media and readings students will explore the principles of sustainability and the communication challenges linking scientific evidence, public policies and individual behavior.

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COM 202: Public Speaking

Theory, attitudes and skills essential to effective and ethical public communication.


COM 202: Public Speaking

Theory, attitudes and skills essential to effective and ethical public communication.


COM 203: Introduction to Sport Media & Communication

This course provides an overview of the use of media and communication in sport.


COM 221: Interpersonal Communication

Examines basic theory and skills, including impart of perception, self-concept, listening, nonverbal messages, and language on interpersonal communication, including conflict, relationship development, friendship, family and romantic relationships.


COM 221: Interpersonal Communication

Examines basic theory and skills, including impart of perception, self-concept, listening, nonverbal messages, and language on interpersonal communication, including conflict, relationship development, friendship, family and romantic relationships.


COM 243G: Advertising and Consumerism

Critical studies course examining the role of advertising in American consumerism.

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COM 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication

Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.

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COM 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication

Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.

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COM 321G: Social Media and Interpersonal Communication

Explore theories and research on interpersonal communication and social media.

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COM 321G: Social Media and Interpersonal Communication

Explore theories and research on interpersonal communication and social media.

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COM 322: Gender and Communication

Survey of theories and research on gender and communication.


COM 361: Intercultural Communication

Study of cultural similarities and differences as they affect communication within and across cultural boundaries.


COM 361: Intercultural Communication

Study of cultural similarities and differences as they affect communication within and across cultural boundaries.


COM 381: Research Methods in Communication

Basic concepts and techniques of communication research.


COM 382: Communication Theory

A critical survey of social science based communication theories; an examination of the nature, processes and functions of communication theory in a variety of contexts.


January 31, 2025

COM 382: Communication Theory

A critical survey of social science based communication theories; an examination of the nature, processes and functions of communication theory in a variety of contexts.


January 28, 2025

COM 383: Rhetorical Theory

Surveys and analyzes rhetorical communication theories and theorists from classical to contemporary times and focuses on rhetoric's relationship with philosophy, knowledge, reason, science, technology, and culture.


COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment

Surveys social scientific theories and research on contemporary entertainment media.


COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment

Surveys social scientific theories and research on contemporary entertainment media.


COM 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


COM 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


CSC 106: The Joy of Programming

The art of problem solving through computer programming.


CSC 110: Survey of Computer Science

Broad introduction to computer science, with an emphasis on problem solving.


CSC 110: Survey of Computer Science

Broad introduction to computer science, with an emphasis on problem solving.


CSC 201: Programming With Data

Transform data into insight using data science techniques including obtaining, analyzing, synthesizing, visualizing and presenting significant trends as well as computer characteristics, algorithms, data representation and program development.


CSC 211: Computer Programming

Problem specification, solution design, and algorithm development.


CSC 212: Data Structures and Abstractions

Abstract data types and data structures.


CSC 212: Data Structures and Abstractions

Abstract data types and data structures.


CSC 301: Fundamentals of Programming Languages

Organization of programming languages, data and control structures, syntax and semantics, compilers and interpreters.


CSC 310: Programming for Data Science

Data driven programming; data sets, file formats and meta-data; descriptive statistics, data visualization, and foundations of predictive data modeling; accessing web data and data bases; distributed data management.


CSC 477: Computer Science Internship

Supervised internship in computer science that prepares students for careers in industry.


CVE 220: Mechanics of Materials

Mechanical properties of materials; analysis of members under axial, torsional, and transverse loads; stress and strain; beam deflections, and introduction to statically-indeterminate beams and buckling of columns.


January 28, 2025

DSP 310: Programming for Data Science

Data driven programming; data sets, file formats and meta-data; descriptive statistics, data visualization, and foundations of predictive data modeling; accessing web data and data bases; distributed data management.


February 2, 2025

ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics

Principles underlying resource allocation, production, and income distribution in a market economy.


January 28, 2025

ECN 201: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics

Principles underlying resource allocation, production, and income distribution in a market economy.


ECN 202: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics

Principles underlying aggregate demand and aggregate supply in a market economy.

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ECN 202: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics

Principles underlying aggregate demand and aggregate supply in a market economy.

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ECN 334: Money, Financial Markets, and Monetary Policy

Structure and functioning of monetary institutions.


ECN 390: Economics of Sports

This course will apply economic theory to various topics such as labor relations, contract negotiations between management and professional athletes, measuring why there is income inequality between men and women professional athlete, the impact revenue sharing, luxury tax, and salary cap have on professional sports teams, and financing sports stadiums.


ECN 390: Introduction to Analysis Using R

This class in an introduction to economic statistical analysis using R and Excel.


ECN 590: Principles of Economics

Survey of micro- and macroeconomic theory.


EDC 102: Introduction To American Education

Introduction to the fundamental structure, functions, and problems of American education.

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EDC 102: Introduction To American Education

Introduction to the fundamental structure, functions, and problems of American education.

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EDC 103G: Education and Social Justice

Focusing on race, cultural diversity, socio-economic status, disabilities, and sexual orientation, this course will facilitate students' examination of their own stereotypes to analyze how to be a social justice advocate.

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EDC 150G: 50 Million Strong

This course will explore the concepts of health and physical literacy to benefit the healthy development of the whole child to create a society of 50 million people strong.

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EDC 203: Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.


EDC 203: Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.


EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math

Overview and review of required mathematics content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.


EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math

Overview and review of required mathematics content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.


EDC 281: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Reading

Overview and review of required reading content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.


EDC 282: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Writing

Overview and review of required writing content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.


EDC 312: The Psychology of Learning

An analysis of learning with emphasis on principles and procedures applicable to any human teaching and learning situation.

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EDC 312: The Psychology of Learning

An analysis of learning with emphasis on principles and procedures applicable to any human teaching and learning situation.

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EDC 316: Foundations in Early Childhood Care & Education

This foundational course prepares aspiring early childhood educators to develop their teaching philosophy, skills, and practices aligned with educational theories.


EDC 323: Infant and Toddler Education and Programming

This course is designed to introduce students to the principles of infant and toddler programming.


EDC 401: Current Issues in Health Education

Designed to develop student awareness of contemporary issues that are of concern to school health and other health educators.


EDC 402: The Education of Special Needs Students

Designed to develop student awareness of contemporary issues that are of concern to school health and other health educators.


EDC 402: The Education of Special Needs Students

Designed to develop student awareness of contemporary issues that are of concern to school health and other health educators.


EDC 436: Embracing the Digital Era in Early Childhood Education

This course explores the question posed by Faith Rogow (2022), How have digital communication technologies changed what it means to be literate, and what do the changes in literacy mean for our practice as educators?? Intentional digital technology integration is less about ?what? tools to use but more about ?how? we use digital tools to engage, motivate, and build agency for young children.


EDC 501: Socio-Cultural Aspects of Language Minority Education

An analysis of the social, political, historical, cultural, economic, and linguistic factors affecting educational quality and access of language minority students.


EDC 506: Researching Language in Educational Settings

An introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods and design, data collection strategies, and methods of data analysis and interpretation in a second language-learning context.


EDC 515: Structured English Immersion and Sheltered English

Methods and materials of Structured English Immersion and Sheltered English emphasizing teaching strategies for content and language learning.


EDC 519: Teaching Internship in TESOL/Dual Language Immersion

Students apply content learned in methods course and prior course work to classroom and other educational settings with multilingual learners.


EDC 520: Translanguaging Pedagogy

This course offers an introduction to the concept of translanguaging as a theoretical framework and pedagogical approach for understanding and leveraging bi/multilingual students' linguistic resources across diverse educational contexts.


EDC 553: Higher Education Practicum

Supervised practicum in higher education placements.


February 25, 2025

EDC 557: Developing and Delivering Effective Presentations

Examines effective strategies to create and deliver impactful presentations to adult audiences.


January 28, 2025

EDC 558: Mentoring Applications: Formal and Informal

Delves into a variety of strategies and formats (face-to-face, online, collaborative, etc.


EDC 559: Skill Development from Novice to Expert

Based upon the Dreyfus and Dreyfus Novice to Expert Skill Model, this course will examine strategies to enhance individuals and groups’ skill development in a variety of fields.


EDC 563: Literacy for Multicultural Populations

Selecting and developing appropriate materials and strategies for assessing and teaching reading/literacy to English Language Learners and those whose cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds vary.


EDC 581: Administering Adult Programs

Administration, personnel management, resource management, recruitment, development, and supervision within programs dealing with adults as learners.


EDC 588: Disability Sports

Sports and recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities; federal legislation effecting participation opportunities; spectrum of participation in community recreation to elite athletic opportunities within various disability sports organizations and events.


EDC 593: Professional Learning Communities(PLCs) in Pre-K-12 Settings

This course is designed to support teachers and administrators in PreK-12 schools to develop and facilitate professional learning communities (PLCs) on a timely and relevant topic in education.


EDP 611: Issues and Problems in Educational Inquiry

This course examines relationships between educational theories of knowledge, learning, development, and participation across a wide and diverse range of perspectives, scholars, and epistemologies.


EDS 503: Positive Behavior Supports

Provides future special educators with the knowledge and skills to examine causes of behaviors, to teach pro-social behaviors and to develop individualized positive behavioral supports.


EEC 105: Introduction to Resource Economics

Application of microeconomic principles to selected resource problem areas.


EGR 404: Building Tools with Generative AI

This course offers practical experience in using generative AI models to build tools that automate and optimize tasks typically managed manually.


ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory

Kirchhoff's Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power.


February 6, 2025

ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory

Laboratory exercises relevant to topics in ELE 212.


ELE 313: Signals and Systems I

Properties of linear, time-invariant systems, transient and steady-state response, stability, convolution, Laplace transform and transfer functions, introduction to control systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to filters.

February 27, 2025

ENG 205B: Creative Writing: Fiction

Writing and analysis of works written by class members and professional writers.


January 28, 2025

ENG 241: U.S. Literature I

Selections from U.S. literature, beginnings to the mid-19th century.


ENG 241: U.S. Literature I

Selections from U.S. literature, beginnings to the mid-19th century.


ENG 243: The Short Story

Critical study of the short story from the early 19th century to the present.

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ENG 304: Horror, Musical, Suspense

This course will introduce students to film genres and then proceed to give students grounding more particularly with the horror, musical, and suspense genres.

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ENG 304: Irish Literature Into Film

This course explores the culture and history of Ireland through film, music, and literature.

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January 31, 2025

FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management

Study of the basic principles of finance and the applications of these principles.


January 28, 2025

FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management

Study of the basic principles of finance and the applications of these principles.


FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

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FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

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February 17, 2025

FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

crew member on a dolly

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January 28, 2025

FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

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February 4, 2025

FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

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January 28, 2025

FLM 205: History of Film II

A survey of world cinema from the 1950's to 2000, examining the production, distribution and exhibition of narrative, documentary and experimental among other forms of film.

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FLM 206: History of Film III: The 21st Century

A survey of world cinema in the 21st century, examining the production, distribution and exhibition of narrative, documentary and experimental among other forms of film.

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FLM 351: Narrative Pre-Production

Application of one or more production technologies in film media genres and analysis of their aesthetic implications.


FLM 352: Netflix

This course will investigate the technological, artistic, creative, and industry forces that have marked the development of streaming television through Netflix and its influence on US and global film.


FLM 352: The Art of Comedy

Critical examination of historical, theoretical and aesthetic topics in world cinema.


FRN 320: Studies in French Cinema

Study of major French/Francophone film genres and of prominent French/Francophone directors.

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GER 101: Beginning German I

Learn how to talk about, discuss and present on a variety of familiar everyday topics in German while exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.

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GER 102: Beginning German II

Learn to communicate in German about the past, present and future, and continue exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.

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GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies

Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change.

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GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies

Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change.

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GWS 340: Black Feminisms

This course explores the paradigm-shifting contributions of women of African descent to discourses of feminism.


GWS 350: Special Topics in Women’s Studies

Selected areas of study pertinent to gender and women's studies.


HDF 130G: “This is Us”: Individual and Family Development

Students in this course will learn about contemporary issues of human development, family systems, and cultural diversity based on the television show, This is Us.

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HDF 150: Human Sexuality

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.

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HDF 150: Human Sexuality

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.

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HDF 200: Life Span Development I

Physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth and development of young children within the family and varied cultural settings.

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HDF 200: Life Span Development I

Physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth and development of young children within the family and varied cultural settings.

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HDF 201: Life Span Development II

Physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth and development from adolescence to senescence.


HDF 205G: Money Skills for Life

An interdisciplinary framework to review important personal financial issues and to offer applicable tools to help students make good financial choices on earning, spending, borrowing, protecting, investing and saving money.

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HDF 205G: Money Skills for Life

An interdisciplinary framework to review important personal financial issues and to offer applicable tools to help students make good financial choices on earning, spending, borrowing, protecting, investing and saving money.

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HDF 230: Couple and Family Relationships

Intimate romantic and family relationships are explored across the life span.


HDF 318G: Health and Wealth

This course will draw from the disciplines of economics, public policy, public health, and consumer behavior to offer a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of health and wealth.

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HDF 318G: Health and Wealth

This course will draw from the disciplines of economics, public policy, public health, and consumer behavior to offer a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of health and wealth.

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HDF 357: Family and Community Health

Individual, family and community health concerns throughout the lifespan.


February 4, 2025

HDF 357: Family and Community Health

Individual, family and community health concerns throughout the lifespan.


January 28, 2025

HDF 381: Exploring Internships in Human Service Agencies

To prepare HDF students to identify goals and professional interests in human services before applying for Senior Field Placement.

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HDF 437: Law and Families in the United States

Investigating family roles, relationships, rights, and responsibilities as defined by the law.


HDF 450: Introduction to Counseling

Introduces students in human sciences to interviewing and counseling skills in both professional and paraprofessional settings.


HDF 480: Senior Field Experiences in Community Agencies

Senior field experience in community agencies (Practicum) Service learning.


HDF 481: Field Experience Seminar and Reflections

Group discussion of field experience in community agencies and related academic assignments.

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HDF 565: Family Therapy Practicum

Preparation for and practice of couple and family therapy.


HDF 565: Family Therapy Practicum

Preparation for and practice of couple and family therapy.


HIS 396: Archaeology Field School

Cross-list as (HIS) APG 396.


HLT 101G: Perspectives on Public Health in the 21st Century

This course is designed to introduce students to current and controversial public health topics.

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HLT 201: Public Health Topics in the 21st Century

This course is designed to introduce students to current and controversial public health topics.


HLT 300: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Health

The course explores intermediate concepts, theories, and research in interdisciplinary perspectives on public health.

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HLT 313: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Burnout

This course will guide students through foundational works and will evaluate evidence-based research addressing burnout from multiple disciplinary perspectives.


HLT 401: Current Issues in Health Education

Designed to develop student awareness of contemporary issues that are of concern to school health and other health educators.


HLT 450: Advanced Interdisciplinary Health Studies

Capstone course required for all majors.


INE 315: (BUS) Legal Environment of Business

An introduction to the origins, framework, and concepts of the legal environment of business.


January 30, 2025

INE 315: (BUS) Legal Environment of Business

An introduction to the origins, framework, and concepts of the legal environment of business.


January 28, 2025

JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


JPN 201: Intermediate Japanese I

Aims to improve listening and speaking skills and communication strategies and develop basic reading and writing skills through intensive practice (Lec.

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KIN 122: Human Anatomy and Physiology

Structure and function of organ systems of the human body with emphasis on applications to human health.


KIN 222: Medical Terminology

Framework for medical terminology used by health care professionals.


KIN 222: Medical Terminology

Framework for medical terminology used by health care professionals.


KIN 243: Prevention And Care Of Athletic Injuries

Conditioning, use of physiotherapy equipment, massaging, taping and bandaging technique.


KIN 275: Introduction to Exercise Science

Introduction to the field of exercise science.


KIN 300: Physiology of Exercise

Applied human physiology, with applications to physical activity, exercise, and sport.


KIN 301: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory

Student participation in laboratory sessions designed to understand the physiology of exercise relating to body composition, EKG, pulmonary, and metabolic functions.


KIN 381: Exercise Behavior and Psychosocial Outcomes

Review of theories of how psychological factors and interventions can affect exercise behavior and examine the psychosocial outcomes that are influenced by engaging in exercise both acutely and chronically.


KIN 420: Fitness Programs for Individuals with Chronic Diseases

Theory and application of physical fitness programs and testing of individuals with cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and metabolic diseases.


February 17, 2025

LAR 201: Survey of Landscape Architecture

Introduction to landscape design theory and composition as an applied art form.


January 28, 2025

LHR 503: Problems In Public Personnel Administration

Development of personnel administration, including problems of recruitment, examination, promotion, and staffing within public service.


LHR 533: The Business of Employee Benefits

This course will provide students with a foundational understanding of the employee benefits marketplace, with a strong focus on designing effective benefit packages and sharing the intent of the strategy with different business stakeholders.


LIB 150: Search Strategies for the Information Age

Introduction to the exploration and practice of information literacy and library research concepts and skills, with an emphasis on the communication of information in today's world.

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LIB 150: Search Strategies for the Information Age

Introduction to the exploration and practice of information literacy and library research concepts and skills, with an emphasis on the communication of information in today's world.

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MAC 511: Data Analytics for Accounting

Introduces data analytics processes and various applications of data analytics to accounting.


MBA 500: Statistical Methods for Management

Introductory statistical methods applied to business problems.


January 29, 2025

MBA 503: Financial Accounting

Covers basic accounting principles, accounting systems design, and financial reporting issues.


MBA 504: Financial Management

Functions and responsibilities of financial managers.


MBA 505: Managerial Marketing

Analysis of marketing problems and determination of marketing policies in product development, promotion, pricing, channel selection; legal aspects.


MBA 560: Operations and Supply Chain Management

The management of manufacturing and service operations.


MBA 565: Strategic Management

Integration of functional areas of business through case studies and simulation-based explorations of management problems, and the evaluation of alternative solutions.


MBA 575: Seminar in Management

Class discussion of typical cases, original research work in the field of management with discussion of data collected and analyzed by individual students.


MBA 578: Human Resource Development

Students will learn about theories of organizational and individual change in the context of three HRM functions: job analysis, performance management and training.


MBA 578: Human Resource Development

Students will learn about theories of organizational and individual change in the context of three HRM functions: job analysis, performance management and training.


MBA 588: Marketing Communications Management

Provides an in-depth knowledge base for developing effective and efficient strategic marketing communications.


MBA 593: Internship in Business Administration

Participation in business administration under the field supervision of a sponsoring organization with evaluation by the College of Business.


MCE 262: Statics

Newton's laws of force systems in equilibrium and their effects on particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies.


January 28, 2025

MCE 263: Dynamics

Kinematic and kinetic study of motion of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, acted upon by unbalanced force systems, using both scalar and vector methods; development of methods of analysis based on the direct application of Newton's laws, work-energy and impulse-momentum principles.


February 10, 2025

MCE 301: Application of Mechanics in Design

Concepts of engineering design, material selection, failure theories, fracture and fatigue, and finite-element analysis.


January 29, 2025

MCE 348: Heat and Mass Transfer

Transfer of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation in steady and unsteady states.


January 28, 2025

MCE 354: Fluid Mechanics

Physical properties of fluids, development of continuity, energy, and momentum concepts using vector methods; application to problems involving viscous and nonviscous fluids including boundary layer flows, flows in closed conduits and around immersed bodies.


MCE 366: System Dynamics

Systems analysis emphasizing control and vibration.


MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses

Management concepts, processes and practices with an emphasis on inclusion, agility and evidence based decision making: organizational behavior; individual differences and elements of diversity; interpersonal dynamics and communication; work design, motivation and outcomes; social justice and worker voice; structure (including business functions) and culture.


January 29, 2025

MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses

Management concepts, processes and practices with an emphasis on inclusion, agility and evidence based decision making: organizational behavior; individual differences and elements of diversity; interpersonal dynamics and communication; work design, motivation and outcomes; social justice and worker voice; structure (including business functions) and culture.


January 28, 2025

MGT 341: (BUS) Organizational Behavior

Introduction to organizational behavior; focus on individual, interpersonal, team and organization factor, and how these shape individuals behaviors at work.


MGT 341: (BUS) Organizational Behavior

Introduction to organizational behavior; focus on individual, interpersonal, team and organization factor, and how these shape individuals behaviors at work.


February 3, 2025

MGT 345: (BUS) Business in Society

Examination of the contemporary social, political, cultural, legal and ethical forces that shape the business environment.


January 28, 2025

MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management

Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms.


MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management

Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms.


MKT 265: Marketing Principles

An introduction to marketing from a managerial viewpoint.


MKT 366: (BUS) Consumer Behavior

A review of the consumer decision-making process and factors that influence consumers, including ethical issues.


MKT 367: (BUS) Marketing Research

Describes the nature and scope of marketing research activities.


MKT 467: (BUS) Customer Analytics

Frameworks and quantitative approaches for implementing strategic customer relationship management, customer-based marketing metrics, essential database marketing tools, supplier/customer selection and targeting.


MKT 475: (BUS) Social Media for Marketing: Analytics and Strategy

Analyze a brand's social media positioning, apply analytical skills to social network data for marketing research, and develop strategies for social media marketing that help meet broad marketing objectives.


February 24, 2025

MKT 475: (BUS) Social Media for Marketing: Analytics and Strategy

Analyze a brand's social media positioning, apply analytical skills to social network data for marketing research, and develop strategies for social media marketing that help meet broad marketing objectives.


February 21, 2025

MSL 101: Introduction to Leadership I

Introduction to leadership dimensions while presenting a big picture understanding of a leadership development program.


January 28, 2025

MSL 102: Introduction to Leadership II

Overview of leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, public speaking, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills.


MSL 201: Leadership and Military History

Study of innovative leadership styles and Army tactics by examining key battles throughout history.


MSL 202: Leadership and Team Building

Examines the challenges of leading teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE).


MSL 301: Advanced Leadership Management

Integrates the principles and practices of leadership and personal development to prepare students for the U.


MSL 302: Advanced Leadership Management II

Builds on the foundation of MSL 301.


MTH 101: Intermediate Algebra

Introduction to algebraic manipulation, solving equations and Inequalities in one variable.


MTH 101: Intermediate Algebra

Introduction to algebraic manipulation, solving equations and Inequalities in one variable.


MTH 103: Applied Precalculus

Linear, quadratic, power, exponential, logarithmic and periodic functions - their graphs and properties.

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February 17, 2025

MTH 103: Applied Precalculus

Linear, quadratic, power, exponential, logarithmic and periodic functions - their graphs and properties.

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January 28, 2025

MTH 103: Applied Precalculus

Linear, quadratic, power, exponential, logarithmic and periodic functions - their graphs and properties.

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MTH 107: Introduction to Finite Mathematics

Concepts and processes of modern mathematics concerned with sets, the theory of probability, and statistics.

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MTH 111: Precalculus

Equations of first and second degree, systems of equations.

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MTH 111: Precalculus

Equations of first and second degree, systems of equations.

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MTH 131: Applied Calculus I

Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in 141.

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February 4, 2025

MTH 131: Applied Calculus I

Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in 141.

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January 28, 2025

MTH 131: Applied Calculus I

Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in 141.

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MTH 141: Calculus I

Topics in functions and their graphs, limits, the derivative, applications to finding rates of change and extrema and to graphing, the integral, and applications.

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MTH 141: Calculus I

Topics in functions and their graphs, limits, the derivative, applications to finding rates of change and extrema and to graphing, the integral, and applications.

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MTH 142: Calculus II

Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.

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February 20, 2025

MTH 142: Calculus II

Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.

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February 6, 2025

MTH 142: Calculus II

Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.

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January 28, 2025

MTH 142: Calculus II

Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.

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MTH 180: Mathematical Tools for Computing

Introduction to mathematical tools and to formal methods of reasoning for computing.

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MTH 180: Mathematical Tools for Computing

Introduction to mathematical tools and to formal methods of reasoning for computing.

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MTH 215: Introduction to Linear Algebra

Detailed study of finite dimensional vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations.


MTH 215: Introduction to Linear Algebra

Detailed study of finite dimensional vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations.


MTH 243: Calculus for Functions of Several Variables

Topics include coordinates for space, vector geometry, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals.

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February 17, 2025

MTH 243: Calculus for Functions of Several Variables

Topics include coordinates for space, vector geometry, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals.

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January 28, 2025

MTH 243: Calculus for Functions of Several Variables

Topics include coordinates for space, vector geometry, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals.

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MTH 244: Differential Equations

Classification and solution of differential equations involving one independent variable.


MTH 244: Differential Equations

Classification and solution of differential equations involving one independent variable.


MTH 451: Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Theoretical basis and fundamental tools of probability and statistics.


MUS 101: Introduction to Music

Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world's great music.

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MUS 101: Introduction to Music

Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world's great music.

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MUS 106: History of Jazz

The nature and origin of jazz and its development as an American folk idiom: European and African heritages, blues, ragtime, dixieland, boogie-woogie, swing, bop, cool, funky, gospel, jazz-rock, free-form, and progressive.

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MUS 106: History of Jazz

The nature and origin of jazz and its development as an American folk idiom: European and African heritages, blues, ragtime, dixieland, boogie-woogie, swing, bop, cool, funky, gospel, jazz-rock, free-form, and progressive.

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MUS 111: Basic Musicianship

Use of folk, classical, and popular music to learn essentials of music reading and music theory.


NRS 190: Issues in Biotechnology

Introduction to modern biotechnology in medical, pharmaceutical, forensic, agricultural, marine, and environmental applications.


NRS 323: Field Botany and Taxonomy

Cross-list with (NRS), BIO 323.


February 4, 2025

NRS 410: Fundamentals of GIS

Emphasis on using a geographic information system (GIS) to create a geographically referenced spatial database, spatial topology, data visualization, computer-assisted map making, and spatial data query and analysis.


NRS 410: Fundamentals of GIS

Emphasis on using a geographic information system (GIS) to create a geographically referenced spatial database, spatial topology, data visualization, computer-assisted map making, and spatial data query and analysis.


NUR 150: Human Sexuality

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.

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January 28, 2025

NUR 150: Human Sexuality

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.

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NUR 280G: Social Determinants of Health

An introduction to social determinants of health and social justice from a public health perspective.

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February 4, 2025

NUR 383: Aging and Health

Theories of aging and biological, lifestyle, psychological, social, spiritual, economic and environmental factors affecting aging are presented.

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NUR 517: Health Care Policy

Development of policy frameworks and their application for understanding current major health care policy issues across lifespan, including economic, political, and ethical dimensions.


NUR 518: PMHNP: Neuro-psychopharmacology

Integrates principles of neurobiology and psychopharmacology for effective psychotherapeutic management of individuals with psychiatric mental health problems across the lifespan.


January 29, 2025

NUR 520: Graduate Study Seminar

A seminar designed to facilitate the synthesis and examination of information learned in the master's program about nursing knowledge development, advancement of nursing practice, and leadership role development.


NUR 547: PMHNP: Practicum III

Practicum course in which students apply theoretical knowledge and skills from foundational courses and previous practica.


NUT 207: General Nutrition

Fundamental concepts of the science of nutrition with application to the individual and community.


January 28, 2025

NUT 207: General Nutrition

Fundamental concepts of the science of nutrition with application to the individual and community.


February 10, 2025

NUT 207: General Nutrition

Fundamental concepts of the science of nutrition with application to the individual and community.


January 28, 2025

NUT 212G: Public Health Nutrition

Introduction to the concepts of public health as it relates to the field of nutrition in population-and individual-based approaches.

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NVP 425: Peace Psychology

Peace psychology combines aspects of cognitive, social, clinical and cross-cultural psychology that bear on the prevention of violence and the promotion of constructive nonviolent behavior.


PHL 101: Critical Thinking

Identification, formulation and evaluation of both inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.

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PHL 101: Critical Thinking

Identification, formulation and evaluation of both inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.

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PHL 103: Introduction to Philosophy

Pursues such basic questions as: What is a person? What is knowledge? Are we free? What is moral right and wrong? Does God exist? What is the meaning of death? (Lec.

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February 18, 2025

PHL 110G: Love and Sex

This course considers the natures and ethics of love and sex by asking questions like: What is love? What counts as sex? What constitutes consent? What counts as infidelity? (Lec.

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January 28, 2025

PHL 110G: Love and Sex

This course considers the natures and ethics of love and sex by asking questions like: What is love? What counts as sex? What constitutes consent? What counts as infidelity? (Lec.

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PHL 212: Ethics

Evaluation of major ethical theories.

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PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine

Ethical analysis of topics such as war, capital punishment, sexual morality, suicide, animal rights, honesty and deception, world hunger, discrimination, abortion.


February 18, 2025

PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine

Ethical analysis of topics such as war, capital punishment, sexual morality, suicide, animal rights, honesty and deception, world hunger, discrimination, abortion.


January 28, 2025

PHP 201: Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System

This course introduces the student to the U.


January 29, 2025

PHP 300: Practical Calculations for the Pharmacist

This course provides training on performing pharmaceutical calculations in both outpatient and inpatient settings for students starting Advanced Pharmacy Placement Experience (APPE) rotations or preparing for licensure.


February 25, 2025

PHP 405: Fundamentals of Epidemiology

Basic principles of epidemiology as they apply to public health research and practice; emphasizing the practical application of epidemiologic knowledge to literature evaluation.

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January 28, 2025

PHP 673: Pharmacology

Basic principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and drug receptor function for medications that are encountered in physical therapy practice.


PHT 500: Human Anatomy and Histology

Structure and function of human anatomy as related to physical therapy.


PHT 500: Human Anatomy and Histology

Structure and function of human anatomy as related to physical therapy.


PHT 500: Human Anatomy and Histology

Structure and function of human anatomy as related to physical therapy.


PHT 501: Applied Human Anatomy Laboratory

Surface anatomy and basic skills for screening and examination of the musculoskeletal, integumentary and sensory systems of the body.


PHT 501: Applied Human Anatomy Laboratory

Surface anatomy and basic skills for screening and examination of the musculoskeletal, integumentary and sensory systems of the body.


PHT 505: Introduction to Physical Therapy

Introduction to the profession of physical therapy including concepts related to disability, rehabilitation, evidence based practice, models of care and introduction to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice.


PHT 508: Psychosocial Issues in Physical Therapy

Behavioral and psychosocial issues relevant in physical therapy practice.


PHT 544: Health Promotion in Physical Therapy

Provides physical therapy students with an understanding of their role in wellness and health promotion across systems and the lifespan.


PHT 552: Musculoskeletal Therapeutics II: The Spine

Physical Therapy management of individuals with, and the prevention of, impaired joint mobility, motor function, muscle performance, range of motion, and reflex integrity associated with musculoskeletal dysfunction in the spine.


PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I

Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 111.

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PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I

Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 111.

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PHY 186: Laboratory for General Physics II

Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 112.

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PHY 186: Laboratory for General Physics II

Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 112.

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January 29, 2025

PHY 203: Elementary Physics I

Introduction to Newtonian mechanics.


January 28, 2025

PHY 204: Elementary Physics II

Introduction to electricity and magnetism, leading to Maxwell's equations.


PHY 205: Elementary Physics III

Introduction to topics of thermodynamics, kinetic theory, wave motion, acoustics, and optics.

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PHY 273: Elementary Physics Laboratory I

Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY 203.


PHY 274: Elementary Physics Laboratory II

Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY 204.


PHY 275: Elementary Physics Laboratory III

Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY 205.

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PHY 306: Elementary Modern Physics

Introduction to relativistic and quantum physics: special relativity theory, structure of atoms, molecules, nuclei, and solids including semiconductor devices; wave and particle properties (Lec.


PLS 150: Plants, People and the Planet

Fundamentals of plant biology, emphasizing the structure, physiology, and ecology of vascular plants common to gardens and landscaped environments.


PLS 190: Issues in Biotechnology

Introduction to modern biotechnology in medical, pharmaceutical, forensic, agricultural, marine, and environmental applications.


PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations

Examine and explore public relations principles, concepts and emerging trends associated with the role of the PR practitioner.


PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations

Examine and explore public relations principles, concepts and emerging trends associated with the role of the PR practitioner.


PRS 340: Public Relations Strategies

Principles and procedures in public relations: emphasis on role of the public relations practitioner as a specialist in communication; analysis of publications produced as a part of public relations.


PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


PRS 477: Public Relations Internship

Supervised experience in public relations.


PSC 113: Introduction to American Politics

Basic principles of the government of the United States: constitutionalism, separation of powers, federalism, civil liberties; politics; legislative, executive, and judicial organization; functions of government.

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PSC 274: Criminal Justice System

The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.


January 30, 2025

PSC 274: Criminal Justice System

The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.


PSC 300: Challenge of Nuclear Arms

Nuclear weapons addressed from a range of perspectives.


January 28, 2025

PSC 371: The Constitution and the Supreme Court

The historical role of the Constitution and the Supreme Court in American democracy.


PSC 388: The American Legal System

Political and social analysis of the American legal system, particularly at trial court and street levels, and roles of participants in that system with court observation.


PSC 434: American Foreign Policy

Analysis of the institutions, techniques, and instruments of policy making and the execution of foreign policy.

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PSC 482: Political Science Seminar

Intensive studies in various important fields in political science.


PSC 492: Controversies in Political Science

Significant questions persist in the field of political science.


PSY 103: Towards Self-Understanding

Individual and social problems of normal persons.

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February 4, 2025

PSY 113: General Psychology

Introductory survey course of the major facts and principles of human behavior.


January 28, 2025

PSY 113: General Psychology

Introductory survey course of the major facts and principles of human behavior.


PSY 255: Health Psychology

Investigates the relationship between behavior and health; emphasizes the theory and science of health behavior change; explores specific behaviors and behavior change strategies from an individual and public health perspective.


PSY 310: History and Systems of Psychology

Origins of psychological inquiry and theories of psychology.


PSY 381: Physiological Psychology

Physiological mechanisms operative in human behavior.


PSY 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology

Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.


PSY 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology

Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.


PSY 425: Peace Psychology

Peace psychology combines aspects of cognitive, social, clinical and cross-cultural psychology that bear on the prevention of violence and the promotion of constructive nonviolent behavior.


PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence

Introduction to disability in childhood and adolescence.


PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence

Introduction to disability in childhood and adolescence.


PSY 480: Psychology of Women

Discussion of psychological research and theories on the psychology of girls and women from a multicultural perspective.


PSY 480: Psychology of Women

Discussion of psychological research and theories on the psychology of girls and women from a multicultural perspective.


SCA 255: (BUS) Operations and Supply Chain Management

Operations management problems in global and domestic environments.


February 10, 2025

SMC 477: Internship in Sports Media and Communication

Provides the student with direct supervised participation in a variety of communication situations and occupations.


February 4, 2025

SOC 100: Introduction to the Sociological Perspective

Sociological approaches to inequality and contemporary social issues regarding race, ethnicity, class, gender.

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January 28, 2025

SOC 212: Sociology of the Family

Examines the role of families in maintaining and changing society.


SOC 230: Crime and Delinquency

Introduction to the study of crime and delinquency.


January 30, 2025

SOC 230: Crime and Delinquency

Introduction to the study of crime and delinquency.


SOC 240: Race and Ethnicity

Relations among the various ethnic, religious, racial, and political minorities and majorities, with special reference to the United States.

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January 28, 2025

SOC 303: Immersion in Juvenile Social and Legal Justice

Experiential course explores social and legal justice for juveniles in RI.


SOC 437: Law and Families in the United States

Investigating family roles, relationships, rights, and responsibilities as defined by the law.


SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I

Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures.

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February 18, 2025

SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I

Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures.

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January 28, 2025

SPA 320: Critical Studies in Spanish Cinema

Study of major Spanish film genres and of prominent Spanish film directors.


January 28, 2025

SPA 431: Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Drama

Reading, examination, analysis and critical interpretation of Golden Age Spanish poetry and drama and its impact on subsequent literature.


STA 220: Statistics In Modern Society

Introductory statistics exploring and understanding data, relationships between variables, randomness and probability.


STA 220: Statistics In Modern Society

Introductory statistics exploring and understanding data, relationships between variables, randomness and probability.


STA 308: Introductory Statistics

Descriptive statistics, presentation of data, averages, measures of variation.


February 13, 2025

STA 308: Introductory Statistics

Descriptive statistics, presentation of data, averages, measures of variation.


January 28, 2025

STA 409: Statistical Methods in Research I

Same as STA 308, but is for students who have better mathematical preparation.


SUS 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication

Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.

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January 30, 2025

SUS 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication

Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.

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THE 338G: Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Theatre

Exploration of ethical dilemmas raised by contemporary dramatic works and the history of theatre as a tool for social activism.

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January 28, 2025

THE 338G: Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Theatre

Exploration of ethical dilemmas raised by contemporary dramatic works and the history of theatre as a tool for social activism.

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THE 383: History of the Modern Theatre

Modern theatre and drama from 1880 to the present.

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TMD 232: Fashion Retailing

A comprehensive study of fashion retailing as an operating system.


TMD 433: Textile Markets

Study of social, economic, and political issues that affect the development, production, and marketing of textile products.


WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing

Introduction to working with sources and the research process.

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WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing

Introduction to working with sources and the research process.

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WRT 227: Professional Writing

Develop the writing and information design skills employers most value; learn to advocate for diverse stakeholders in professional contexts.


January 31, 2025

WRT 227: Professional Writing

Develop the writing and information design skills employers most value; learn to advocate for diverse stakeholders in professional contexts.


January 28, 2025

WRT 290: Writing with AI

Learn AI-assisted tools for effective academic, professional, and public writing.

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WRT 305: Travel Writing

Writing about places both new and familiar.


WRT 332: Technical Writing

Work on writing projects that suit practical needs, share specialized knowledge with diverse audiences, and implement ethical practices of technical communication.

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February 25, 2025

WRT 332: Technical Writing

Work on writing projects that suit practical needs, share specialized knowledge with diverse audiences, and implement ethical practices of technical communication.

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January 28, 2025

WRT 332: Technical Writing

Work on writing projects that suit practical needs, share specialized knowledge with diverse audiences, and implement ethical practices of technical communication.

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WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication

Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.


Found 462 results


“Summer classes made it possible for me to graduate one year early! They are also a great way to tackle financial stressors.”                           

–Stephanie Rich ’24